
A plugin for building and updating neovim from source within neovim.

MIT License


Neovim Updater Plugin

This plugin allows you to easily update Neovim from source, with fully customizable options to define where the source is cloned, which branch is tracked, and the desired build type.

All without leaving Neovim.



The above video shows an example of the update workflow with the Neovim Updater plugin.

🔧 Prerequisites

  • A Linux system (macOS and Windows are not supported by this plugin)
  • Neovim 0.9+
    (earlier versions may work, but could encounter issues)
  • Build prerequisites
    for your platform

[!IMPORTANT] It is recommended to uninstall any distro-provided neovim packages after installing from source (with this plugin or manually) to prevent those distro-packaged updates from overwriting the locally-built neovim binary.

📌 Optional Dependencies

These plugins are not required but can be used to extend functionality.

  • diffview.nvim
    This plugin can be used to show new commits in DiffView.
  • telescope.nvim
    This plugin can be used to show new commits in Telescope.

📦 Installation and Setup (with lazy.nvim)

To use the plugin with lazy.nvim:

  config = function()
      source_dir = "~/.local/src/neovim",  -- Custom target directory
      build_type = "RelWithDebInfo",       -- Set the desired build type
      branch = "master",                   -- Track nightly branch
      check_for_updates = true,            -- Enable automatic update checks
      default_keymaps = false,             -- Disable default keymaps
  keys = { -- Custom keymappings
    { -- Custom Update Neovim
      desc = "Custom Update Neovim"
    { -- Debug Build Neovim
        require('nvim_updater').update_neovim({ build_type = 'Debug' })
      desc = "Debug Build Neovim"
    { -- Remove Neovim Source
      desc = "Remove Neovim Source Directory",

Minimal example with defaults in lazy.nvim:

    opts = {},

Example with packer.nvim:

use {
  config = function()
      source_dir = "~/.local/src/neovim",  -- Custom target directory
      build_type = "RelWithDebInfo",       -- Set the desired build type
      branch = "master",                   -- Track nightly branch
      check_for_updates = true,            -- Enable automatic update checks
      default_keymaps = false,             -- Disable default keymaps
  keys = { -- Custom keymappings
    { -- Custom Update Neovim
      desc = "Custom Update Neovim"
    { -- Debug Build Neovim
        require('nvim_updater').update_neovim({ build_type = 'Debug' })
      desc = "Debug Build Neovim"
    { -- Remove Neovim Source
      desc = "Remove Neovim Source Directory",

Example with vim-plug:

Plug "rootiest/nvim-updater.nvim"

lua << EOF
  source_dir = "~/.local/src/neovim",  -- Custom target directory
  build_type = "RelWithDebInfo",       -- Set the desired build type
  branch = "master",                   -- Track nightly branch
  check_for_updates = true,            -- Enable automatic update checks
  default_keymaps = false,             -- Disable default keymaps

-- Custom keybindings
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<Leader>cuU",
  ":lua require('nvim_updater').update_neovim()<CR>",
  { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "Custom Update Neovim" })

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<Leader>cuD",
  ":lua require('nvim_updater').update_neovim({ build_type = 'Debug' })<CR>",
  { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "Debug Build Neovim" })

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<Leader>cRN",
  { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "Remove Neovim Source Directory" })

✨ Features

  • Clone, build, and install Neovim from the source.
  • Customizable source path, build type
    (Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo), and branch.
  • Provides default keybindings for quick actions or
    define your own custom keymaps.
  • Integrates with lualine and statusline plugins via a
    dedicated buffer filetype for customization and
    a status component.

[!TIP] The plugin can integrate with DiffView and Telescope plugins to display new commits in the Neovim source.


The setup function accepts an optional table to configure the plugin’s behavior.

Available Options

  • source_dir: Path to where the Neovim source is cloned. Default is vim.fn.expand("~/.local/src/neovim").

    The source directory path can be any valid path Neovim can write to.

  • build_type: The build type to use. Default is "RelWithDebInfo".

    Possible values are: "Release" - No debugging symbols. "Debug" - All debugging symbols. "RelWithDebInfo" - Release with common debugging symbols.

  • branch: The branch to track when cloning Neovim. Default is "master" (nightly).

    The branch can be used to track the Neovim version.

    Possible values are: "master" - Neovim nightly "release-0.10" - Neovim 0.10 "release-0.9" - Neovim 0.9 etc..

  • verbose: (boolean) Enable verbose output. Default is false.

    When set to false, INFO and DEBUG notifications from the plugin are suppressed.

    Possible values are: true - Enable verbose output. false - Disable verbose output.

  • check_for_updates: (boolean) Enable automatic update checks. Default is false.

    When set to false, the plugin will not check for updates automatically.

    Possible values are: true - Enable automatic update checks. false - Disable automatic update checks.

  • update_interval: (number) Update interval in seconds. Default is (60 * 60 * 6) (6 hours).

    The update interval is the time between checks for new commits in the neovim source repository.

    Possible values are: number - Update interval in seconds.

  • default_keymaps: (boolean) Enable default keymaps. Default is false.

    When set to true, the plugin provides a set of default keymaps.

    Possible values are: true - Enable default keymaps. false - Disable default keymaps.

Example Setup

Default configuration:

  source_dir = "~/.local/src/neovim",  -- Default source directory
  build_type = "RelWithDebInfo",       -- Default build mode
  branch = "master",                   -- Represents "nightly"
  check_for_updates = false,           -- Disable automatic update checks
  update_interval = (60 * 60) * 6,     -- 6 hours default update interval
  verbose = false,                     -- Disable verbose output
  default_keymaps = false,              -- Disable default keymaps

⌨️ Default Keybindings

[!NOTE] If you do not wish to specify your own custom keymaps, the plugin provides default keymaps that you can use.

  • <Leader>uU: Update Neovim using the default configuration.
  • <Leader>uD: Update Neovim using a Debug build.
  • <Leader>uR: Update Neovim using a Release build type.
  • <Leader>uC: Remove Neovim source directory.
  • <Leader>un: Show new updates available

You can override these keybindings by providing a table of custom key mappings in the plugin’s setup (as demonstrated in the installation example).

🔧 Exposed Commands


  • :NVUpdateNeovim: Updates Neovim from the source, using the default or custom options you’ve set (e.g., source directory, build type, and branch). If the source does not exist at the specified path, the repository is cloned and built.


This command pulls the latest changes from the source and builds Neovim based on your configuration.

  • :NVUpdateRemoveSource: Removes the source directory.


This command is useful if you want to clean up your source directory after you’ve built and installed Neovim.

  • :NVUpdateShowNewCommits: Shows new updates available.


    This command allows you to check for new updates and show the changes in a floating terminal.

  • :NVUpdateShowNewCommitsInDiffView: Shows new updates available in the DiffView plugin.


    This command allows you to check for new updates and show the changes in the DiffView plugin.

  • :NVUpdateShowNewCommitsInTelescope: Shows new updates available in the Telescope plugin.


    This command allows you to check for new updates and show the changes in the Telescope plugin.

Lua Functions

The plugin exposes several Lua functions.

The following functions are available in the nvim_updater namespace:

[!NOTE] The defaults shown below are for the default configuration. If options aren't provided to the function, the values from the plugin configuration will be used.

Update Neovim from source

require("nvim_updater").update_neovim( [options] )

Available [options]:

  • source_dir: Path to where the Neovim source is cloned. Default is ~/.local/src/neovim.
  • build_type: The build type to use, e.g.,
    Release, Debug, or RelWithDebInfo. Default is RelWithDebInfo.
  • branch: The branch to track when cloning Neovim. Default is master.

Remove Neovim source

require("nvim_updater").remove_source_dir( [options] )

Available [options]:

  • source_dir: Path to where the Neovim source is cloned.
    Default is ~/.local/src/neovim.

Clone Neovim source

require("nvim_updater").generate_source_dir( [options] )

Available [options]:

  • source_dir: Path to where the Neovim source is to be cloned.
    Default is ~/.local/src/neovim.
  • branch: The branch to track when cloning Neovim. Default is master.

Show new commits

 require("nvim_updater.utils").show_new_commits( [options] )

This function opens a floating terminal with the new commits/changes on the remote repository vs the local src directory.

Available [options]:

  • isupdate: Whether to prompt for updating after showing the changes.
    Default is false

Show new commits in DiffView


This function opens DiffView with the new commits/changes on the remote repository vs the local src directory.

Show new commits in Telescope


This function opens Telescope with the new commits/changes on the remote repository vs the local src directory.

Open floating terminal

require("nvim_updater.utils").open_floating_terminal( [options] )

This is a helper function for opening a floating terminal that is used by the updater to display the terminal output.

Available [options]:

  • cmd: Command to run in the terminal.
  • filetype: Filetype to assign to the terminal buffer.


require("nvim_updater").setup( [options] )

See Configuration for setup [options].

📂 Integrations

There are several features that allow the plugin to better integrate with other plugins.

Filetype: neovim_updater_term

The plugin assigns a custom filetype to the terminal buffer used to run shell commands for updating Neovim.

You can easily integrate with statusline plugins like lualine by referencing this filetype and applying custom conditions. For example, you may want to hide certain lualine components when this filetype is active in your terminal buffers.

Example Lualine Configuration

require("lualine").setup {
  sections = {
    lualine_a = { "mode" },
    lualine_b = { "branch" },
    lualine_c = {
      { -- Hide filename when using the updater
        cond = function()
          return not string.find(vim.bo.filetype, "neovim_updater_term")
      { -- Neovim Updater
          local ft = vim.bo.filetype
          if ft == "neovim_updater_term.updating" then
            return "Neovim Updating.."
          elseif ft == "neovim_updater_term.cloning" then
            return "Neovim Source Cloning.."
          elseif ft == "neovim_updater_term.changes" then
            return "Neovim Source Changelog"
        icon = "󰅢 ",
        color = "lualine_a_terminal",
        separator = { left = "", right = "" },
        padding = { left = 0, right = 0 },
        cond = function()
          return string.find(vim.bo.filetype, "neovim_updater_term") ~= nil
  -- Other lualine components

This configuration hides the file name in lualine when the neovim_updater_term root filetype is detected and shows the nvim-updater component instead.

In this way we can avoid a messy "filename" being displayed when using the updater and instead display a customized "Neovim Updating" message.

The condition can also be applied to any other components you wish to hide when using the updater.

We can also take advantage of the "sub-filetype" to determine the mode of the updater plugin.

The plugin exposes the following sub-filetypes:

  • neovim_updater_term.updating - Neovim is updating
  • neovim_updater_term.changes - Showing Neovim source changes
  • neovim_updater_term.cloning - Neovim source directory is cloning

🪄 Statusline Integration

The plugin exposes a function nvim_updater.get_statusline()

This function returns a table of values that can be used to populate your statusline component.

The table is not updated when the function is called. This prevents blocking or caching from negatively impacting your status component.

Instead, set the check_for_updates option to true and configure a update_interval in the plugin setup options. The plugin will then periodically check for updates and update the statusline component automatically at that interval.

Alternatively, set check_for_updates to false and manually call nvim_updater.utils.get_commit_count() when you'd like to refresh the updates.

Here is an example adding a component to the lualine statusline:

require("lualine").setup {
  sections = {
    lualine_x = {
      { -- Neovim Updater Status
          return require("nvim_updater").get_statusline().icon_text
        color = function()
          return require("nvim_updater").get_statusline().color
        on_click = function()

This will produce statusline components like this:

Clicking on the component will open the changelog in a floating terminal.

The get_statusline() function provides the following values:

  • count: The number of new commits
  • text: The text of the status
  • icon: An icon representing the update status
  • icon_text: The icon and text of the status
  • icon_count: The icon and count of the status
  • color: A highlight group representing the update status

Diff Integrations

The plugin exposes a couple additional functions that provide better integration with other plugins.

DiffView Integration

The plugin exposes a function nvim_updater.show_new_commits_in_diffview()

This function opens the changelog in the DiffView plugin.

If the plugin is not installed/available, the function will produce an error notification and then fallback to opening the changelog in a floating terminal.

Telescope Integration

The plugin exposes a function nvim_updater.show_new_commits_in_telescope()

This function opens the changelog in the Telescope plugin.

If the plugin is not installed/available, the function will produce an error notification and then fallback to opening the changelog in a floating terminal.

🧰 External Use

You can also use this plugin to update Neovim directly from the command line or from the desktop.

This is achieved by the use of an environment variable.

The NVIMUPDATER_HEADLESS environment variable can be set to enable headless mode. In this mode, Neovim will be exited immediately after the update completes.

[!WARNING] Lazy-loading the plugin may prevent headless operation from functioning properly.

If you receive an error with external calls:

E492: Not an editor command: NVUpdateNeovim

This generally indicates the plugin was not loaded at startup.

Command Line

After installing the plugin, you can run the following command:


This command will open Neovim directly to the updater.

  • If the update completes successfully, Neovim will be closed.
  • If the update fails, the window will be kept open.

You can also alias this command to a shortcut like nvimup:


alias nvimup='NVIMUPDATER_HEADLESS=1 nvim "+NVUpdateNeovim"'


alias --save nvimup='NVIMUPDATER_HEADLESS=1 nvim "+NVUpdateNeovim"'

This will allow you to simply run nvimup from anywhere in your terminal.

Desktop Shortcut

You can also create a desktop shortcut for this command like so:


[Desktop Entry]
Name=Neovim Updater
Exec=env NVIMUPDATER_HEADLESS=1 nvim "+NVUpdateNeovim"

Place this file in your ~/.local/share/applications directory.

You will then have a shortcut available in your system's application menu for updating Neovim called Neovim Updater. This shortcut will open the updater in your default terminal emulator.

To use a specific terminal emulator instead of the default, you can modify the desktop file like so:


[Desktop Entry]
Name=Neovim Updater (kitty)
Exec=env NVIMUPDATER_HEADLESS=1 kitty nvim "+NVUpdateNeovim"

This example uses the kitty terminal emulator.

You can substitute kitty with any terminal emulator of your choice.

⚠️ Compatibility

  • Platform: The plugin is primarily developed for Linux environments.
    Although it may work on macOS or other platforms,
    sudo make install is hard-coded and assumes a Linux-based setup.
  • Neovim Version: This plugin requires Neovim 0.9+ to operate correctly,
    as it depends on specific Lua API features.

🛠️ Contributing

If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to open a GitHub issue or send a pull request. We welcome contributions!

🐛 Filing an Issue

Be sure to include the following information when reporting bugs:

  1. The output of nvim --version.
  2. Error messages from Neovim (if any).
  3. Steps to reproduce the issue.

🚀 PR Submission Guidelines

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or fix.
  3. Make your changes, add or update tests, and confirm everything works.
  4. Submit a pull request with a clear description of the changes made.

📜 License

This repository is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute this project in your own work.