
Ai Resume Analyzer is a tool which parses information from a resume using natural language processing and finds the keywords, cluster them onto sectors based on their keywords. And lastly show recommendations, predictions, analytics to the applicant based on keyword matching.

MIT License


About the Project πŸ₯±

Scope 😲

i. It can be used for getting all the resume data into a structured tabular format and csv as well, so that the organization can use those data for analytics purposes

ii. By providing recommendations, predictions and overall score user can improve their resume and can keep on testing it on our tool

iii. And it can increase more traffic to our tool because of user section

iv. It can be used by colleges to get insight of students and their resume before placements

v. Also, to get analytics for roles which users are mostly looking for

vi. To improve this tool by getting feedbacks

Tech Stack 🍻

Features πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Client: -

  • Fetching Location and Miscellaneous Data

    Using Parsing Techniques to fetch

  • Basic Info

  • Skills

  • Keywords

Using logical programs, it will recommend

  • Skills that can be added
  • Predicted job role
  • Course and certificates
  • Resume tips and ideas
  • Overall Score
  • Interview & Resume tip videos

Admin: -

  • Get all applicant’s data into tabular format

  • Download user’s data into csv file

  • View all saved uploaded pdf in Uploaded Resume folder

  • Get user feedback and ratings

    Pie Charts for: -

  • Ratings

  • Predicted field / roles

  • Experience level

  • Resume score

  • User count

  • City

  • State

  • Country

Feedback: -

  • Form filling
  • Rating from 1 – 5
  • Show overall ratings pie chart
  • Past user comments history

Requirements πŸ˜…

Have these things installed to make your process smooth

  1. Python (3.9.12)
  2. MySQL
  3. Visual Studio Code (Prefered Code Editor)
  4. Visual Studio build tools for C++

Setup & Installation πŸ‘€

To run this project, perform the following tasks 😨

Download the code file manually or via git

git clone

Create a virtual environment and activate it (recommended)

Open your command prompt and change your project directory to AI-Resume-Analyzer and run the following command

python -m venv venvapp

cd venvapp/Scripts


Downloading packages from requirements.txt inside App folder


cd App

pip install -r requirements.txt

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

After installation is finished create a Database cv

And change user credentials inside

Go to venvapp\Lib\site-packages\pyresparser folder

And replace the with

which was provided by me inside pyresparser folder

Congratulations πŸ₯³πŸ˜± your set-up πŸ‘† and installation is finished 😡🀯

I hope that your venvapp is activated and working directory is inside App

Run the file using

streamlit run

Known Error πŸ€ͺ

If GeocoderUnavailable error comes up then just check your internet connection and network speed

Issue While Installation and Set-up 🀧

Check-out installation Video

Feel Free to Send mail


  • After the setup it will do stuff's automatically
  • You just need to upload a resume and see it's magic
  • Try first with my resume uploaded in Uploaded_Resumes folder
  • Admin userid is admin and password is admin@resume-analyzer

Roadmap πŸ›΅

  • Predict user experience level.
  • Add resume scoring criteria for skills and projects.
  • Added fields and recommendations for web, android, ios, data science.
  • Add more fields for other roles, and its recommendations respectively.
  • Fetch more details from users resume.
  • View individual user details.

Contributing 🀘

Pull requests are welcome.

For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

I've attached the synopsis of the project

If you want the full report of project Email Me it's FREE

Acknowledgement πŸ€—

  • Dr Bright - (The Full Stack Data Scientist BootCamp)
  • Resume Parser with Natural Language Processing
  • pyresparser

Preview πŸ‘½

Client Side

Main Screen

Resume Analysis

Skill Recommendation

Course Recommendation

Tips and Overall Score

Video Recommendation


Feedback Form

Overall Rating Analysis and Comment History



User Count and it's data

Exported csv file

Feedback Data

Pie Chart Analytical Representation of clusters

Built with 🀍 AI RESUME ANALYZER by Deepak Padhi