This project meticulously implements a robust Library Management System (LMS) in Java, leveraging the power of Maven for streamlined build automation and Swing for an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI). Its primary objective is to significantly enhance library operations by automating essential book and member management tasks, fostering effi

MIT License


Library Management System (LMS)

Table of Contents


This project meticulously implements a robust Library Management System (LMS) in Java, leveraging the power of Maven for streamlined build automation and Swing for an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI). Its primary objective is to significantly enhance library operations by automating essential book and member management tasks, fostering efficiency and accuracy.

Key Functionalities:

Book Management:

  • Meticulous Book Addition: Effortlessly create new book entries, meticulously capturing crucial details such as title, author, ISBN (International Standard Book Number), publication date, and current availability status.
  • Streamlined Book Updates: Modify existing book information and availability status with ease, ensuring the library catalog remains up-to-date.
  • Efficient Book Removal: When books are no longer part of the library's collection, seamlessly remove them from the catalog, maintaining a streamlined database.

Member Management:

  • Effortless Member Registration: Welcome new members by adding their personal details, including name and unique membership ID, to the system.
  • Member Profile Updates: Maintain accurate member information by facilitating edits to profiles as needed.
  • Clear Borrowing History Tracking: Employ the system to meticulously track borrowed books and their corresponding due dates for each member, enabling efficient overdue management.

Borrowing and Returning:

  • Streamlined Book Borrowing: Empower members to effortlessly check out desired books, recording borrowing dates for accurate tracking.
  • Efficient Book Returns: Process book returns and update availability status in the system.

UML Diagram

The diagram should depict the following classes and relationships:

  • Book: Attributes include title, author, ISBN, publication date, and availability status.
  • Member: Attributes include name, membership ID, contact information, and a collection of borrowed books (List<Book>).
  • Library: Methods include addBook(), removeBook(), registerMember(), borrowBook(), and returnBook().
  • Relationships:
    • Association: The Library class has a one-to-many relationship with both Book and Member.
    • Aggregation: A Member can have multiple borrowed Books.

Technologies Used

  • Java with Maven
  • MySQL Database
  • Swing for GUI
  • SLF4J for logging
  • JUnit for testing
  • Lombok for reducing boilerplate code

Setup and Installation

To set up the project on your local machine, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/KhaledAshrafH/LMS.git
    cd LibraryManagementSystem
  2. Set Up MySQL Database:

    • Create a new database named lms_db.
    • Execute the SQL scripts to create the necessary tables for books, members, and borrowings.
  3. Configure the Database Connection:

    • Update the MAIN class in com.lms with your MySQL database credentials.
  4. Build the Project:

    mvn clean install
  5. Run the Application:

    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.lms.Main"


After launching, the application will present a GUI with tabs for managing books, members, and borrowing/returning books. Utilize the respective tab functionalities for the operations you wish to perform.


Library Management System GUI


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.