
The MySql client wrapper on the mysqli for scale database

MIT License


mysql_shard - php package for MySQL scaling.

The client wrapper on mysqlnd driver for scaling database


The Sharding - is the method of dividing of the large logical table to many small phisycal tables. The type of CONFEDERATED Mysql Tables is simle sharding.

The Strategy of Sharding is algorithm of distribution database records by phisycal tables.

The Sharding criterion is function or rule by according to which the record send to one or other database tables


  • MySQL 5.0 or more
  • Redis 2.0 or more

If You use other Kyy/Value NoSQL (Not Redis), You can use the it. For example, MemcacheDb, Tarantool or AeroSpike. Send me message an I add the new PHP-class for your storage engine.

##Use Sharding Strategy

  • Linear
  • Cycle
  • Monthly
  • Geo (in developing)

##Linear Sharding

The sharding use increasing id and data filling one table (table_0), then another table (table_1) and etc (table_2, table_3 ...).

Insert Example:

	// get some data
	$data = get_some_data();

	// load config file
	$conf = Config::get('sharding');

	// MysqlShard constructor
    $sharding = new MysqlShard($conf);

	// create sharding strategy
    $strategy = new LinearStrategy(null,'lines', $sharding->getConfig());
    //SQL template
    $sql = "INSERT INTO %db.logdata_%t (data) VALUES('$data')";

    //execute query

Select Example:

	// load config file
	$conf = Config::get('sharding');

	// MysqlShard constructor
    $sharding = new MysqlShard($conf);

	// create sharding strategy $data_id is some id your data
    $strategy = new LinearStrategy($data_id,'lines', $sharding->getConfig());
    //query template
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM %db.logdata_%t WHERE id=$data_id";

    $res = $sharding->query($sql);

    // get data from dataset
    $row = $res->fetch_assoc();

##SQL Template

So fprint PHP function, the query template has psevdo symbols:

  • %db the database name with numbers, database_1, database_2 end etc, for example.
  • %t the table name with numbers, tablename_1, tablename_2 end etc, for example.

The name and numbers of database and table calculate by across to a predetermined strategy.

##Cycle Sharding Example

	// load config file
	$conf = Config::get('sharding');

	// MysqlShard constructor
    $sharding = new MysqlShard($conf);

	$date = date('Y-m'); // Set current month

	// create sharding strategy $user_id is some id user profile
    $strategy = new MonthStrategy($user_id,'months', $sharding->getConfig(), $date);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO %db.stats_%t (data) VALUES('$data')";

    //query executing
   $res = $sharding->query($sql);

For data 20 june 2016 the Strategy created tablename: stats_2016_06. If user_id=100, the databane number is user_id % shardCount, 100 % 4 = 0; For UserId eq 100 this data was inserted to months_0.stats_2016_06 mysql table.

##Cycle shard reading Example

	// MysqlShard constructor
    $sharding = new MysqlShard(Config::get('sharding'));

	// create sharding strategy 
    $strategy = new MonthStrategy(null,'months', $sharding->getConfig(),  date('Y-m'));

   // some query for all shards     
    $sql = "SELECT FROM %db.stats_%t (data) WHERE type_id=$x";

    $rows = [];
    foreach ($sharding as $shrdItem) {
    	//query executing
    	$res = $sharItem->query($sql);
    	while( $row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
    		$rows[] = $row;

This example show how read data from all databases (shards). It use only for Cycle and Month strategy.

##Russian documentation

The more instruction on Russian see