
Warm Green Theme for Neovim and Beyond

OTHER License



Dark green theme for Neovim $\ge$ 0.9 forked from OneDark.nvim. Theme written in Lua with Tree-sitter syntax highlighting and LSP semantic highlighting.

For earlier versions of Neovim and/or Tree-sitter, pin the color scheme to this commit.


  • Blue and purple are used sparingly to help reduce eye strain
  • Red, yellow, and green are prioritized more for the same reason
  • Comments are colored specifically to be readable and have good contrast with
    other text and background
  • Many semantic highlighting tokens are handled and colored nicely
  • Light and dark variants
    • Light mode only applies when vim.o.background = 'light' (can also use
      set background=light)
  • Multiple plugins are supported with hand-picked, proper colors
  • Colors, highlights, and code style of the theme can be customized as you like
    (refer to Customization)
  • Integration with other applications (see the

Regular (vulgaris)

Greener (multiplex)

Light Mode (light)


The above screenshots utilize Tree-sitter parsers for lua, luap, comment, markdown, markdown_inline, mermaid, and latex.

The lua file screenshot also uses a custom query to highlight the vim global as a builtin variable rather than a constant, changing it from pink to red. If you want this behavior, add the following to a queries/lua/highlights.scm file in your config directory (the extends comment is necessary):

; extends
((identifier) @variable.builtin
  (#eq? @variable.builtin "vim")
  (#set! "priority" 128))


Install via your favorite package manager:

-- Using lazy.nvim
  lazy = false,
  priority = 1000,
  config = function()
    require('bamboo').setup {
      -- optional configuration here


For best results, use (rounded) borders for float windows (or change their background to a slightly different color than the main editor background).


Enable theme

-- Lua
" Vim
colorscheme bamboo

Default Configuration

-- Lua
require('bamboo').setup {
  -- Main options --
  -- NOTE: to use the light theme, set `vim.o.background = 'light'`
  style = 'vulgaris', -- Choose between 'vulgaris' (regular), 'multiplex' (greener), and 'light'
  toggle_style_key = nil, -- Keybind to toggle theme style. Leave it nil to disable it, or set it to a string, e.g. "<leader>ts"
  toggle_style_list = { 'vulgaris', 'multiplex', 'light' }, -- List of styles to toggle between
  transparent = false, -- Show/hide background
  dim_inactive = false, -- Dim inactive windows/buffers
  term_colors = true, -- Change terminal color as per the selected theme style
  ending_tildes = false, -- Show the end-of-buffer tildes. By default they are hidden
  cmp_itemkind_reverse = false, -- reverse item kind highlights in cmp menu

  -- Change code style ---
  -- Options are anything that can be passed to the `vim.api.nvim_set_hl` table
  -- You can also configure styles with a string, e.g. keywords = 'italic,bold'
  code_style = {
    comments = { italic = true },
    conditionals = { italic = true },
    keywords = {},
    functions = {},
    namespaces = { italic = true },
    parameters = { italic = true },
    strings = {},
    variables = {},

  -- Lualine options --
  lualine = {
    transparent = false, -- lualine center bar transparency

  -- Custom Highlights --
  colors = {}, -- Override default colors
  highlights = {}, -- Override highlight groups

  -- Plugins Config --
  diagnostics = {
    darker = false, -- darker colors for diagnostic
    undercurl = true, -- use undercurl instead of underline for diagnostics
    background = true, -- use background color for virtual text

Vimscript Configuration

Bamboo can be configured also with Vimscript, using the global dictionary g:bamboo_config. NOTE: when setting boolean values use v:true and v:false instead of 0 and 1.


let g:bamboo_config = {
  \ 'ending_tildes': v:true,
  \ 'diagnostics': {
    \ 'darker': v:true,
    \ 'background': v:false,
  \ },
\ }
colorscheme bamboo


Example using custom colors and highlights:

require('bamboo').setup {
  colors = {
    bright_orange = '#ff8800', -- define a new color
    green = '#00ffaa', -- redefine an existing color
  highlights = {
    -- make comments blend nicely with background, similar to other color schemes
    ['@comment'] = { fg = '$grey' },

    ['@keyword'] = { fg = '$green' },
    ['@string'] = { fg = '$bright_orange', bg = '#00ff00', fmt = 'bold' },
    ['@function'] = { fg = '#0000ff', sp = '$cyan', fmt = 'underline,italic' },
    ['@function.builtin'] = { fg = '#0059ff' },

Note that Tree-sitter keywords have been changed after Neovim version 0.8 and onwards. TS prefix is trimmed and lowercase words are separated with ..

The old way before neovim 0.8 looks like this. All highlights used in this colorscheme can be found in this file.

require('bamboo').setup {
  colors = {
    bright_orange = '#ff8800', -- define a new color
    green = '#00ffaa', -- redefine an existing color
  highlights = {
    TSKeyword = { fg = '$green' },
    TSString = { fg = '$bright_orange', bg = '#00ff00', fmt = 'bold' },
    TSFunction = { fg = '#0000ff', sp = '$cyan', fmt = 'underline,italic' },
    TSFuncBuiltin = { fg = '#0059ff' },

Plugins Supported

