
Configurable Cursor highlighting.

MIT License



Configurable cursor highlighting using neovims virtual text.


Neovim (v0.7.0) or the latest neovim nightly commit is required for flare.nvim to work.

Using vim-plug

Plug 'stonelasley/flare.nvim'

Using dein

call dein#add('stonelasley/flare.nvim')

Using packer.nvim

use {
  config = function() require('flare').setup() end

Flare setup

default configuration

require('flare').setup {
  enabled = true, -- disable highlighting
  hl_group = "IncSearch", -- set highlight group used for highlight
  x_threshold = 10, -- column changes greater than this number trigger highlight
  y_threshold = 5,  -- row changes greater than this number trigger highlight
  expanse = 10,  -- highlight will expand to the left and right of cursor up to this amount (depending on space available)
  file_ignore = { -- suppress highlighting for files of this type
  fade = true, -- if false will flash highlight for entire area similar to 'vim.highlight.on_yank'
  underline = false, -- if true will use more subtle underline highlight. Underline highlight can also be accomplished by setting hl_group
  timeout = 150, -- timeout delay


All contributions are welcome! Just open a pull request.

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