
A simple tool that prevents nested Neovim instances

GPL-3.0 License



The goal of flatnvim is to make it easy to use Neovim's terminal emulator. When you open files from within the Neovim terminal, flatnvim will automatically add them to the current instance instead of creating a new nested one. Now you can easily use all your favorite command line programs inside Neovim.


Clone & Build

You'll first need the flatnvim binary on you system.

git clone https://github.com/adamtabrams/flatnvim.git
cd flatnvim

Environment Variables

There are 4 environment variables flatnvim can use. Add them to the config file for your shell (.bashrc, .profile, .zprofile, etc).

Required: set the path to the actual editor.

export FLATNVIM_EDITOR="nvim"
  • When flatnvim is called from your regular terminal, it will just pass arguments to this editor.

Recommended: set the path to the flatnvim binary as your default terminal editor.

export EDITOR="$HOME/repos/flatnvim/bin/flatnvim"
  • If you don't know what this should be, use the path printed by the build.sh script.
  • In addition, you can make an alias to flatnvim: alias vim="$EDITOR

Optional: set a log file for flatnvim to use.

export FLATNVIM_LOGFILE="$HOME/repos/flatnvim/log.txt"
  • If this is not set, any error messages are just printed.

Optional: set an extra Neovim command to be executed when preventing nested instances.

export FLATNVIM_EXTRA_COMMAND="echo 'it works' | sleep"
  • Just in case you want flatnvim to do something extra before it opens files in the parent instance.

Neovim Configs

Recommended: disable status line when in terminal mode.

autocmd TermOpen * setlocal laststatus=0 noshowmode noruler
  \| autocmd TermClose * setlocal laststatus=2 showmode ruler

Recommended: skip exit prompt if terminal commands were successful.

autocmd TermClose * if !v:event.status | exe 'bdelete! '..expand('<abuf>') | endif

Optional: fix issue with Airline that occurs when window focus is lost.

autocmd TermLeave * AirlineRefresh

Neovim Function

Adding this function to your Neovim config makes it easier to access the terminal and specific command line programs.

function! TempTerm(...)
    let command = get(a:, 1)
    exe "terminal ".command
    return ""
nnoremap <silent> gt  :call TempTerm(" ")<CR>
nnoremap <silent> gL  :call TempTerm("lazygit")<CR>
nnoremap <silent> gl  :call TempTerm("lf")<CR>