

{N} Functional Tests - Demo Project

Hello-world project to demonstrate NativeScript/functional-tests-core.

Prerequisites and Environment Setup

Prerequisites and steps to setup environment are actually the same as those for NativeScript/functional-tests-core.

Please read this document.

The only additional thing you need for this project is Maven.

Please install it make sure mvn command is available in command prompt.

Before running tests

Install functional-tests-core package

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=libs/functional.tests.core-0.0.5.jar -DgroupId=functional.tests.core -DartifactId=functional.tests.core -Dversion=0.0.5 -Dpackaging=jar

Make sure appropriate emulator/simulator/device is available

After you finish steps from this document make sure you have following emulators:

$ANDROID_HOME/tools/android create avd -n Emulator-Api19-Default -t android-19 --abi default/x86 -c 12M -f
$ANDROID_HOME/tools/android create avd -n Emulator-Api23-Default -t android-23 --abi default/x86 -c 12M -f

Edit configs if required

If you want you can edit configs (for example specify unique device id of your device).

Config files are at resources/config/<name of the app>/<config name>.properties

Config entries reference

Run tests

Run from command line with Maven

mvn clean test -P nativeapp.emu.default.api23

Run tests in Eclipse/IntelliJ IDEA

  • Open functional-tests-core in IntelliJ
    • Select 'Use auto import option'
    • Select 'Use cradle wrapper task configuration'
    • Click OK and Build the project
  • Open functional-tests-demo project in IntelliJ
  • From the File menu select Import->Modules from existing sources
    • Select the functional-test-core folder
  • Open Project Structure menu
  • In Modules submenu for the functional-test-demo project add dependencies
    • add Libraries - select all available
    • add Modules dependency - select the functional.tests.core_main
    • Switch to Sources Tab:
      mark src->tests->java folder as 'Tests'
      mark resources folder as 'Resources'
  • In Project submenu create output folder - < project root >/classes

Place this in Vm options:


Test results

HTML Report

  • $PROJECT_ROOT/target/surefire-reports/html/index.html


  • Test Execution Logs: $PROJECT_ROOT/target/surefire-reports/logs/log4j.log
  • Device Logs: $PROJECT_ROOT/target/surefire-reports/logs/console/*
  • Screenshots: $PROJECT_ROOT/target/surefire-reports/screenshots/*
  • Perf Info: $PROJECT_ROOT/target/surefire-reports/logs/perfInfo.csv