
Updates installed LSP servers, automatically

MIT License


Neovim LSP Update

Updates installed (or auto installs if missing) LSP servers, that are already configured in your init.vim.

It does NOT handle (auto)removals, i.e. if you had a LSP server installed and then removed it's config, it will NOT remove it. Only installs and/or updates are supported.

You can see it below in action:


NOTE: your user must be able to perform installs of packages corresponding to the LSPs you will be using. I.e. if you install npm based LSPs, then you must be able to run npm i -g ... successfully, WITHOUT sudo. That is the best practice anyway, you should in general install "global" packages (whether we talk about NodeJS, Ruby, Python or whatever) under your user and not at system level.

Please refer to http://npm.github.io/installation-setup-docs/installing/a-note-on-permissions.html for setup instructions for NodeJS (which covers many of the LSPs available). For LSPs in other languages, please refer to their own documentation for installing, and best practices for setting up the environment.


Add alexaandru/nvim-lspupdate plugin to your init.vim, using your favorite package manager, e.g.:

packadd nvim-lspupdate


  • Neovim 0.5+
  • nvim-lspconfig
  • OPTIONAL: Hotpot if you want
    to run the fennel branch directly. That is where all development takes
    place, but the main branch is feed off of it, and kept up to date. So
    it's down to preference, which one to use.


I wrote this plugin as I did NOT want to manage installs manually anymore, therefore I made it so that it requires NO configuration. It should work out of the box for the supported configurations (see status).

If you really want to tinker with it, you can.


See nvim-lspconfig on how to setup the LSP servers' configuration. Once you have them configured (or any time later, for updates), then run:

:LspUpdate [dry]

and it will install any missing LSP servers as well as update the existing ones, where possible (see below).

Hint: use :checkhealth lspconfig before/after to verify that the LSPs were installed.

If the dry parameter is passed, then commands are only printed but not actually run.

The installs are async (using jobstart()) with one exception (gh_bin install type, see below) so you can just fire & forget, and sometime later, check with :messages.

When all the jobs are completed it will print an "All done!" message.


Mix of stable, beta and not (yet) supported.

About 2/3 of the servers have a config and a command defined. Of those, the following were battle tested by me or others: npm, pip, go, cargogit, r, gem and gh_bin. These are what I consider stable.

The others that do have a config and a command defined, but were not yet tested (cargo, nix, etc.) I would consider beta. In theory, they may work, just need beta testers :) If you do use them and they work, please let me know so I can update this README accordingly.

Those that do not even have a config or command defined are, obviously, not supported.

Github binary releases

We now have support for Github binary releases (gh_bin "pseudo command") with terraform-ls being the first to be tested successfully, on Linux.

To support this type of update, there are additional dependencies/requirements:

  • curl (used to download the .zip files);
  • unzip (used to unzip them).
  • the repo name, .zip file prefix and binary file inside the .zip are identical
    (i.e. hashicorp/terraform-ls has terraform-ls.*.zip assets which include a
    terraform-ls binary, well except for Windows, which also has .exe suffix).


In no particular order:

  • support updating tools other than LSPs themselves. This is mostly related
    to "LSP proxies" like EFM, which by themselves offer nothing. You need to
    install some tools (linters, formatters) in order for them to do anything
    useful. I'd like to be able to install/update those tools as well,
    preferably detected them automatically, just like we do for LSPs;
  • ensure it runs well on all of {Linux,MacOS,Windows};
  • integration tests.