
Contains Python scripts to import and model the Yelp challenge dataset into Neo4j respectively.

MIT License


Neo4j Yelp Dataset Solution

Contains Python scripts to import and model the Yelp challenge dataset into Neo4j respectively.

Getting Started (running with Docker)

I have created a handy installation script that will install Docker, download the APOC plugin, and run a properly configured Neo4j container. Regarding the installation of Docker, only Ubuntu is currently supported.

All the files in neo4j-community-x.x.x are bound to the Docker container so all pre-processed Yelp data can go in neo4j-community-x.x.x/import.

To start, simply run:


Getting Started (running locally)

Step 0: Pre-processing the Yelp Dataset

Due to Neo4j Community Edition's node/edge count limits and perhaps your PC's memory is not sufficient, you may want to look at only a subset of the dataset and/or select features. I pre-process the dataset using my Yelp normalization tool and you may use and modify it for your needs.

This project is designed to work with the dataset processed by my own tool as described in that project's README.

Step 1: Getting Neo4j Community Edition

Download the Neo4j Community Server (not desktop!) ZIP or tarball or start the Neo4j Docker container with the docker-compose.yml file.

If using the ZIP or tarball, extract the archive to a directory e.g. $HOME:

$ tar -xvzf neo4j-community-x.x.x-unix.tar.gz -C ~/.

Note that x.x.x would refer to the version you are using.

Step 2: Server Plugins and Configuration

The neo4j-community.x.x.x directory in this project contains details on the files that need to be changed on the server. Note, the changes must be made on your server files and not on this project! This project's directory is simply a demonstration.

The following files must be changed on the server:

  • plugins/apoc-x.x.x.x-all.jar: Download the latest APOC plugin and place it under the plugins directory on your server.
  • conf/neo4j.conf: This has been configured to whitelist the APOC functions we use in the import process.
  • import/{business, review, user}.json: All Yelp files one wishes to import must be placed here. This script only
    considers the three JSON files listed here.

Step 3: Installing Java

Neo4j requires Java to run. The version of Java necessary for Neo4j to run is dependent on the Neo4j version e.g. Neo4j 4 requires Java 11.

I recommend using AdoptOpenJDK and setting $JAVA_HOME to the location of the directory e.g. export JAVA_HOME=/home/david/Downloads/jdk-11.0.5+10.

Step 4: Starting Neo4j

If not using the Docker image, start Neo4j using the neo4j binary in the neo4j-community-x.x.x/bin file. Example:

$ ~/neo4j-community-x.x.x/bin/neo4j start

Optionally, one can set their ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, or ~/.zshrc etc. to add Neo4j binaries to their path by adding the following line:

export PATH=/home/david/neo4j-community-x.x.x/bin:$PATH

Then one can simply use:

$ neo4j start

Neo4j browser should now be running on http://localhost:8001. Default username and password is neo4j and neo4j respectively. The bolt port is on http://localhost:8000. These port numbers are to comply with Stellenbosch University's port policies.

Step 5: Python Dependencies

Before running the script, make sure that you have installed all of the dependencies and edited to contain your credentials. To download all the dependencies you can simply type:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user

Step 6: Import the Dataset

Now that everything is configured and ready, the import script can be run with:

$ python3

If all goes well, you will see the following output from the terminal:

[INFO] Clearing graph of any existing data
[INFO] Asserting schema
[INFO] Loading businesses
[INFO] Loading users
[INFO] Loading reviews
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