
The Campus Event Navigation System is a web application built with Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, and MySQL, enabling users to manage and navigate campus events with detailed information and secure authentication. It includes comprehensive admin functionalities and a user-friendly interface for efficient event management and communication.


Campus Event Navigation System

Welcome to the Campus Event Navigation System! This project is a comprehensive web application designed to manage and navigate events on a campus. It provides functionalities for user registration, event management, and user-administrator communication.

  • The Campus Event Navigation System is a web application developed using Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, and MySQL, aimed at simplifying the management and navigation of campus events. It provides secure user registration and authentication, allowing users to view detailed event information such as locations, categories, sponsors, and coordinators. Administrators have the ability to manage events, sponsors, categories, coordinators, and user profiles. Additionally, the system includes a contact form to facilitate communication between users and administrators. The application features a robust backend and a user-friendly interface built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap, ensuring a seamless experience for both users and administrators.


  • User Registration and Authentication

    • Users can register, log in, and log out securely.
    • Users can booked event, and it's approved or cancelled by an event member's or administrator.
    • Registration: Allows new users to sign up by providing necessary details.
    • Login: Enables users to log in with their credentials.
    • Change Password: Users can update their password for security.
    • Forgot Password: Implemented with OTP to securely reset the password.
    • Event Booking: Users can book events they are interested in attending.
    • Check Event Status: Users can view the status of their booked events.
    • Delete Booked Events: Users have the option to delete their event bookings if the admin has not yet take any action.
    • Provide Feedback: Users can give feedback on events they have attended.
  • Event Management

    • Users can view event details, locations, categories, sponsors, coordinators, and other related information.
    • Administrators can create, update, and delete events.
  • User-Administrator Communication

    • Users can contact administrators through a contact form for inquiries or assistance.

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Spring Boot
  • Frontend: Thymeleaf, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
  • Database: MySQL


User Functionalities

  • Register: Create a new account by providing your details on the registration page.
  • Login: Access your account using your credentials.
  • Actions: Book event, update profile, change password, forgot password, give feedback.
  • Logout: Securely log out of your account.

Viewing Events

  • Event Listing: Browse through a list of all upcoming events.
  • Event Details: Click on an event to view detailed information including location, category, sponsors, and coordinators.

Member Functionalities

  • Register into System: Sign up by providing necessary details to create an account.
  • Verification by Administrator: Await admin approval to ensure account authenticity.
  • Login into System: Access the system using verified credentials.
  • Profile Management: Update profile and reset passwords.
  • Create Own Events: Organize personal events with specified details.
  • Sponsor Management: Add, update, or remove sponsors for personal events.
  • Category Management: Manage categories for organizing personal events.
  • Coordinator Management: Assign and manage coordinators for personal events.
  • Change Password: Update the password for the member account.
  • Dashboard Data Security: Ensure that the dashboard only shows data related to the logged-in member, with no visibility into other members' data.

Admin Functionalities

  • Event Management: Create, update, or delete events.
  • Sponsor Management: Add, update, or remove sponsors.
  • Category Management: Manage event categories.
  • Coordinator Management: Assign coordinators to events.
  • Member Management: Approve or cancel event member registrations.
  • Profile Management: Update profile and reset passwords.
  • Contact Management: Handle user inquiries and assistance requests through the contact form.
  • Booking Management: Handle event booking of users.
  • Feedback Management: Collect and manage user feedback on events.
  • Manage New Member Requests: Approve or reject new member requests.
  • Login Approval: Ensure that only members approved by the admin can log into the system, preventing unauthorized access.

Video Demo of Campus Event Navigator System