
️️️️️🏠 dotfiles


[!NOTE] I've switched all my personal machines to NixOS, so all of the configuration in this repository has been more or less replaced with that in the ndom91/nixos-config.

🚀 Setup

curl -Lks > /bin/bash

️🏗️ Favorites

  • neovim
  • CLI
    • bash - Unix shell
    • tmux - Terminal multiplexer
    • nvim - Vim fork focused on extensibility and usability
    • htop - Go-to system monitor
    • bat - A cat clone with wings
    • ripgrep - Rust grep alternative
    • fnm - Rust based node version manager
    • starship - Minimal and pretty shell prompt
    • eza - Modern rust alternative for ls
    • lazygit - TUI Git client
    • lazydocker - TUI Docker client
  • GUI
    • hyprland - Wayland-based tiling window manager
    • hy3 - Hyprland extension for i3-like tiling behaviour including grouping
    • waybar - Window bar for wayland
    • rofi - Window switcher and launcher
    • wezterm - Terminal emulator

📑 Notes

Startup script inspiration:

💼 License