
Kafka-connectivity for MQTT-devices in both directions

APACHE-2.0 License


What is it for?

There are several solutions to access a Kafka-cluster via MQTT, e.g. with Kafka-Bridge. In general these solutions work in a "one-way"-manner so that MQTT-clients may publish to Kafka but cannot consume from it. Kalinka tries to solve this issue. Since the reference-implementation uses ActiveMQ as MQTT-broker there is no restriction to MQTT so it should work with any supported protocol.

Status Quo

The project is in prototype-state right now and acts as a proof of concept.


  • No cluster of MQTT-Brokers. The system should scale well and as we found out in our tests "normal" broker-clusters are limited in this respect. Instead we want to use 1-n "standalone" broker-instances. As we will see, this decision implies some issues we had to deal with.
  • Kafka/Zookeeper is the only "real" clustered component.
  • No single-point-of-failure (of course)


Kalinka consists of 2 components:


Consumes from MQTT and publishes the messages to Kafka.

There are 2 different possibilities to deploy kalinka-pub:

  • as a plugin inside ActiveMQ-Broker (recommended)
  • as a standalone service

The way, kalinka-pub works, is quite straightforward: If deployed as a standalone service it subscribes several MQTT-topics (more precisely, JMS-queues because we use ActiveMQ as JMS-broker which uses JMS internally). If it runs as an ActiveMQ-plugin it intercepts the broker's send-method. In both variants it publishes all received messages to a kafka-cluster. Since JMS-queues and kafka-topics behave in a different way, some kind of mapping is required. See chapter Topic-Mapping for details on how to deal with that.

In standalone-mode each kalinka-pub-instance may consume from several brokers and each broker should be consumed by multiple kalinka-pub-instances (no s.p.o.f.).


Subscribes to Kafka-topics and forwards messages to ActiveMQ-broker

In contrast to kalinka-pub the situation is slightly different: As mentioned before the ActiveMQ-brokers do not act as one logical broker, they consist of several independent broker-instances. So it is crucial for the service to know, which of the available broker-instances the MQTT-client is connected to. This information is currently stored in Zookeeper. If it turns out that this does scale well, we'll have to find a better solution.

Another challenge is to limit the number of connections between hosts. If n instances of kalinka-sub had to send to m broker-instances this would result in n*m relations between kalinka-sub- and broker-instances. We are trying to solve this issue by leveraging Kafka's partitioning-mechanism in combination with an additional grouping-strategy. More details in chapter 2nd-level-partitioning.



2nd-level partitioning




This setup allows to test the different components in combination. Note: This is just a simple setup for testing and development. Security aspects are not considered so do not use this in a production-like environment without major changes!

The setup has been tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 16.10 but it should work on any modern Linux-distribution. Feel free to test it on a Windows-OS but I cannot guarantee success.

The setup contains:

  • Zookeeper
  • Kafka
  • ActiveMQ
  • The MQTT-Kafka-Bridge-components


Installation of VirtualBox


Installation of Vagrant


Start VM's

cd vagrant
vagrant up

You will end up with 3 virtual machines:

  • (dev1)
  • (dev2)
  • (dev3)


The test-setup uses an insecure SSH-keypair (vagrant/ssh/insecure_rsa and vagrant/ssh/insecure_rsa.pub). Never use this in a non-testing environment. SSH-user ist root.

After you have started the VM's you can access them by entering:

ssh [email protected] -i ssh/insecure_rsa
ssh [email protected] -i ssh/insecure_rsa
ssh [email protected] -i ssh/insecure_rsa

Deployment of components

All components are deployed as docker-containers. Docker will be installed on the VM's so you don't have to install Docker on your host machine.

Installation of Python and Virtualenv

sudo apt-get install python python-dev virtualenv build-essential libffi-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libssl-dev python-pip

Creation of Virtualenv

Create your virtualenv in an arbitrary directory.


Activate Virtualenv

Activates Virtualenv for current shell.

source <VENV_INSTALLATION_PATH>/bin/activate

Install dependencies

cd ansible
pip install -r requirements.txt


It is recommended to deploy the basic infrastructure first and create a snapshot afterwards. So you can reset the environment very quickly. Note: All deployment-commands must be executed from inside folder ansible

  • Set up Docker-daemon, a Docker-registry and pull required images. These are the most time-consuming steps.
ansible-playbook infrastruct.yml
  • Create a snapshot
cd ../vagrant
vagrant snapshot save <NAME>
  • You can restore the snapshot by entering:
vagrant snapshot restore --no-provision <NAME>

Since we don't want to waste time, the flag --no-provision is recommended.

  • Now you'll have to decide if you want to run the latest snapshot or build the setup on your own
  • For further deployment-options take a look into the playbooks in folder ansible

Run latest snapshot

  • Run the setup with kalinka-pub as seperate process/container (standalone)
cd ../ansible
ansible-playbook  -v -e "reset_all=True kalinka_pub_plugin_enabled=False" zookeeper.yml kafka.yml activemq.yml kalinka-pub.yml kalinka-sub.yml
  • Run the setup with kalinka-pub embedded in activemq-broker
cd ../ansible
ansible-playbook  -v -e "reset_all=True" zookeeper.yml kafka.yml activemq.yml kalinka-sub.yml


  • You have not the permission to push to dcsolutions so you'll have to create an account on https://hub.docker.com and setup the following repositories first:
    • kalinka-pub-service-example
    • kalinka-sub-service-example
  • After creation of account you can build the whole project, including docker images by entering:
cd ..
mvn clean install -DdockerImageBuild=true -DdockerRegistryPush=true -Ddocker.registry.prefix=<NAME_OF_YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT>

The deployment is the nearly the same as described before but you'll have to refer to your own docker-account:

  • kalinka-pub-standalone
ansible-playbook  -v -e "reset_all=True kalinka_pub_plugin_enabled=False organization=<NAME_OF_YOUR_DOCKER_ACCOUNT>" zookeeper.yml kafka.yml activemq.yml kalinka-pub.yml kalinka-sub.yml
  • kalinka-pub as plugin
ansible-playbook  -v -e "reset_all=True organization=<NAME_OF_YOUR_DOCKER_ACCOUNT>" zookeeper.yml kafka.yml activemq.yml kalinka-sub.yml
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