
Database Abstraction Layer for Node js

MIT License



Lupennat Data Objects

Lupdo is an abstraction layer used for accessing databases, similar to PHP Data Objects exposes a set of APIs. Lupdo is not an ORM, Lupdo aims to be a stable layer through which to build an ORM or a Query Builder. Lupdo create a Pool of connection By Default. Lupdo offers the possibility of creating drivers for any database that accepts sql like syntax.

Third Party Library

Lupdo, under the hood, uses stable and performant npm packages:


Base Example with sqlite driver, here you can find the list of Available Drivers

const { createSqlitePdo } = require('lupdo-sqlite');
// ES6 or Typescrypt
import { createSqlitePdo } from 'ludpo-sqlite';

const pdo = createSqlitePdo({ path: ':memory' }, { min: 2, max: 3 });
const run = async () => {
    const statement = await pdo.query('SELECT 2');
    const res = statement.fetchArray().all();
    await pdo.disconnect();



Pdo Constants & Attributes

  • ATTR_DEBUG Determines if DEBUG mode is enabled. Can take one of the following values: [Default DEBUG_DISABLED]
    • DEBUG_DISABLED Disable DEBUG mode
    • DEBUG_ENABLED Enable DEBUG mode
  • ATTR_CASE Force column names to a specific case. Can take one of the following values: [Default CASE_NATURAL]
    • CASE_NATURAL Leave column names as returned by the database driver.
    • CASE_LOWER Force column names to upper case.
    • CASE_UPPER Force column names to lower case.
  • ATTR_NULLS Determines if and how null and empty strings should be converted. Can take one of the following values: [Default NULL_NATURAL]
    • NULL_NATURAL No conversion takes place.
    • NULL_EMPTY_STRING Empty strings get converted to null.
    • NULL_TO_STRING null gets converted to an empty string.
  • ATTR_FETCH_DIRECTION Determines which direction Fetch retrieve data. Can take one of the following values: [Default FETCH_FORWARD]
    • FETCH_FORWARD Fetch the next row in the result set.
    • FETCH_BACKWARD Fetch the previous row in the result set.
  • ATTR_DRIVER_NAME Returns the name of the driver.

Pdo Raw Pool Connection

Lupdo offers the possibility of retrieving a raw connection from the pool, to perform any unexposed operations. The connection returned is the original Driver Connection used behind the scenes by Lupdo.

interface RawPoolConnection {
    release: () => Promise<void>;
    connection: PoolConnection;

Warning Once the connection has been used, the connection must be released, otherwise the pool will not be able to disconnect.

Note Because connection is acquired from the pool and should be resusable by Lupdo, integrated Drivers may ignore/force certain third-party driver configuration properties in order to work correctly with Lupdo.

Pdo Raw Driver Connection

Lupdo offers the possibility of retrieving a raw connection from the driver, to perform any unexposed operations. The connection returned is the original Driver Connection used behind the scenes by Lupdo.

Note Since the connection does not come from the pool, it is possible to terminate the job correctly even without invoking pdo.disconnect(). All third-party driver configuration properties defined by the user are respected.

Warning Once the connection has been used, you should manually close the connection.

const { createSqlitePdo } = require('lupdo-sqlite');
// ES6 or Typescrypt
import { createSqlitePdo } from 'ludpo-sqlite';

const pdo = createSqlitePdo({ path: ':memory' }, { min: 2, max: 3 });
const run = async () => {
    const rawConnection = await pdo.getRawDriverConnection<Database>();
    // do whatever you want


Driver Options

Each driver uses the connection options of the corresponding npm package. Debug mode, is defined through Pdo Attributes, custom debug connection options, will be ignored.

Pool Options

  • min minimum pool size [Default = 2].
  • max maximum pool size [Default = 10].
  • acquireTimeoutMillis acquire promises are rejected after this many milliseconds if a resource cannot be acquired [Default 10000].
  • createTimeoutMillis create operations are cancelled after this many milliseconds if a resource cannot be acquired [Default 5000].
  • destroyTimeoutMillis destroy operations are awaited for at most this many milliseconds new resources will be created after this timeout [Default 5000].
  • killTimeoutMillis when pool destroy is executed, connection will be released and brutaly killed after this timeut [Default 10000].
  • killResource enable/disable killTimeout [Default false].
  • idleTimeoutMillis Free resources are destroyed after this many milliseconds. Note that if min > 0, some resources may be kept alive for longer. To reliably destroy all idle resources, set min to 0 [Default 30000].
  • createRetryIntervalMillis how long to idle after failed create before trying again [Default 200].
  • reapIntervalMillis how often to check for idle resources to destroy [Default 500].
  • created Define Custom Created Callback.
  • destroyed Define Custom Destroyed Callback.
  • acquired Define Custom Acquired Callback.
  • released Define Custom Release Callback.
  • killed Define Custom Kill Callback.

Warning property killResource should always be false, before activating this option, verify that you have committed or rolled back all transactions and verified that you have closed all prepared statments When 'beginTransaction()' is called connection will be released to the pool only after 'commit()' or 'rollback()' is called. When 'prepare()' is called, connection will be released to the pool only after 'close()' is called. killResource might not be supported by all drivers

Warning callback created should be used only to set session variables on the connection before it gets used.

    created: async (uuid, connection) => {
        await connection.query('SET SESSION auto_increment_increment=1');


  • prototype.commit(): Promise;
  • prototype.rollback(): Promise;
  • prototype.exec(sql: string): Promise
  • prototype.prepare(sql: string): Promise<PdoTransactionPreparedStatementI>
  • prototype.query(sql: string): Promise<PdoStatement>
  • prototype.disconnect(): Promise


  • prototype.getAttribute(attribute: string): string | number;
  • prototype.setAttribute(attribute: string, value: number | string): boolean;
  • prototype.columnCount(): number;
  • prototype.debug(): string;
  • prototype.debugSent(): string;
  • prototype.fetchDictionary(): Fetched;
  • prototype.fetchArray(): Fetched<PdoColumnValue[]>;
  • prototype.fetchBoth(): Fetched;
  • prototype.fetchColumn(column: number): Fetched;
  • prototype.fetchObject(abstract: Newable, constructorArgs?: any[]): Fetched;
  • prototype.fetchClosure(fn: (...args: PdoColumnValue[]) => T): Fetched;
  • prototype.fecthNamed(): Fetched;
  • prototype.fetchPair<T extends PdoColumnValue, U extends PdoColumnValue>(): Pair<T, U>;
  • prototype.resetCursor(): void;
  • prototype.getColumnMeta(column: number): ColumnData | null;
  • prototype.rowCount(): number;
  • prototype.lastInsertId(name?: string): Promise<string | bigint | number | null>;
  • prototype.nextRowset(): boolean;

Note statement.debug() will return SQL and Params Reflecting user input, statement.debugSent() will return SQL and Params Adapted by the Driver.

Fetched Object

  • get: () => T | undefined;
  • all: () => T[];
  • group: () => Group;
  • unique: () => Unique;

Note Fetched Object is an Iterable Object. Here you can find a more comprehensive guide.

Prepared Statement

extends Statement

  • prototype.bindValue(key: string | number, value: ValidBindings): void;
  • prototype.execute(params?: Params): Promise;
  • prototype.close(): Promise

Warning Prepared Statement do not release the connection automatically to take advantage of cached statement. You must close manually the connection through close() method when you finish execute() sequences. Prepared Statement inside a transaction doesn't expose close() method, connection will be release only on commit() or rollback()

Valid Bindings

Primitives Binding

  • number
  • string
  • bigint
  • Buffer
  • Date
  • boolean
  • null

Typed Binding

In some cases, it is not possible to perform parameter binding, relying solely on the javascript type of the value passed, using TypedBinding interface it is possible to identify the type of database column for which the value is being bound.

const {
} = require('lupdo');
const { createSqlitePdo } = require('lupdo-sqlite');
// ES6 or Typescrypt
import { createSqlitePdo } from 'ludpo-sqlite';
import {
} from 'lupdo';

const pdo = createSqlitePdo({ path: ':memory' }, { min: 2, max: 3 });
const run = async () => {
  const statement = await pdo.prepare(
    'INSERT "test" (`int`,`real`, `nullable_blob`) VALUES (?,?,?)',
  await statment.execute([
    new TypedBinding(PARAM_INTEGER, '10'),
    new NumericTypedBinding(PARAM_DECIMAL, '103232.231232112', {
      total: 10,
      places: 5,
    new PrecisionTypedBinding(PARAM_DATETIME, '2024-05 12:30:30.123456789', {
      precision: 0,
    new LengthTypedBinding(PARAM_VARBINARY, null, { length: 'max' }),
  await pdo.disconnect();


this is the list of bindings supported by Lupdo


Note Some drivers may ignore the type, or may only support a subset of types, or may support additional types. Each drivers may support custom options.


Array of ValidBindings or a key-value object


Lupdo by default doesn't log anything, you can assign a custom log for Lupdo to intercept messages.

const { Pdo } = require('lupdo');
// ES6 or Typescrypt
import { Pdo } from 'lupdo';
Pdo.setLogger((level: any, message: any) => {
    console.log(level, message);


If you are running into problems, one thing that may help is enabling the debug mode for the connection. You can enable debug using ATTR_DEBUG. This will print extra information on stdout.

BigInt & JSON

BigInt can not be serialized into a JSON string, Lupdo does not implement any serialization Logic. Here you can find some info about it.