
Personalized NvChad Neovim setup.

MIT License



  • NvChad Base: A modern, fast Neovim setup using Lua for a smooth experience.
  • Custom Tweaks: Personalized keybindings, plugins, and UI changes to match my workflow.
  • Performance-Driven: A minimalist setup that keeps things speedy and efficient.


To install my Neovim configuration, clone this repository and run the setup script:

git clone
cd chadnvim/
chmod +x

Or, Simply Run This Curl Command:

curl -fsSL | sh
├── base46/                      # Theme and color configurations
│   ├── integrations/            # Integrations with other plugins or tools
│   ├── themes/                  # Collection of theme files
│   ├── colors.lua               # Main color configuration file
│   ├── glassy.lua               # Glassy effect configurations
│   ├── init.lua                 # Initialization script for base46
│   └── term.lua                 # Terminal color settings
├── init.lua                     # Main Neovim configuration file
├── lua/                         # Lua configuration files and modules
│   ├── configs/                 # Directory for various configuration files
│   ├── conform.lua              # Configuration for formatting tools
│   ├── lazy.lua                 # Lazy loading configuration for plugins
│   ├── lspconfig.lua            # LSP configurations
│   ├── themes/                  # Additional themes and theme configurations
│   ├── chadrc.lua               # Main configuration file for NvChad customizations
│   ├── mapping.lua              # Key mappings and shortcuts
│   ├── options.lua              # General Neovim options and settings
│   ├── plugins/                 # Plugin configurations
│   └── init.lua                 # Initialization script for Lua modules
├── .stylua.toml                 # StyLua configuration file for formatting Lua code
└── lazy-lock.json               # Lock file for lazy-loaded plugins