

Fusebox - power consumption monitoring

This repository contains code for ESP32 V2 Adafruit Feather to measure temperature and send it to MQTT broker via WiFi. The Feather is located in a fuse box, running from a 5V power. It reads pulses from a wire connected to a power meter.

This is somewhat similar to the shield project. Likewise, I used this project as a way to learn more about electronic circuitry, CircuitPython, MQTT, microcontrollers, etc. and I mostly enjoyed the process of building it.


Here is a bill of materials:

Purpose Name
microcontroller ESP32 Feather V2 with w.FL antenna connector
antenna RP-SMA: 2 dBi
pigtail RP-SMA to w.FL / MHF3 / IPEX3 Adapter
temperature/humidity sensor Adafruit AHT20 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor Breakout Board - STEMMA QT / Qwiic
power meter SDM 72D 0,25-100A MID
5V power supply Meanwell HDR-15-5
resistor 1k Ohm
wires 22 AWG, black/red/blue
Wago connectors 3 x 221-413
enclosure 3D Printed Case for Adafruit Feather - solid lid, bottom with wings
mounts nylon screw and stand-off set

Most of the stuff comes from Adafruit.


In the midst of the energy crisis, I wondered what the power consumption of our household looks like in detail, esp. with running a small home lab.

I came across a web that completed just that using Arduino. Being a fan of Adafruit and CircuitPython, I wanted to replicate this with these.

ESP32 V2 and WiFi

Testing with ESP32-S2 that has built-in antenna placed inside the fuse box, revealed once again that there is some problem in the stack as some of the MQTT messages sent from the Feather to the MQTT broker are lost.

From the last Adafruit order, I had the antenna pigtail, and I found a USB WiFi adapter that came with small 2 dBi antenna. Since the WiFi adapter cost like 5 EUR, I used the antenna and trashed the USB dongle (of course, I recycled it properly with other electronic waste I had).

Temperature/humidity monitoring

Initially, to test the code that was still heavily based on the shield code, I connected temperature/humidity sensor to have some data sent out.

Then I figured why not to leave the sensor in place. There will not be many variations inside the fuse box, however it might be interesting to see the values in the long term.

Physical packaging

To place the microcontroller inside the fuse box securely, I needed a box. Since the local manufacturer of 3D printers has a map with places where it is possible to have the models printed, it was quite easy. I found a school in walkable distance that has a workshop with more than 10 printers, called the teacher responsible for the workshop, and I had the box ready in 2 days for cheap.

To fasten the microcontroller inside the case, I used the nylon screw and stand-off set. I am glad that I ordered the screw set earlier without having a firm plan what to use it for.

The nice thing about the case is that the Neopixel blinking (in blue, for half a second), which happens whenever a message is published to MQTT broker, is visible through the lid of the enclosure (also blue color) as it is a bit translucent.


The color coding I choose is based on the STEMMA QT spec - red for V+ power, black for ground. The pulse wire connected to GPIO pin 37 (board.D37 in the code) is blue (matching the color of the box for a bonus !). There are several tricks on how to determine and maintain the mapping between pin on the board and the CircuitPython board attribute. One is to look into CircuitPython source code, another is to save the dict(board) to a .txt file on the microcontroller (or elsewhere) for easy reference.

To get reliable pulse readings, a pullup resistor is needed. In order to connect all the wires and the resistor together I used the Wago connectors. I cut the leads to the resistor a bit so it almost completely hides inside the Wago connectors. The only soldering necessary was for the 3 wires attached to the Feather.

The only struggle I had was powering the Feather. It turned out that both +V and -V outputs from the power supply have to be used. There is very nice tear down video of the DR-15-5 on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S5OFr9VSnY , which actually made me think about how to connect it properly. The +V is connected to the USB input/output pin and -V is connected to GND pin. Thus, the -V is connected to the Wago connector together with the GND from Feather and the '-' impluse contact from the power meter.

The +V connected to the USB pin has some caveats - care needs to be taken not to connect USB cable while the +V is connected.

This is a crappy diagram of how the wires are connected:

And here is the final result:

The power meter and the power supply were installed by an electrician, however then I needed to add a wire to -V on the power supply and one needs to be really careful while the fuse box is under current. Dangling wire with exposed contact is a no-no - just add a empty Wago connector to prevent it from touching the phase wires. Or shut the whole fuse box altogether and grab a head lamp.


The code is simple - in endless cycle it collects and sends the pulse count (and sensor data) to MQTT broker. Since it has to count the pulses, it would be undesirable to enter any kind of hardware sleep that would prevent that. It is also not needed, given the microcontroller is connected to 5V power supply inside the fuse box.

As for the pulse counting, it is made easy thanks to CircuitPython wrapping interrupts in the countio module, which I believe happens on ESP32 V2.

Software/firmware install

Firstly, the microcontroller needs to be converted to run CircuitPython. To do that, for ESP32 V2, initially I chose the command line esptool on a Linux computer (since macOS appeared to have flaky serial connection for some reason).

Specifically, this command was used:

esptool.py --port /dev/ttyACM0 write_flash -z 0x0 \

These days it can be also quite conveniently done using WebFlasher with the .bin file provided on https://circuitpython.org/board/adafruit_feather_esp32_v2/

The web workflow for this case is actually a boon, since going into the fusebox cabinet in order to change the code would be undesirable and potentially dangerous.

Having static IP address for the microcontroller is handy.

Once CicuitPython is installed, perform the initial set up by creating the settings.toml file in the root directory (using screen when the board is connected via USB data cable):

f = open('settings.toml', 'w')
f.write('CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID = "wifissid"\n')
f.write('CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD = "wifipassword"\n')

and restart the microcontroller.

Then the following can be used:

  • copy *.py files to the root directory using web workflow, assumes system with curl installed:
    for f in *.py; do
        curl -v -u :XXX -T $f -L --location-trusted$f;
  • create secrets.py in the root directory (using the same technique as in the previous step)
  • install necessary libraries from Adafruit CircuitPython bundle to the lib directory:
    circup --host --password XXX install -r requirements.txt


The number of pulses is stored in a counter in Prometheus.

Prometheus MQTT exporter

The contents of /etc/prometheus/mqtt-exporter.yaml should look like this:

  # The MQTT broker to connect to
  server: tcp://localhost:1883
  # The Topic path to subscribe to. Be aware that you have to specify the wildcard.
  topic_path: devices/#
  # Optional: Regular expression to extract the device ID from the topic path. The default regular expression, assumes
  # that the last "element" of the topic_path is the device id.
  # The regular expression must contain a named capture group with the name deviceid
  # For example the expression for tasamota based sensors is "tele/(?P<deviceid>.*)/.*"
  device_id_regex: "(.*/)?(?P<deviceid>.*)"
  # The MQTT QoS level
  qos: 0
  # Timeout. Each received metric will be presented for this time if no update is send via MQTT.
  # Set the timeout to -1 to disable the deletion of metrics from the cache. The exporter presents the ingest timestamp
  # to prometheus.
  timeout: 15m
# This is a list of valid metrics. Only metrics listed here will be exported
    # The name of the metric in prometheus
    prom_name: temperature
    # The name of the metric in a MQTT JSON message
    mqtt_name: temperature
    # The prometheus help text for this metric
    help: temperature reading
    # The prometheus type for this metric. Valid values are: "gauge" and "counter"
    type: gauge
    # The name of the metric in prometheus
    prom_name: humidity
    # The name of the metric in a MQTT JSON message
    mqtt_name: humidity
    # The prometheus help text for this metric
    help: humidity reading
    # The prometheus type for this metric. Valid values are: "gauge" and "counter"
    type: gauge
    # A map of string to string for constant labels. This labels will be attached to every prometheus metric
    #  sensor_type: dht22
    # The name of the metric in prometheus
    prom_name: pulses
    # The name of the metric in a MQTT JSON message
    mqtt_name: pulses
    help: Pulse count
    # The prometheus type for this metric. Valid values are: "gauge" and "counter"
    type: counter


The MQTT exporter by itself sets the sensor tag to the last component of the topic, which in this case is the device name. To get also the location (2nd component of the topic), re-labeling in Prometheus itself is used.

Under the scrape_configs section in /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml there should be:

  - job_name: mqtt
    # If prometheus-mqtt-exporter is installed, grab metrics from external sensors.
      - targets: ['localhost:9641']
    # The MQTT based sensor publish the data only now and then.
    scrape_interval: 1m
    # Add the location as a tag.
     - source_labels: [topic]
       target_label: location
       regex: 'devices/([[:alnum:]]*)/[[:alnum:]]*'
       action: replace
       replacement: "$1"


The dashboard is rather simple:

It captures only the first day of measurement, so the per month values are not real yet.

The dashboard can be downloaded from Electricity.json.

For getting the data displayed in Grafana the way I wanted, the Explore tab is immensely useful. In my case, the power consumption graph displayed only wide bars and I found out that the scaping interval has to be made smaller in order to get enough data points, which in turn makes finer grained resolution and thus narrower columns.


There needs to be a secrets.py file that contains Wi-Fi credentials and information about the MQTT broker. It can look like this:

# This file is where you keep secret settings, passwords, and tokens!
# If you put them in the code you risk committing that info or sharing it

secrets = {
    "ssid": "foo",
    "password": "bar",
    "broker": "",
    "broker_port": 1883,
    "mqtt_topic": "devices/fusebox/esp32",
    "sleep_duration": 30,
    "log_level": "INFO",
    "log_topic": "logs/fusebox/esp32",

To transfer the file to the microcontroller, the same method as in the Install section should be used.

Guide links

Adafruit has largely such a good documentation that the links are worth putting here for quick reference:


After completing the project, I found there are many sophisticated setups out there that allow electricity consumption monitoring for individual rooms, basically per breaker. These are usually done by having multiple power meters and/or dedicated gadgets that have multiple sensors placed on individual phase wires in the fuse box.

Rether than going this way, further cluttering the fuse box, I might use electricity consumption readings from various smart plugs around the house that are already connected to the IoT network.

Extracted from project README
Python checks
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