
Integrates the HTMLHint static analysis tool into coc.nvim.

MIT License



fork from a Microsoft/vscode-htmlhint | HTMLHint

Integrates the HTMLHint static analysis tool into coc.nvim.


:CocInstall coc-htmlhint

Configuration options

  • htmlhint.enable: Enable coc-htmlhint extension, default: true
  • htmlhint.documentSelector: The associated document types to be linted, default: ["html", "htm"]
  • htmlhint.options: The htmlhint options object to provide args to the htmlhint command, default: {}

HTMLHint module

The coc-htmlhint extension will attempt to use the locally installed HTMLHint module (the project-specific module if present, or a globally installed HTMLHint module). If a locally installed HTMLHint isn't available, the extension will use the embedded version.


The HTMLHint extension uses the default rules provided by HTMLHint.

  "tagname-lowercase": true,
  "attr-lowercase": true,
  "attr-value-double-quotes": true,
  "doctype-first": true,
  "tag-pair": true,
  "spec-char-escape": true,
  "id-unique": true,
  "src-not-empty": true,
  "attr-no-duplication": true,
  "title-require": true,
  "empty-tag-not-self-closed": true


If you'd like to modify the rules, you can provide a .htmlhintrc file in the root of your project folder with a reduced ruleset or modified values.

You can learn more about rule configuration at the HTMLHint Usage page.

Additional file types

By default, HTMLHint will run on any files associated with the "html" language service (i.e., ".html" and ".htm" files). If you'd like to use the HTMLHint extension with additional file types, you have two options:

Option 1: Treating your file like any other html file

Set g:coc_filetype_map in your .vimrc or init.vim file. :h g:coc_filetype_map


let g:coc_filetype_map = {
  \ 'htmldjango': 'html',
  \ 'blade': 'html',
  \ 'twig': 'html',
  \ 'jst': 'html',
  \ }

Option 2: Associating HTMLHint extension with other file type

For example, if you want HTMLHint to process .twig files, you would use "twig". Note that with this configuration, you need to open an html file first to activate the HTMLHint extension. Otherwise, you won't see any linter errors, (the extension is hard-coded to activate when the html language service activates).


  "htmlhint.documentSelector": [




This extension is built with create-coc-extension