Script to control TP-Link HS100 & HS110 devices via MQTT


NodeJS script to control TP-Link HS100 & HS110 devices via MQTT.


hs100/maintenance/_bridge    /online    -> bool
hs100/maintenance/<DEVICE_ID>/online    -> bool

hs100/status/<DEVICE_ID>    -> JSON: {"val":false,"power":0,"voltage":230.68353,"current":0.012407}
hs100/set   /<DEVICE_ID>    <- bool

(Spaces here are only for formatting, the actual topics won't have them.)



git clone <this repo URL> HS100toMQTT
cd HS100toMQTT
npm install
node index --help


Show all available options:

docker run --rm dersimn/hs100tomqtt --help

Start with:

docker run -d --net=host dersimn/hs100tomqtt -m mqtt://<MQTT Broker IP>

In order to use automatic device discovery, your Docker host has to suport the --net=host parameter - not all Docker installations can do this (see Docker for Mac issue). If you prefer to run the script in bridge mode or your host doesn't support host networking, provide a list of IP addresses via the --devices option:

docker run -d dersimn/hs100tomqtt -m mqtt://<MQTT Broker IP> --devices=""

Blocking internet access for your devices

Even though there are currently no known security issues for the HS100 / HS110, if you choose to block internet access for your plugs, be aware that the unterlying tplink-smarthome-api will throw an error on every polling cycle, because the TP-Link devices will have a wrong time set-up (quite obvious: no Internet, no NTP server, no correct set time and date).

I've written this workaround until I found a better way to solve this problem: According to this source, the plugs are using fr.pool.ntp.org to get their time. If you are able to alter the DNS resolving mechanism of your router (for e.g. when you're using OpenWRT), just make sure to redirect the DNS name to your router IP and setup a local NTP server.

In OpenWRT you can configure this with:


config rule
	option enabled '1'
	option src 'lan'
	option name 'Block HS110'
	option src_mac '00:00:00:00:00:00'
	option dest 'wan'
	option target 'REJECT'


config domain
	option name 'fr.pool.ntp.org'
	option ip ''


Show debugging output

For some reason Ctrl-C is not working, workaround:

docker run --rm -it --name=hs100tomqtt dersimn/hs100tomqtt --mqtt-retain=false -m mqtt://MQTT_IP -v debug
Ctrl-P Ctrl-Q
docker stop hs100tomqtt

Manually build

docker build -t hs100tomqtt .
docker build -t hs100tomqtt:armhf -f Dockerfile.armhf .


This project follows Oliver "owagner" Wagner's architectural proposal for an mqtt-smarthome. Built by copy-pasting together Sebastian "hobbyquaker" Raff's mqtt-smarthome scripts and Patrick "plasticrake" Seal's tplink-smarthome-api.

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Top 16.93% on Npmjs.org
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