
pylsp (python-lsp-server) extension for coc.nvim.

MIT License



pylsp (python-lsp-server) extension for coc.nvim.



:CocInstall @yaegassy/coc-pylsp


Plug 'yaegassy/coc-pylsp', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'}

Detect: pylsp (python-lsp-server)

coc-pylsp detects and starts pylsp.

Priority to detect:

  1. pylsp.commandPath
  2. current python3/python environment (e.g. pylsp in venv)
  3. builtin pylsp (Installation commands are also provided)

Built-in install (pylsp and 3rd party plugins)

coc-pylsp allows you to create an extension-only "venv" and install "pylsp (python-lsp-server)" and "related tools" (e.g. pylsp-mypy).

By default, it is installed with pip install python-lsp-server[all]. (extras_require).

If you want to change "extras_require", please change the pylsp.builtin.installExtrasArgs setting


  • Example1: "pylsp.builtin.installExtrasArgs": []
    • pip install python-lsp-server
  • Example2: "pylsp.builtin.installExtrasArgs": ["all"]:
    • pip install 'python-lsp-server[all]'
  • Example3: "pylsp.builtin.installExtrasArgs": ["yapf", "flake8"]:
    • pip install 'python-lsp-server[yapf,flake8]'

It also supports the installation of "3rd Party Plugins".

By default, the installation of 3rd Party Plugins is "disabled".

To "enable" it, change each setting in coc-settings.json.

  // snip...
  "pylsp.builtin.enableInstallPylspMypy": true,
  "pylsp.builtin.enableInstallPylsIsort": true,
  "pylsp.builtin.enableInstallPythonLspBlack": true,
  "pylsp.builtin.enableInstallPylspRope": true,
  "pylsp.builtin.enableInstallPythonLspRuff": true,
  // snip...

It is also possible to specify the version of the third party tool to be installed

  // snip...
  "pylsp.builtin.pylspMypyVersion": "0.5.2",
  "pylsp.builtin.pylsIsortVersion": "0.2.2",
  "pylsp.builtin.pythonLspBlackVersion": "1.0.1",
  "pylsp.builtin.pylspRopeVersion": "0.1.10",
  "pylsp.builtin.pythonLspRuffVersion": "1.0.5",
  // snip...

The first time you use coc-pylsp, if pylsp is not detected, you will be prompted to do a built-in installation.

You can also run the installation command manually.

:CocCommand pylsp.builtin.install


If you enable python-lsp-ruff then you will probably want to disable the built-in pycodestyle, pyflakes, mccabe and pyls_isort plugins, for example:

  "pylsp.plugins.pycodestyle.enabled": false,
  "pylsp.plugins.pyflakes.enabled": false
  "pylsp.plugins.mccabe.enabled": false,
  "pylsp.plugins.pyls_isort.enabled": false,

Although python-lsp-ruff tries to disable these automatically, they must be explicitly disabled when using coc-pylsp.

Use tcp mode

To use the tcp mode, set pylsp.connectionMode to 'tcp'. Also, pylsp needs to be started in tcp mode separately.


  "pylsp.connectionMode": "tcp"

How to start pylsp in tcp mode:

# By default, host is and port 2087 is set
pylsp --tcp
# Or specify any host (--host) and port (--port)
pylsp --tcp --host --port 2087

Configuration options

  • pylsp.enable: Enable coc-pylsp extension, default: true
  • pylsp.trace.server: Traces the communication between coc.nvim and the Python LSP Server, default: "off"
  • pylsp.commandPath: Custom path to the pylsp command. ~ and $HOME, etc. can also be used. If not set, pylsp detected by the current python environment or extension venv's pylsp used will be used, default: ""
  • pylsp.connectionMode: Controls the communication method to pylsp, valid option ["stdio", "tcp"], default: stdio
  • pylsp.tcpHost: Specifies the host name to connect pylsp. This setting only works with connectionMode is 'tcp', default: ""
  • pylsp.tcpPort: Specifies the port to connect pylsp. This setting only works with connectionMode is 'tcp', default: 2087
  • pylsp.disableProgressNotifications: Disable the initialization and workdone progress notifications, default: true
  • pylsp.builtin.pythonPath: Python 3.x path (Absolute path) to be used for built-in install, default: ""
  • pylsp.builtin.installExtrasArgs: Setting extras_require for built-in installation, default: ["all"]
  • pylsp.builtin.enableInstallPylspMypy: Enable/Disable built-in install of pylsp-mypy, default: false
  • pylsp.builtin.enableInstallPylsIsort: Enable/Disable built-in install of pyls-isort, default: false
  • pylsp.builtin.enableInstallPythonLspBlack: Enable/Disable built-in install of python-lsp-black, default: false
  • pylsp.builtin.enableInstallPylspRope: Enable/Disable built-in install of pylsp-rope, default: false
  • pylsp.builtin.enableInstallPythonLspRuff: Enable/Disable built-in install of pylsp-lsp-ruff, default: true
  • pylsp.builtin.pylspMypyVersion: Version of pylsp-mypy for built-in install, e.g. "0.5.2", default: ""
  • pylsp.builtin.pylsIsortVersion: Version of pyls-isort for built-in install, e.g. "0.2.2", default: ""
  • pylsp.builtin.pythonLspBlackVersion: Version of python-lsp-black for built-in install, e.g. "1.0.1" default: ""
  • pylsp.builtin.pylspRopeVersion: Version of pylsp-rope for built-in install, default: ""
  • pylsp.builtin.pythonLspRuffVersion: Version of python-lsp-ruff for built-in install, default: ""

For other settings, Check the "configuration" section of package.json.


  • pylsp.builtin.install: Install python lsp server and related tools
    • pylsp will be installed in this path.
      • Mac/Linux: ~/.config/coc/extensions/@yaegassy/coc-pylsp-data/pylsp/venv/bin/pylsp
      • Windows: ~/AppData/Local/coc/extensions/@yaegassy/coc-pylsp-data/pylsp/venv/Scripts/pylsp.exe
    • 3rd Party Plugins will also be installed in the same venv




This extension is built with create-coc-extension