
macOS + nix + home-manager + yabai + zsh + zellij + neovim


my dotfiles

i currently only use macos as my daily driver so this repository is really system specific. everything inside shell/ also works on linux.


  • distro: macOS
  • window manager: yabai
  • bar: spacebar
  • terminal: alacritty + zellij
  • shell: zsh + pretzo
  • editor: helix / neovim (configuration)


  • flake.nix
    • darwinConfigurations.brummi is the entrypoint for macOS
  • darwin/ nix-darwin configuration
  • home-manager/ home-manager configuration
  • shell/ cross-platform shell configuration
  • neovim configuration


# installation
sh <(curl -L
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
git clone [email protected]:breuerfelix/dotfiles.git ~/.nixpkgs
# make sure your hostname is set to "brummi"
sudo reboot

# build the system
cd ~/.nixpkgs
nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" build ".#darwinConfigurations.brummi.system"
# switch to new system
./result/sw/bin/darwin-rebuild switch --flake ~/.nixpkgs

# all in one command
nix run nix-darwin -- switch --flake ~/.nixpkgs

manual steps:

  • enable brew services
    • brew services start borders
  • update secrets from secrets manager
  • change macOS keybindings
    • disable spotlight search
    • alt + q | w | e | r | t to space 1-5
    • disable input source swap keybindings
    • mission control to alt + b
  • import Nix Managed complex modification in Karabiner
  • login to arc and sync settings
  • use EURKey as keyboard layout
  • set universalaccess until fixed in darwin
    • reduceMotion
    • recuceTransparency - decide
  • configure applications
    • raycast (use import / export)
    • aldente
    • meetingbar
    • hiddenbar
    • time-out
    • apple calender / mail
    • slack / teams / signal
    • arc
  • enable icloud sync
  • npm install -g aws-azure-login
    • enable rosetta
  • login to vscode for settings sync
  • enable key repeat for vim extension in intellij and vscode
    • defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
  • connect bluetooth keyboard and select disable internal keyboard
  • defaults write -g NSWindowShouldDragOnGesture -bool true TODO: put into home manager config


# all inputs
nix flake update

# single input
nix flake lock --update-input <input>