
Navigate your code with search labels, enhanced character motions and Treesitter integration

APACHE-2.0 License



flash.nvim lets you navigate your code with search labels, enhanced character motions, and Treesitter integration.

✨ Features

  • πŸ” Search Integration: integrate flash.nvim with your regular
    search using / or ?. Labels appear next to the matches,
    allowing you to quickly jump to any location. Labels are
    guaranteed not to exist as a continuation of the search pattern.
  • ⌨️ type as many characters as you want before using a jump label.
  • ⚑ Enhanced f, t, F, T motions
  • 🌳 Treesitter Integration: all parents of the Treesitter node
    under your cursor are highlighted with a label for quick selection
    of a specific Treesitter node.
  • 🎯 Jump Mode: a standalone jumping mode similar to search
  • πŸ”Ž Search Modes: exact, search (regex), and fuzzy search modes
  • πŸͺŸ Multi Window jumping
  • 🌐 Remote Actions: perform motions in remote locations
  • ⚫ dot-repeatable jumps
  • πŸ“‘ highly extensible: check the examples

πŸ“‹ Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.8.0 (needs to be built with LuaJIT)

πŸ“¦ Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:


  event = "VeryLazy",
  ---@type Flash.Config
  opts = {},
  -- stylua: ignore
  keys = {
    { "s", mode = { "n", "x", "o" }, function() require("flash").jump() end, desc = "Flash" },
    { "S", mode = { "n", "x", "o" }, function() require("flash").treesitter() end, desc = "Flash Treesitter" },
    { "r", mode = "o", function() require("flash").remote() end, desc = "Remote Flash" },
    { "R", mode = { "o", "x" }, function() require("flash").treesitter_search() end, desc = "Treesitter Search" },
    { "<c-s>", mode = { "c" }, function() require("flash").toggle() end, desc = "Toggle Flash Search" },

⚠️ When creating the keymaps manually either use a lua function like function() require("flash").jump() end as the rhs, or a string like <cmd>lua require("flash").jump()<cr>. DO NOT use :lua, since that will break dot-repeat

βš™οΈ Configuration

flash.nvim is highly configurable. Please refer to the default settings below.

  -- labels = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
  labels = "asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm",
  search = {
    -- search/jump in all windows
    multi_window = true,
    -- search direction
    forward = true,
    -- when `false`, find only matches in the given direction
    wrap = true,
    ---@type Flash.Pattern.Mode
    -- Each mode will take ignorecase and smartcase into account.
    -- * exact: exact match
    -- * search: regular search
    -- * fuzzy: fuzzy search
    -- * fun(str): custom function that returns a pattern
    --   For example, to only match at the beginning of a word:
    --   mode = function(str)
    --     return "\\<" .. str
    --   end,
    mode = "exact",
    -- behave like `incsearch`
    incremental = false,
    -- Excluded filetypes and custom window filters
    ---@type (string|fun(win:window))[]
    exclude = {
        -- exclude non-focusable windows
        return not vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(win).focusable
    -- Optional trigger character that needs to be typed before
    -- a jump label can be used. It's NOT recommended to set this,
    -- unless you know what you're doing
    trigger = "",
    -- max pattern length. If the pattern length is equal to this
    -- labels will no longer be skipped. When it exceeds this length
    -- it will either end in a jump or terminate the search
    max_length = false, ---@type number|false
  jump = {
    -- save location in the jumplist
    jumplist = true,
    -- jump position
    pos = "start", ---@type "start" | "end" | "range"
    -- add pattern to search history
    history = false,
    -- add pattern to search register
    register = false,
    -- clear highlight after jump
    nohlsearch = false,
    -- automatically jump when there is only one match
    autojump = false,
    -- You can force inclusive/exclusive jumps by setting the
    -- `inclusive` option. By default it will be automatically
    -- set based on the mode.
    inclusive = nil, ---@type boolean?
    -- jump position offset. Not used for range jumps.
    -- 0: default
    -- 1: when pos == "end" and pos < current position
    offset = nil, ---@type number
  label = {
    -- allow uppercase labels
    uppercase = true,
    -- add any labels with the correct case here, that you want to exclude
    exclude = "",
    -- add a label for the first match in the current window.
    -- you can always jump to the first match with `<CR>`
    current = true,
    -- show the label after the match
    after = true, ---@type boolean|number[]
    -- show the label before the match
    before = false, ---@type boolean|number[]
    -- position of the label extmark
    style = "overlay", ---@type "eol" | "overlay" | "right_align" | "inline"
    -- flash tries to re-use labels that were already assigned to a position,
    -- when typing more characters. By default only lower-case labels are re-used.
    reuse = "lowercase", ---@type "lowercase" | "all" | "none"
    -- for the current window, label targets closer to the cursor first
    distance = true,
    -- minimum pattern length to show labels
    -- Ignored for custom labelers.
    min_pattern_length = 0,
    -- Enable this to use rainbow colors to highlight labels
    -- Can be useful for visualizing Treesitter ranges.
    rainbow = {
      enabled = false,
      -- number between 1 and 9
      shade = 5,
    -- With `format`, you can change how the label is rendered.
    -- Should return a list of `[text, highlight]` tuples.
    ---@class Flash.Format
    ---@field state Flash.State
    ---@field match Flash.Match
    ---@field hl_group string
    ---@field after boolean
    ---@type fun(opts:Flash.Format): string[][]
    format = function(opts)
      return { { opts.match.label, opts.hl_group } }
  highlight = {
    -- show a backdrop with hl FlashBackdrop
    backdrop = true,
    -- Highlight the search matches
    matches = true,
    -- extmark priority
    priority = 5000,
    groups = {
      match = "FlashMatch",
      current = "FlashCurrent",
      backdrop = "FlashBackdrop",
      label = "FlashLabel",
  -- action to perform when picking a label.
  -- defaults to the jumping logic depending on the mode.
  ---@type fun(match:Flash.Match, state:Flash.State)|nil
  action = nil,
  -- initial pattern to use when opening flash
  pattern = "",
  -- When `true`, flash will try to continue the last search
  continue = false,
  -- Set config to a function to dynamically change the config
  config = nil, ---@type fun(opts:Flash.Config)|nil
  -- You can override the default options for a specific mode.
  -- Use it with `require("flash").jump({mode = "forward"})`
  ---@type table<string, Flash.Config>
  modes = {
    -- options used when flash is activated through
    -- a regular search with `/` or `?`
    search = {
      -- when `true`, flash will be activated during regular search by default.
      -- You can always toggle when searching with `require("flash").toggle()`
      enabled = false,
      highlight = { backdrop = false },
      jump = { history = true, register = true, nohlsearch = true },
      search = {
        -- `forward` will be automatically set to the search direction
        -- `mode` is always set to `search`
        -- `incremental` is set to `true` when `incsearch` is enabled
    -- options used when flash is activated through
    -- `f`, `F`, `t`, `T`, `;` and `,` motions
    char = {
      enabled = true,
      -- dynamic configuration for ftFT motions
      config = function(opts)
        -- autohide flash when in operator-pending mode
        opts.autohide = opts.autohide or (vim.fn.mode(true):find("no") and vim.v.operator == "y")

        -- disable jump labels when not enabled, when using a count,
        -- or when recording/executing registers
        opts.jump_labels = opts.jump_labels
          and vim.v.count == 0
          and vim.fn.reg_executing() == ""
          and vim.fn.reg_recording() == ""

        -- Show jump labels only in operator-pending mode
        -- opts.jump_labels = vim.v.count == 0 and vim.fn.mode(true):find("o")
      -- hide after jump when not using jump labels
      autohide = false,
      -- show jump labels
      jump_labels = false,
      -- set to `false` to use the current line only
      multi_line = true,
      -- When using jump labels, don't use these keys
      -- This allows using those keys directly after the motion
      label = { exclude = "hjkliardc" },
      -- by default all keymaps are enabled, but you can disable some of them,
      -- by removing them from the list.
      -- If you rather use another key, you can map them
      -- to something else, e.g., { [";"] = "L", [","] = H }
      keys = { "f", "F", "t", "T", ";", "," },
      ---@alias Flash.CharActions table<string, "next" | "prev" | "right" | "left">
      -- The direction for `prev` and `next` is determined by the motion.
      -- `left` and `right` are always left and right.
      char_actions = function(motion)
        return {
          [";"] = "next", -- set to `right` to always go right
          [","] = "prev", -- set to `left` to always go left
          -- clever-f style
          [motion:lower()] = "next",
          [motion:upper()] = "prev",
          -- jump2d style: same case goes next, opposite case goes prev
          -- [motion] = "next",
          -- [motion:match("%l") and motion:upper() or motion:lower()] = "prev",
      search = { wrap = false },
      highlight = { backdrop = true },
      jump = {
        register = false,
        -- when using jump labels, set to 'true' to automatically jump
        -- or execute a motion when there is only one match
        autojump = false,
    -- options used for treesitter selections
    -- `require("flash").treesitter()`
    treesitter = {
      labels = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
      jump = { pos = "range", autojump = true },
      search = { incremental = false },
      label = { before = true, after = true, style = "inline" },
      highlight = {
        backdrop = false,
        matches = false,
    treesitter_search = {
      jump = { pos = "range" },
      search = { multi_window = true, wrap = true, incremental = false },
      remote_op = { restore = true },
      label = { before = true, after = true, style = "inline" },
    -- options used for remote flash
    remote = {
      remote_op = { restore = true, motion = true },
  -- options for the floating window that shows the prompt,
  -- for regular jumps
  -- `require("flash").prompt()` is always available to get the prompt text
  prompt = {
    enabled = true,
    prefix = { { "⚑", "FlashPromptIcon" } },
    win_config = {
      relative = "editor",
      width = 1, -- when <=1 it's a percentage of the editor width
      height = 1,
      row = -1, -- when negative it's an offset from the bottom
      col = 0, -- when negative it's an offset from the right
      zindex = 1000,
  -- options for remote operator pending mode
  remote_op = {
    -- restore window views and cursor position
    -- after doing a remote operation
    restore = false,
    -- For `jump.pos = "range"`, this setting is ignored.
    -- `true`: always enter a new motion when doing a remote operation
    -- `false`: use the window's cursor position and jump target
    -- `nil`: act as `true` for remote windows, `false` for the current window
    motion = false,

πŸš€ Usage

  • Treesitter: require("flash").treesitter(opts?) opens flash in Treesitter mode

    • use a jump label, or use ; and , to increase/decrease the selection
  • regular search: search as you normally do, but enhanced with jump labels. You need to set opts.modes.search.enabled = true, or toggle it with require("flash").toggle()

  • f, t, F, T motions:

    • After typing f{char} or F{char}, you can repeat the motion with f
      or go to the previous match with F to undo a jump.
    • Similarly, after typing t{char} or T{char}, you can repeat the motion
      with t or go to the previous match with T.
    • You can also go to the next match with ; or previous match with ,
    • Any highlights clear automatically when moving, changing buffers,
      or pressing <esc>.
  • toggle Search: require("flash").toggle(boolean?)

    • toggles flash on or off while using regular search
  • Treesitter Search: require("flash").treesitter_search(opts?) opens flash in Treesitter Search mode

    • combination of Treesitter and Search modes
    • do something like yR
    • you can now start typing a search pattern.
    • arround your matches, all the surrounding Treesitter nodes will be labeled.
    • select a label to perform the operator on the new selection
  • remote: require("flash").remote(opts?) opens flash in remote mode

    • equivalent to:

        remote_op = {
          restore = true,
          motion = true,
    • this is only useful in operator pending mode.

    • For example, press yr to start yanking and open flash

      • select a label to set the cursor position
      • perform any motion, like iw or even start flash Treesitter with S
      • the yank will be performed on the new selection
      • you'll be back in the original window / position
    • You can also configure the remote_op options by default, so that ys, behaves like yr for remote operations

        remote_op = {
          restore = true,
          motion = nil,
  • jump: require("flash").jump(opts?) opens flash with the given options

    • type any number of characters before typing a jump label
  • VS Code: some functionality is changed/disabled when running flash in VS Code:

    • prompt is disabled. You can use require("flash").prompt() to get the
      prompt text and integrate it into the statusline.
    • highlights are set to different defaults that will actually work in VS Code

πŸ“‘ API

The options for require("flash").jump(opts?), are the same as those in the config section, but can additionally have the following fields:

  • matcher: a custom function that generates matches for a given window
  • labeler: a custom function to label matches

You can also add labels in the matcher function and then set labeler to an empty function labeler = function() end

type FlashMatcher = (win: number, state: FlashState) => FlashMatch[];
type FlashLabeler = (matches: FlashMatch[], state: FlashState) => void;

interface FlashMatch {
  win: number;
  pos: [number, number]; // (1,0)-indexed
  end_pos: [number, number]; // (1,0)-indexed
  label?: string | false; // set to false to never show a label for this match
  highlight?: boolean; // override opts.highlight.matches for this match

// Check the code for the full definition
// of Flash.State at `lua/flash/state.lua`
type FlashState = {};

πŸ’‘ Examples

  search = { forward = true, wrap = false, multi_window = false },
  search = { forward = false, wrap = false, multi_window = false },
  action = function(match, state)
    vim.api.nvim_win_call(match.win, function()
      vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(match.win, match.pos)

-- More advanced example that also highlights diagnostics:
  matcher = function(win)
    ---@param diag Diagnostic
    return vim.tbl_map(function(diag)
      return {
        pos = { diag.lnum + 1, diag.col },
        end_pos = { diag.end_lnum + 1, diag.end_col - 1 },
    end, vim.diagnostic.get(vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(win)))
  action = function(match, state)
    vim.api.nvim_win_call(match.win, function()
      vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(match.win, match.pos)
  search = {
    mode = function(str)
      return "\\<" .. str
  pattern = vim.fn.expand("<cword>"),
  search = { mode = "search", max_length = 0 },
  label = { after = { 0, 0 } },
  pattern = "^"
  pattern = ".", -- initialize pattern with any char
  search = {
    mode = function(pattern)
      -- remove leading dot
      if pattern:sub(1, 1) == "." then
        pattern = pattern:sub(2)
      -- return word pattern and proper skip pattern
      return ([[\<%s\w*\>]]):format(pattern), ([[\<%s]]):format(pattern)
  -- select the range
  jump = { pos = "range" },

Use the options below:

  modes = {
    char = {
      jump_labels = true

This will allow you to use s in normal mode and <c-s> in insert mode, to jump to a label in Telescope results.

    optional = true,
    opts = function(_, opts)
      local function flash(prompt_bufnr)
          pattern = "^",
          label = { after = { 0, 0 } },
          search = {
            mode = "search",
            exclude = {
                return vim.bo[vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(win)].filetype ~= "TelescopeResults"
          action = function(match)
            local picker = require("telescope.actions.state").get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr)
            picker:set_selection(match.pos[1] - 1)
      opts.defaults = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", opts.defaults or {}, {
        mappings = {
          n = { s = flash },
          i = { ["<c-s>"] = flash },
require("flash").jump({continue = true})
local Flash = require("flash")

---@param opts Flash.Format
local function format(opts)
  -- always show first and second label
  return {
    { opts.match.label1, "FlashMatch" },
    { opts.match.label2, "FlashLabel" },

  search = { mode = "search" },
  label = { after = false, before = { 0, 0 }, uppercase = false, format = format },
  pattern = [[\<]],
  action = function(match, state)
      search = { max_length = 0 },
      highlight = { matches = false },
      label = { format = format },
      matcher = function(win)
        -- limit matches to the current label
        return vim.tbl_filter(function(m)
          return m.label == match.label and m.win == win
        end, state.results)
      labeler = function(matches)
        for _, m in ipairs(matches) do
          m.label = m.label2 -- use the second label
  labeler = function(matches, state)
    local labels = state:labels()
    for m, match in ipairs(matches) do
      match.label1 = labels[math.floor((m - 1) / #labels) + 1]
      match.label2 = labels[(m - 1) % #labels + 1]
      match.label = match.label1

🌈 Highlights

Group Default Description
FlashBackdrop Comment backdrop
FlashMatch Search search matches
FlashCurrent IncSearch current match
FlashLabel Substitute jump label
FlashPrompt MsgArea prompt
FlashPromptIcon Special prompt icon
FlashCursor Cursor cursor

πŸ“¦ Alternatives