
A Neovim plugin that provides a simple way to run and visualize code actions with Telescope.

MIT License


📇 tiny-code-action.nvim

A Neovim plugin that provides a simple way to run and visualize code actions with Telescope.

The code action protocol is nearly fully implemented in this plugin, so you can use it with any language server, even with, like in the preview, Omnisharp which uses partial code actions.

[!WARNING] I have not tested on all LSP, so do not hesitate to open an issue if it doesn't work for you.

đŸ–ŧī¸ Preview





đŸ“Ĩ Installation

[!NOTE] This plugins comes with NerdFonts icons by default. If you don't want to use them, you can remove them from the signs option.

With Lazy.nvim:

    dependencies = {
    event = "LspAttach",
    config = function()

And add the following snippet to your keymaps:

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ca", function()
end, { noremap = true, silent = true })

⚙ī¸ Options

[!NOTE] To use the delta backend you must install delta dandavison/delta

[!WARNING] Due to some limitations, the delta backend can be slow if the action is really big. If you want optimal performance, use the vim backend.

	--- The backend to use, currently only "vim", "delta" and "difftastic" are supported
	backend = "vim",
	backend_opts = {
		delta = {
			-- Header from delta can be quite large.
			-- You can remove them by setting this to the number of lines to remove
			header_lines_to_remove = 4,

			-- The arguments to pass to delta
			-- If you have a custom configuration file, you can set the path to it like so:
			-- args = {
			--     "--config" .. os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/delta/config.yml",
			-- }
			args = {
		difftastic = {
			-- Header from delta can be quite large.
			-- You can remove them by setting this to the number of lines to remove
			header_lines_to_remove = 1,

			-- The arguments to pass to difftastic
			args = {
	telescope_opts = {
		layout_strategy = "vertical",
		layout_config = {
			width = 0.7,
			height = 0.9,
			preview_cutoff = 1,
			preview_height = function(_, _, max_lines)
				local h = math.floor(max_lines * 0.5)
				return math.max(h, 10)
	-- The icons to use for the code actions
	-- You can add your own icons, you just need to set the exact action's kind of the code action
	-- You can set the highlight like so: { link = "DiagnosticError" } or  like nvim_set_hl ({ fg ..., bg..., bold..., ...})
	signs = {
		quickfix = { "ķ°¨", { link = "DiagnosticInfo" } },
		others = { "?", { link = "DiagnosticWarning" } },
		refactor = { "īƒ„", { link = "DiagnosticWarning" } },
		["refactor.move"] = { "ķ°Ēš", { link = "DiagnosticInfo" } },
		["refactor.extract"] = { "īŠ", { link = "DiagnosticError" } },
		["source.organizeImports"] = { "ī€ē", { link = "TelescopeResultVariable" } },
		["source.fixAll"] = { "ī‚­", { link = "TelescopeResultVariable" } },
		["source"] = { "ī„Ą", { link = "DiagnosticError" } },
		["rename"] = { "ķ°‘•", { link = "DiagnosticWarning" } },
		["codeAction"] = { "īƒ§", { link = "DiagnosticError" } },

❓ FAQ:

  • How to look like the preview?
    • You can find my delta configuration here: rachartier/dotfiles/delta
    • Then you can set the config_path to the path of your configuration file.