
A luarocks build backend for tree-sitter parsers.

MIT License




This is early WIP!

A luarocks build backend for tree-sitter parsers.

Used by the Neovim User Rock Repository (NURR).

The resulting parser libraries are installed to <luarocks-install-tree>/lib/lua/<lua-version>/parser.


The installed parsers are not lua modules, but they can be added to the package.cpath.

Example rockspec

package = "tree-sitter-LANG"

version = "scm-1"

source = {
  url = "<REF>.zip",
  dir = 'tree-sitter-LANG-<REF>',
source = {
  url = "git://",

description = {
  summary = "tree-sitter parser for LANG",
  homepage = "",
  license = "MIT"

dependencies = {
  "lua >= 5.1",

build = {

  type = "treesitter-parser",
  ---@type string (required) Name of the language, e.g. "haskell".
  lang = "LANG",

  ---@type boolean? (optional) Won't build the parser if `false`.
  parser = true,

  -- For C++ sources, this build backend automatically sets "-lstdc++"
  -- You can override the default by passing in a list of flags.
  -- libflags = ...
  platforms = {
    macosx = {
      ---@type strin[]? (optional) Ignored if `sources` is unset or empty
      libflags = {

  ---@type boolean? (optional) Must the sources be generated using the tree-sitter CLI?
  generate = true,

  --- Ignored if `generate` is false.
  ---@type boolean? (optional) Generate the sources from src/grammar.json?
  generate_from_json = false,

  ---@type string? (optional) tree-sitter grammar's location (relative to the source root).
  location = "libs/tree-sitter-LANG",

  --- Overwrites any existing queries with the embedded queries.
  --- Will add 'queries' to the rockspec's 'copy_directories' if set.
  ---@type table<string, string>? (optional)
  queries = {
        -- Will create a `queries/<lang>/highlights.scm`
        -- Note that the content should not be indented.
        ["highlights.scm"] = [==[
  name: (variable) @function)

  name: (variable) @function)



You can find more examples in the fixtures directory.

Usage with Neovim

Neovim searches for tree-sitter parsers in a parser directory on the runtimepath (:h rtp).

Parsers installed with luarocks-build-treesitter-parser can be found by creating a symlink to the parser directory in the install location on the Neovim runtimepath.