
Ruby adapter for nvim-dap that uses rdbg to enable debugging capabilities without modifying the source code



Ruby adapter for nvim-dap that uses rdbg to enable debugging capabilities without modifying the source code, simply use nvim-dap breackpoints.


First, install rdbg in your system, via your package manager or as a gem.

Using lazy.nvim:

    dependencies = {
        { "rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui", dependencies = { "nvim-neotest/nvim-nio" } }, -- optional, but recommended
            opts = {},


Here's a complete opts example:

    -- The `rdbg` executable path, defaults to `rdbg`
    rdbg_path = "/usr/bin/rdbg",
    -- Indicates wheter `rdbg` should stop at program start or not. It is
    -- applied to all configurations that don't specify it, default to `false`.
    -- Please see the #nonstop section for more details.
    nonstop = false,
    -- Whether the default plugin configurations should be included or not, defaults to `true`
    should_include_default_configurations = false,
    -- A list of user defined debugger configurations, defaults to `{}`
    configurations = {
        { -- Debug a script
            name = "debug my test file",
            -- The `cwd` is optional, if it isn't provided it defaults to `vim.fn.getcwd`
            cwd = '~/my-project',
            -- The list of arguments that will be fed to `rdbg`
            args = { "ruby", "my-test.rb" },
        { -- Debug the currest rspec file
            name = "rspec current file",
            args = { "rspec" },
            -- Can be any of the following
            --      - line (line at cursor position), e.g. Debug a single spec
            --      - file (current file), e.g. Debug all specs in a file
            --      - workspace (current working directory), e.g. Debug all specs
            --      - any other string will be used as provided
            target = "file",
            -- Indicates whether `rdbg` should stop at the program start for
            -- this specific configuration, it overwrites the global `nonstop`
            -- option and defaults to it if not provided. Please see the #nonstop
            -- section for more details.
            nonstop = true,
            -- Attach a running `rdbg` instance. By providing no `args` or
            -- `target` values, it is understood that you want to connect to a
            -- debuggee. Please see the #attach-to-debuggee section for more details
            name = "attach to a debuggee",
            -- The `port` is optional, if isn't provided, you'll be prompted for
            -- one at the beginning of the debug session
            port = 1234,
            -- The `host` is also optional, it defaults to ''
            host = "localhost"


Open a Ruby file that you wish to debug, and call the following lua commands

-- Set as many breakpoint as you want with the following command

-- Start a debug session, you'll be asked to choose a debug configuration

-- If nvim-dap-ui is installed and properly configured, it should open its UI

-- Now, move through your breackpoints


As stated above, this flag tells rdbg to stop, or not, at the beggining of the program.

I've tested the behavior of this flag on Linux and MacOS, and I've seen somewhat confusing results; on Linux, the flag being set to false allows rdbg to start adequately and open the necesary TCP/IP connections for nvim-dap to connect to, whilst on MacOS, setting it to true grants the same output.

I'm sure that there's a valid explanation for this, but for now, enabling a global opts.nonstop option, as well as a config-specific one, should grant the necessary flexibility.

Additionally, if you need to improve/modify/inspect the default configurations, you can access them as follows:

local dap_ruby = require("dap-ruby-rdbg")

-- Pick the first three configs, for example
dap_ruby.default_configurations = { unpack(dap_ruby.default_configurations, 1, 3) }

    -- ... your configuration

Attach to debuggee

Although is possible to inspect the rdbg output by opening the nvim-dap REPL as follows:


There might be instances where you'd like to manually start rdbg in another terminal and follow along with your code as you debug. Here are some sample commands taken from the rdbg command help section.

$ rdbg -O --port 1234 target.rb foo bar # starts accepts attaching with TCP/IP localhost:1234.
$ rdbg -O --port 1234 -- -r foo -e bar  # starts accepts attaching with TCP/IP localhost:1234.

After the rdbg instance is running, you can then run the attach to debugger default config and connect to it by providing the 1234 port when prompted for it.

Please see:


  • nvim-dap-ruby: Served as a starting point for this project
  • nvim-dap-python: Enlightened, by example, what would otherwise be a truly bumpy road