
My hyprland rice called legendary-bassoon.




Packages(this is just for me so I remember what to download)

  • Spicetify : Arch wiki (https://spicetify.app/docs/advanced-usage/installation/)
  • Asus screenpad support : https://github.com/Plippo/asus-wmi-screenpad
  • Firefox
  • Pywal : Arch wiki
  • Steam : Arch wiki
  • vs code : Arch wiki (visual-studio-code-bin)
  • Htop : Arch wiki
  • Alacritty : Arch wiki
  • Kitty
  • Eye of Gnome : Arch wiki
  • Neovim : Arch wiki
  • Kde connect : Arch wiki
  • mupdf : Arch wiki
  • waypaper : https://github.com/anufrievroman/waypaper (needs swaybg)
  • swappy : Arch wiki (screenshot)
  • Obs : Arch wiki
  • waybar : Arch wiki
  • cava : (https://github.com/karlstav/cava)
  • ani-cli : Arch wiki
  • Gimp : Arch wiki
  • strawberry : Arch wiki
  • yazi : sudo pacman -S yazi ffmpegthumbnailer unarchiver jq poppler fd ripgrep fzf zoxide
  • ranger : Arch wiki
  • tock : terminal digital clock
  • uwufetch : https://github.com/ad-oliviero/uwufetch
  • gnome-clocks : Arch wiki
  • thunar : Arch wiki
  • swaylock : Arch wiki
  • tofi
  • nwg-look-bin : Arch linux (gtk theme)
  • catppuccin-themes-gtk-mocha
  • uwufetch
  • tlp : Arch wiki (/etc/tlp.conf) [start it by: systemctl start tlp.service]
  • libreOffice : Arch wiki
  • Themix/Oomox theme designer : Arch wiki
  • Cmake
  • ncmpcpp and mpd : Arch wiki
  • bluez and bluez-utils : Arch wiki(bluetoothctl)
  • htop
  • spotdl
  • cbonsai
  • cowsay
  • cmatrix


  • Using pacman -Syu
  • How to change swaylock and sddm wallpaper.
  • For swaylock just go to the binds config of hypr and change the wallpaper path
  • FOr sddm follow steps
    1. Go the config sddm and theme config and change the wallpaper path
    2. cp wallpaper /usr/share/sddm/themes/Sugar-Candy/Backgounds/
    3. Go to /usr/share/sddm/themes/ and change the background path in the thene config while in root