
HTML5-like 2D and WebGL canvas implementation for NativeScript


This plugin is no longer supported


This is a proof-of-concept plugin that enables HTML5 like Canvas API for NativeScript. The code is not production ready and a lot of features are currently missing. You can check the overall progress in this issue.


The project encourages hacking, so hack away. Clone the repo and follow the steps to set yourself up for development.


  • npm i -g grunt-cli
  • iOS: XCode
  • Android: Android NDK, SDK and Ant
npm install # install canvas library dependencies
cd test
npm install # install test project dependencies
tns run android # fire up the test project on android
tns run ios # fire up the test project on ios

After making modifications to the canvas library, regardless whether it's the iOS, Android or JS part, you can re-launch with your changes like so:

npm i .. && rm -rf platforms && tns run <platform>

You can skip the rm -rf platforms part when you don't change the public interface of the native bits.