
MQTT dashboard example for IBM Bluemix


Vaadin MQTT Dashboard sample for Bluemix

There are several displays for MQTT based Bluemix IoT dashboards:

  • round gauge with text value
  • vertical bar display
  • sparkline for history data
  • polar display for directional data
  • list display for text messages

By default the application shows drone altitude, message log and slider to set the drone altitude.

You can find test it out live here:

Get the source and compile

To compile the the application locally, use:

 git clone
 cd bluemix-mqtt-dashboard
 mvn install

NOTE: the application does not work out-of-the-box and you need to configure the IoT foundation first.

Setting up IoT foundation for messaging

First you need to setup the The IBM Internet of Things service in your Bluemix dashboard and configure the application. Screenshot

You can find the application configuration in the Copy the required configuration data from the dashboard "Devices" and "API keys" tabs.

Note that, if you add more displays in your code, a different client id is needed for every connecting client.

Running the app

To run the application locally and open browser:

 mvn jetty:run
 open http://localhost:8080/drone

Deploy to Bluemix using CloudFoundry commandline tool:

 cf push <your-app-name> -p target/bluemix-mqtt-dashboard-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war

And your application is online at <your-app-name>

Disclaimer: This source code is provided as a sample only. The application is provided "as-is," without any warranty. In no event shall the author be held liable for any costs or damages arising from the use of the software.

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