
基于 node.js + express 技术栈,采用MVC结构设计、JWT + RESTful API、PM2服务监控的Node服务器端项目框架.



node.js + express MVCJWT + RESTful APIPM2Node Web

  • node.js>7.0ES6/ES7
  • expressWeb
  • hbshandlebars
  • RESTfulAPI
  • JWTJson Web Token APItoken
  • ORM
  • TESTAPISwagger-uipublic/swagger
  • RabbitMQ & Thrift &
  • PM2Node


Build Setup @see package.json#scripts

Install dependencies, use cnpm:

npm install -g cnpm --registry=

cnpm install

Start server for development or production (pm2)

npm start

Auto restarting server and reloading browsers for development

npm run live:client // 
npm run live:server // 

For unit test, such as:

npm test ./test/api/login.js

Debug node code

Please install 'npm install -g node-inspector' at first

npm run debug

Check update for npm packages

Please install 'npm install npm-check-updates -g' at first

npm run update

PM2 operations and deployGit

First of all, please install node.js and git on the server and set $PATH env in ~/.bashrc

export NODE_HOME=/data/node-v7.7.4-linux-x64
export PATH=$NODE_HOME/bin:$PATH

Host key verification after you execute ssh-keygen on server, and set ssh-key to gitlab.

ssh-keyscan -t rsa yourGitServer >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

For client ssh password-less logon

ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ [email protected]

then, use npm run setup:test for the first time, other deployment use npm run deploy:test

npm run setup:test // 
npm run setup:simu // 
npm run setup:prod // 
npm run deploy:test // 
npm run deploy:simu // 
npm run deploy:prod // 
npm run stop
npm run reload
npm run list
npm run monit
npm run logs