
Online Food Ordering And Order Retrieval System

MIT License


Online Food Ordering System License: MIT

The Online Food Ordering System(Foody) is a desktop app. It has a food ordering app for a customer and a separate app for order retrieval system for Restaurant.


  • Authentication system guarding the app core.
  • Customers can browse the menu, Add/remove items to cart, track the order and can make payment online.
  • Customers can update password and can change the delivery address.
  • Data stored in a MySQL database
  • Friendly user interface with JavaFX

For screenshots click here


  • Java - widely used object-oriented language, the core of our system
  • JavaFX - Java user interface library
  • MySQL - data storage solution
  • JFoenix - JavaFX Material Design Library


Set Up Instructions For Running Application

  1. Set up your XAMPP environment(Apache Server, phpMyAdmin).
  2. Create the foody schema on the database tool, and import the database from the SQL file, or copy the SQL code.
  3. Download the project of the application and open it in NetBeans.
  4. Connect with the database in the Services tab under MySQL Server(localhost). The MySQL JDBC driver is embedded in the project.
  5. Enter your server properties(Host Name, Port Number, Admin UserName/Password).

Note The Foody folder is Food Ordering App and FoodyOrder folder is order retrieve App code