
A simple PHP library to speed up your projects


ShortPHP 1.5

This library is for you who want use your time developing the system, pages, a lot of cool things and has no time to think about connections, databases, etc.

With shortPHP, you use a few line of codes (one in most cases) to select, update, insert, delete, and more in databases, send and delete files, and more.

We have some modules in shortPHP, like:

Module Purpouse
Database Select, Update, Insert, Delete and another SQL Commands
Files Read, Create, Send, Delete Files
Array Tools to improve your arrays
Basic A few tools like date, criptography and more
Mail Send e-mails
Sessions Create and organize Sessions and Cookies
Math Math operations


The most faster way to install is in composer, but you can donwload from github

composer require paulogmello/short-php:dev-main


$db = new shortPHP('myCars', $server, $user, $pass);

$database->insert('cars', 'name,value,type,color', $name, $value,'sedan', 1);
$cars_red = $database->select('cars', '*', 'WHERE color = 1');