
Implementation of a noise level analysis system for a country. Utilizes both sensor data and computer simulations to analyze noise levels, followed by calculation of key metrics

MIT License


System for Simulating and Analyzing Noise Levels 🎵

This project involves designing and implementing a system to analyze the level of noise in a country. The country is divided into regions, some of which have open access to noise data from sensors, while others do not. The system utilizes sensor data in regions where it's available and generates data using computer simulations in regions without sensors.

For further details, refer to the full report available here.

More Information

Sensor Data

Mobile IoT devices, such as smartwatches, are equipped with sensors that measure noise levels every 10 seconds. A sliding window calculates the average of the last six readings, which are then reported to the backend through static IoT devices acting as IPv6 border routers. If the average noise level exceeds a certain threshold, raw readings are reported instead of the average.

The IoT devices are implemented using Contiki-NG due to its lightweight and efficient operating system tailored for low-power wireless devices. Moreover, MQTT was chosen as the network protocol for the IoT devices because of its simplicity and suitability for devices with resource constraints. MQTT works efficiently on IoT devices, allowing for reliable communication over networks with limited bandwidth and intermittent connectivity.

Noise Levels

In regions without sensor data, the system relies on computer simulations or virtual software-emulated sensors. Simulations are based on population dynamics, considering noise from people and vehicles. The simulation takes parameters such as the number of people and vehicles, the dimensions of the region, noise levels produced by individuals and vehicles, and the distances affected by their presence.

MPI was used to parallelize the computation of a compute-intensive task, namely the simulation of noise levels. MPI, or Message Passing Interface, is a standardized and portable message-passing system designed for parallel computing. It allows for efficient communication and coordination between multiple processes running on different nodes of a distributed system. This parallelization technique is essential for speeding up the simulation process, enabling it to handle large datasets and complex calculations effectively.

Data Cleaning and Enrichment

The backend receives noise level data from real IoT sensors, simulations, and virtual sensors, annotated with geographic areas. Before storage, the backend performs preprocessing:

  1. Discarding invalid/incomplete measurements.
  2. Associating each reading with the name of the nearest point of interest.

Node-RED was chosen due to its browser-based flow editor, which simplifies the process of wiring together flows using a wide range of nodes. Each node in Node-RED implements specific functionalities, eliminating the need to implement them manually. This approach significantly reduces development time and complexity, as well as facilitating integration with other systems and services. Additionally, Node-RED's visual interface allows for easy monitoring and debugging of flows, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.

Data Analysis

The backend periodically computes metrics including:

  1. Hourly, daily, and weekly moving averages of noise levels for each point of interest.
  2. Top 10 points of interest with the highest noise levels in the last hour.
  3. Point of interest with the longest streak of good noise levels.

Spark was chosen for its ability to process a large volume of data efficiently. Specifically, Spark SQL was preferred over Spark Streaming for several reasons. Firstly, it allows for the calculation of past metrics and enables the integration of new metrics seamlessly. The Spark SQL module facilitates easy querying of the dataset, making it simpler to manage. Additionally, it's worth noting that Spark SQL is more cost-effective than Spark Streaming. Unlike Spark Streaming, Spark SQL does not need to run constantly; it can be executed only when required, reducing overall expenses.

Team members

Name and Surname Github
Matteo Beltrante @Beltrante
Marco Bendinelli @MarcoBendinelli
Simone Berasi @SimoneBerasi



First Node-RED setup

Follow the guide to install the Node-RED on your Windows Subsystem (which is supposed to be a Debian-based Subsystem):

How to open Node-RED

Start Node-RED:


If by typing the webpage does not appear to you, you should find the local ip address of your Windows Subsystem.

In fact WSL is a virtual environment, so it has its own virtual network interface.

You can find it just by opening a Windows PowerShell window and by typing:

wsl hostname -I

So copy the first ip addres that you find and type in your browser: http://copied_ip_address:1880/

If you want to speed up this operation, follow this guide:

Palettes to install



First Mosquitto setup

In your Client machine (VM - Ubuntu 16.04 32-bit Contiki NG Middleware Class AY 2021) modify the Mosquitto configuration file:

cd /etc/mosquitto
sudo nano mosquitto.conf

And add the following lines in the bottom of the file:

  connection bridge-01
  topic # out 0
  topic # in 0

Save, Exit and Restart your machine.

How to run the IoT simulation

Move the folder Iot_implementation inside the contiki-ng-mw-2122

Start Cooja:

cd /tools/cooja
ant run

Open the simulation:

File -> Open Simulation -> Browse ->

Browse the correct source files

Start the tunslip6:

cd /rpl-border-router
make TARGET=cooja connect-router-cooja

Start the simulation



  • Download an MPI toolchain to compile and run MPI C programs. For instance, you can use the Open MPI implementation.
  • On Linux, Open MPI is typically available in package managers
  • On mac OS, you can install the open-mpi package through Homebrew
  • On Windows, you can use WSL

Compile and Run

You can compile and run the simulation with the following commands:

  • mpicc ./simulation.c -o simulation -lm
  • mpirun -np 2 ./simulation

Apache Spark


  • Download Apache Spark pre-built with hadoop from this page


  • compile data_analysis jar with maven
  • start spark master from inside hadoop folder with following line
    ./sbin/ -h
  • start spark worker from inside hadoop folder with following line
    ./sbin/ spark://
  • submit work to spark master
    ./bin/spark-submit --class it.polimi.middleware.spark.DataAnalysis pathToJar masterAddress pathToFolderContainingResults.csv
  • (submit example)
     ./bin/spark-submit --class it.middleware.spark.DataAnalysis /mnt/c/Users/m4rc0/Middleware/Project1/Data_Analysis/target/project_1_spark-1.0.jar spark:// /mnt/c/Users/m4rc0/Middleware/Project1/Back-end/in_out_files/