
The most advanced and modern NativeScript Camera module for Android and iOS with a lot of awesome features

MIT License


More about...

The plugin's core is the native layer. Every change in the native layer, reflects here. This plugin, the Yoonit Camera, we can say that is an aggregation of many Yoonit's native libs:

All this native libs can be used independently. Help us to improve it!

Table Of Contents


npm i -s @yoonit/nativescript-camera  


All the functionalities that the @yoonit/nativescript-camera provides is accessed through the YoonitCamera component, that includes the camera preview. Below we have the basic usage code, for more details, your can see the Methods, Events or the Demo Vue.

VueJS Plugin


import Vue from 'nativescript-vue'  
import YoonitCamera from '@yoonit/nativescript-camera/vue'  

After that, you can access the camera object in your entire project using this.$

Vue Component


  <Page @loaded="onLoaded">

  export default {
    data: () => ({}),

    methods: {
      async onLoaded() {

        console.log('[YooCamera] Getting Camera view')

        console.log('[YooCamera] Getting permission')
        if (await this.$ {
          console.log('[YooCamera] Permission granted, start preview')

      }) {
          '[YooCamera] doFaceDetected',
          x: ${x}
          y: ${y}
          width: ${width}
          height: ${height}
          leftEyeOpenProbability: ${leftEyeOpenProbability}
          rightEyeOpenProbability: ${rightEyeOpenProbability}
          smilingProbability: ${smilingProbability}
          headEulerAngleX: ${headEulerAngleX}
          headEulerAngleY: ${headEulerAngleY}
          headEulerAngleZ: ${headEulerAngleZ}
        if (!x || !y || !width || !height) {
          this.imagePath = null

        image: {
      }) {
        if (total === 0) {
          console.log('[YooCamera] doImageCreated', `${type}: [${count}] ${path}`)
          this.imageCreated = `${count}`
        } else {
          console.log('[YooCamera] doImageCreated', `${type}: [${count}] of [${total}] - ${path}`)
          this.imageCreated = `${count} de ${total}`
        console.log('[YooCamera] Mask Pytorch', inferences)
        console.log('[YooCamera] Image Quality Darkness:', darkness)
        console.log('[YooCamera] Image Quality Lightness', lightness)
        console.log('[YooCamera] Image Quality Sharpness', sharpness)
        this.imagePath = source

      doEndCapture() {
        console.log('[YooCamera] doEndCapture')

      doQRCodeContent({ content }) {
        console.log('[YooCamera] doQRCodeContent', content)

      doStatus({ status }) {
        console.log('[YooCamera] doStatus', status)

      doPermissionDenied() {
        console.log('[YooCamera] doPermissionDenied')

Angular, React, Svelte or any other framework

Currently we can't offer any other integration with other frameworks that works on top of NativeScript beyond VueJS, you are totaly open to create and send to us a PR. But, this is a pure NativeScript plugin, if you know how to manipulate your preferred platform you will be capable to include it in your project.



Props Input/Format Default value Description
lens "front" or "back" "front" The camera lens to use "front" or "back".
captureType "none", "front", "frame" or "qrcode" "none" The capture type of the camera.
imageCapture boolean false Enable/disabled save image capture.
imageCaptureAmount number 0 The image capture amount goal.
imageCaptureInterval number 1000 The image capture time interval in milliseconds.
imageCaptureWidth "NNpx" "200px" The image capture width in pixels.
imageCaptureHeight "NNpx" "200px" The image capture height in pixels.
colorEncoding "RGB" or "YUV" "RGB" Only for android. The image capture color encoding type: "RGB" or "YUV".
detectionBox boolean false Show/hide the face detection box.
detectionBoxColor string #ffffff Set detection box color.
detectionMinSize "NN%" "0%" The face minimum size percentage to capture.
detectionMaxSize "NN%" "100%" The face maximum size percentage to capture.
detectionTopSize "NN%" "100%" Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the top side of the detection. Use the detectionBox to have a visual result.
detectionRightSize "NN%" "100%" Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the right side of the detection. Use the detectionBox to have a visual result.
detectionBottomSize "NN%" "100%" Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the bottom side of the detection. Use the detectionBox to have a visual result.
detectionLeftSize "NN%" "100%" Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the left side of the detection. Use the detectionBox to have a visual result.
roi boolean false Enable/disable the region of interest capture.
roiTopOffset "NN%" "0%" Distance in percentage of the top face bounding box with the top of the camera preview.
roiRightOffset "NN%" "0%" Distance in percentage of the right face bounding box with the right of the camera preview.
roiBottomOffset "NN%" "0%" Distance in percentage of the bottom face bounding box with the bottom of the camera preview.
roiLeftOffset "NN%" "0%" Distance in percentage of the left face bounding box with the left of the camera preview.
roiAreaOffset boolean false Enable/disable display of the region of interest area offset.
roiAreaOffsetColor string '#ffffff73' Set display of the region of interest area offset color.
faceContours boolean false Enable/disable display list of points on a detected face.
faceContoursColor string '#FFFFFF' Set face contours color.
computerVision (Android Only) boolean false Enable/disable computer vision model.
torch boolean false Enable/disable device torch. Available only to camera lens "back".


Function Parameters Valid values Return Type Description
requestPermission - - promise Ask the user to give the permission to access camera.
hasPermission - - boolean Return if application has camera permission.
preview - - void Start camera preview if has permission.
startCapture type: string "none""face""qrcode""frame" void Set capture type "none", "face", "qrcode" or "frame". Default value is "none".
stopCapture - - void Stop any type of capture.
destroy - - void Destroy preview.
toggleLens - - void Toggle camera lens facing "front"/"back".
setCameraLens lens: string "front" or "back" void Set camera to use "front" or "back" lens. Default value is "front".
getLens - - string Return "front" or "back".
setImageCapture enable: boolean true or false void Enable/disabled save image capture. Default value is false.
setImageCaptureAmount amount: Int Any positive Int value void For value 0, save infinity images. When the capture image amount is reached, the event onEndCapture is triggered. Default value is 0.
setImageCaptureInterval interval: number Any positive number that represent time in milliseconds void Set the image capture time interval in milliseconds.
setImageCaptureWidth width: string Value format must be in NNpx void Set the image capture width in pixels.
setImageCaptureHeight height: string Value format must be in NNpx void Set the image capture height in pixels.
setImageCaptureColorEncoding colorEncoding: string "YUV" or "RGB" void Only for android. Set the image capture color encoding type: "RGB" or "YUV".
setDetectionBox enable: boolean true or false void Set to show/hide the face detection box.
setDetectionBoxColor color: string hexadecimal void Set detection box color.
setDetectionMinSize percentage: string Value format must be in NN% void Set the face minimum size percentage to capture.
setDetectionMaxSize percentage: string Value format must be in NN% void Set the face maximum size percentage to capture.
setDetectionTopSize percentage: string Value format must be in NN% void Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the top side of the detection. Use the setDetectionBox to have a visual result.
setDetectionRightSize percentage: string Value format must be in NN% void Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the right side of the detection. Use the setDetectionBox to have a visual result.
setDetectionBottomSize percentage: string Value format must be in NN% void Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the bottom side of the detection. Use the setDetectionBox to have a visual result.
setDetectionLeftSize percentage: string Value format must be in NN% void Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the left side of the detection. Use the setDetectionBox to have a visual result.
setROI enable: boolean true or false void Enable/disable face region of interest capture.
setROITopOffset percentage: string Value format must be in NN% void Distance in percentage of the top face bounding box with the top of the camera preview.
setROIRightOffset percentage: string Value format must be in NN% void Distance in percentage of the right face bounding box with the right of the camera preview.
setROIBottomOffset percentage: string Value format must be in NN% void Distance in percentage of the bottom face bounding box with the bottom of the camera preview.
setROILeftOffset percentage: string Value format must be in NN% void Distance in percentage of the left face bounding box with the left of the camera preview.
setROIMinSize percentage: string Value format must be in NN% void Set the minimum face size related within the ROI.
setROIAreaOffset enable: boolean true or false void Enable/disable display of the region of interest area offset.
setROIAreaOffsetColor color: string Hexadecimal color void Set display of the region of interest area offset color.
setFaceContours enable: boolean true or false void Enable/disable display list of points on a detected face.
setFaceContoursColor color: string Hexadecimal color void Set face contours color.
setComputerVision (Android Only) enable: boolean true or false void Enable/disable computer vision model.
setComputerVisionLoadModels (Android Only) modelPaths: Array<string> Valid system path file to a PyTorch computer vision model void Set model to be used when image is captured. To se more about it, Click Here.
computerVisionClearModels (Android Only) - - void Clear models that was previous added using setComputerVisionLoadModels.
setTorch enable: boolean true or false void Enable/disable device torch. Available only to camera lens "back".


Event Parameters Description
imageCaptured { type: string, count: number, total: number, image: object = { path: string, source: any, binary: any }, inferences: [{ ['model name']: model output }], darkness: number, lightness: number, sharpness: number } Must have started capture type of face/frame. Emitted when the face image file saved: type: "face" or "frame"count: current indextotal: total to createimage.path: the face/frame image pathimage.source: the blob fileimage.binary: the blob fileinferences: An Array with models outputdarkness: image darkness classification.lightness: image lightness classification.sharpness: image sharpness classification.
faceDetected { x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, leftEyeOpenProbability: number, rightEyeOpenProbability: number, smilingProbability: number, headEulerAngleX: number, headEulerAngleY: number, headEulerAngleZ: number } Must have started capture type of face. Emit the face analysis, all parameters are null if no more face detecting.
endCapture - Must have started capture type of face/frame. Emitted when the number of image files created is equal of the number of images set (see the method setImageCaptureAmount).
qrCodeContent { content: string } Must have started capture type of qrcode (see startCapture). Emitted when the camera read a QR Code.
status { type: 'error'/'message', status: string } Emit message error from native. Used more often for debug purpose.
permissionDenied - Emit when try to preview but there is no camera permission.

Face Analysis

The face analysis is the response send by the onFaceDetected. Here we specify all the parameters.

Attribute Type Description
x number The x position of the face in the screen.
y number The y position of the face in the screen.
width number The width position of the face in the screen.
height number The height position of the face in the screen.
leftEyeOpenProbability number The left eye open probability.
rightEyeOpenProbability number The right eye open probability.
smilingProbability number The smiling probability.
headEulerAngleX number The angle in degrees that indicate the vertical head direction. See Head Movements
headEulerAngleY number The angle in degrees that indicate the horizontal head direction. See Head Movements
headEulerAngleZ number The angle in degrees that indicate the tilt head direction. See Head Movements

Head Movements

Here we're explaining the above gif and how reached the "results". Each "movement" (vertical, horizontal and tilt) is a state, based in the angle in degrees that indicate head direction;

Head Direction Attribute v < -36° -36° < v < -12° -12° < v < 12° 12° < v < 36° 36° < v
Vertical headEulerAngleX Super Down Down Frontal Up Super Up
Horizontal headEulerAngleY Super Left Left Frontal Right Super Right
Tilt headEulerAngleZ Super Right Right Frontal Left Super Left

Image Quality

The image quality is the classification of the three attributes: darkness, lightness and sharpness. Result available in the imageCapture event. Let's see each parameter specifications:

Threshold Classification
darkness > 0.7 Too dark
darkness <= 0.7 Acceptable
lightness > 0.65 Too light
lightness <= 0.65 Acceptable
sharpness >= 0.1591 Blurred
sharpness < 0.1591 Acceptable


Pre-define message constants used by the status event.

Message Description
INVALID_MINIMUM_SIZE Face/QRCode width percentage in relation of the screen width is less than the set.
INVALID_MAXIMUM_SIZE Face/QRCode width percentage in relation of the screen width is more than the set.
INVALID_OUT_OF_ROI Face bounding box is out of the set region of interest.

To contribute and make it better

Clone the repo, change what you want and send PR. For commit messages we use Conventional Commits.

Contributions are always welcome!

Code with ❤ by the Yoonit Team

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