
Ready Neovim's configuration for fullstack developers.

MIT License


This is the distro neovim for fullstack development.

🚀 Performance for time startup: 24ms - 50ms(about 50 plugins)


Plugin Description
lazy A plugin manager that loads plugins lazily to ensure fast startup times.
nvim-lspconfig Support default lsp for (lua, python, web development, java, bash, c-c++ )
mason Automatically installs LSP servers, formatters, linters, and debug adapters
conform Fast formatter
nvim-cmp A lightweight completion plugin
witch Main theme
url-open Great plugin to open the url under cursor
stcursorword Highlight all words similar to the word under the cursor
buffer-closer Automatic close unused buffers
nvim-tree A fast and lightweight file explorer
toggleterm Includes a terminal using toggleterm
gitsigns, git-conflict Integrates Git functionality with gitsigns and git-conflict plugins for a seamless Git experience.
comment A plugin for easily generating comments.
dap, dapui Offers debugging capabilities with dap and dapui plugins.
treesitter Provides syntax highlighting
autopairs Auto generate pairs
rainbow-delimiters Beautiful bracket highlighting
ccc A color picker using ccc
sttusline A very lightweight, super fast and lazyloading statusline plugin for neovim written in lua
telescope Provides a file finder using telescope, a fuzzy finder plugin for files, buffers, and more.

And many more plugins that you can see in plugins/init.lua


How to add more key map

  • We provide you two files for keymap.

    • One for plugin key map (~/.config/nvim/lua/core/plugmap.lua).(This file will be load on startup)

    • One for some custom default nvim map (~/.config/nvim/lua/core/nvimmap.lua). In this file if any keymap you want it run on startup please put your map function in map_on_startup function

  • We provide you a function to map

    ---@tparam table|string mode : Table mode used for applying the key map if only one mode you can use string
    ---@tparam string key : The key you wish to map.
    ---@tparam function|string map_to : The key or function to be executed by the keymap.
    ---@tparam table|number opts : Options to be applied in vim.keymap.set.
    --- - Default opts = 1.
    --- - opts = 1 for noremap and silent and nowait.
    --- - opts = 2 for not noremap and silent.
    --- - opts = 3 for noremap and not silent.
    --- - opts = 4 for not noremap and not silent.
    --- - opts = 5 for expr and noremap and silent.
    --- - opts = 6 for noremap and silent and wait.
    --- - opts = 7 for noremap and silent and nowait and expr.
    ---@tparam table extend_opts: Extension or overriding of opts if opts is a number.
    require("utils.mapper").map(mode, key, map_to, opts, extend_opts)

    --- Examples:
	require("utils.mapper").map({ "n", "v" }, "gx", "<esc>:URLOpenUnderCursor<cr>", { desc = "Open URL under cursor" })
	require("utils.mapper").map("n" }, "gx", "<esc>:URLOpenUnderCursor<cr>", 2, { desc = "Open URL under cursor" })

Install LSP, debugger

  • We use mason plugin to automatically install lsps, debuggers, linters

  • To ensure a package is automatically synced on startup, you can create a .masonrc.json file in the project's root directory or add packages to ensured_installed in ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/configs/mason.lua

  • If you want disable automatically synced mason packages on startup, you can change auto_sync = false in ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/configs/mason.lua

  • Additionally, you can manually sync the package by using the command :MasonSyncPackages in your neovim

  • Example .masonrc.json .masonrc.json


  • xclip (for clipboard support)
  • fd (for telescope)
  • ripgrep (for telescope)
  • Nerdfonts (for icons) (I use Hack Nerd Font)
  • Neovim 0.5 or higher

Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S xclip fd ripgrep
yay -S ttf-hack-nerd


Clone this repository into your Neovim configuration directory.

Linux and MacOS:

SSH method (recommended)

[ -d ~/.config/nvim ] && mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak ; git clone [email protected]:sontungexpt/stinvim.git ~/.config/nvim --depth 1
[ -d ~/.config/nvim ] && mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak ; git clone ~/.config/nvim --depth 1

Windows (git bash)

[ -d %USERPROFILE%/Local/nvim ] && mv %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvim %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvim.bak ; git clone %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvim --depth 1

You will also need to install the plugins. This configuration uses the lazy.nvim plugin manager to manage plugins. You can install the plugins by opening Neovim and running :Lazy sync

In this distro we enable two providers: nodejs and python so please install it or you can disable it in file ~/.config/nvim/lua/core/provider.lua

# for nodejs
npm install -g neovim

# for ruby
# gem install neovim

# for python
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install neovim
:Lazy sync



This configuration is highly customizable and easy to configure.


If you find any issues with this configuration or would like to contribute, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.


This configuration is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.