
Neotest adapter for Haskell (cabal or stack) with support for Sydtest, Hspec and Tasty

GPL-2.0 License


Quick links


  • Supports Cabal (single/multi-package) projects.
  • Supports Stack
    (single/multi-package) projects.
  • Parses Hspec
    and Sydtest
    --match filters for the cursor's position using tree-sitter.
  • Parses Tasty
    --pattern filters for the cursor's position using tree-sitter.
  • Parses test results and displays error messages as diagnostics.



:Rocks install neotest-haskell

rocks.nvim will install all dependencies if not already installed (including tree-sitter-haskell).

Other plugin managers

See also: neotest installation instructions.

  • Requires the tree-sitter parser for haskell to be installed.

The following example uses lazy.nvim:

  dependencies = {
    -- ...,


Make sure the Haskell parser for tree-sitter is installed, you can do so via nvim-treesitter like so:

require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup {
  ensure_installed = {

Add neotest-haskell to your neotest adapters:

require('neotest').setup {
  -- ...,
  adapters = {
    -- ...,

You can also pass a config to the setup. The following are the defaults:

require('neotest').setup {
  adapters = {
    require('neotest-haskell') {
      -- Default: Use stack if possible and then try cabal
      build_tools = { 'stack', 'cabal' },
      -- Default: Check for tasty first and then try hspec
      frameworks = { 'tasty', 'hspec', 'sydtest' },


If you were to use build_tools = { 'cabal', 'stack' }, then cabal will almost always be chosen, because almost all stack projects can be built with cabal.

Alternately, you can pair each test framework with a list of modules, used to identify the respective framework in a test file:

require('neotest').setup {
  adapters = {
    require('neotest-haskell') {
      frameworks = {
        { framework = 'tasty', modules = { 'Test.Tasty', 'MyTestModule' }, },

This can be useful if you have test files that do not import one of the default modules used for framework identification:

  • tasty: modules = { 'Test.Tasty' }
  • hspec: modules = { 'Test.Hspec' }
  • sydtest: modules = { 'Test.Syd' }

Advanced configuration

This plugin uses tree-sitter queries in files that match <runtimepath>/queries/haskell/<framework>-positions.scm

For example, to add position queries for this plugin for tasty, without having to fork this plugin, you can add them to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/after/queries/haskell/tasty-positions.scm.



module FixtureSpec ( spec ) where
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Control.Exception ( evaluate )

spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Prelude.head" $ do
  it "returns the first element of a list" $ head [23 ..] `shouldBe` (23 :: Int)

  prop "returns the first element of an *arbitrary* list" $ \x xs ->
    head (x : xs) `shouldBe` (x :: Int)

  describe "Empty list" $
    it "throws an exception if used with an empty list"
      $             evaluate (head [])
      `shouldThrow` anyException

In the above listing, calling :lua require('neotest') with the cursor on the line...

  describe "Empty list" $

...will run the tests with the following Cabal command:

# Assuming a Cabal package called "my_package"
cabal test my_package --test-option -m --test-option "/Prelude.head/Empty list/"

...or with the following Stack command:

# Assuming a Stack package called "my_package"
stack test my_package --ta "--match \"/Prelude.head/Empty list/\""

...which will run the "throws an exception if used with an empty list" test.

Calling :lua require('neotest') with the cursor on the line...

spec = describe "Prelude.head" $ do

...will run the tests with the following Cabal command:

# Assuming a Cabal package called "my_package"
cabal test my_package --test-option -m --test-option "/Prelude.head/"

...or with the following Stack command:

# Assuming a Stack package called "my_package"
stack test my_package --ta "--match \"/Prelude.head/\""

...which will run all tests in the module.


See issues.


To run a health check, run :checkhealth neotest-haskell in Neovim.


  • To run sydtest tests of type 'file', sydtest >= is required,
    if the file has more than one top-level namespace (describe, context, ..).


Here are some other plugins I recommend for Haskell development:

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Extracted from project README
Neovim Lua Haskell Nix GPL2 License Issues Build Status LuaRocks All Contributors
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