
Git support for dirvish.vim

MIT License



Plugin for dirvish.vim that shows git status flags. Same as nerdtree-git-plugin for NERDTree.

Currently tested only on Linux.


  • dirvish.vim
  • (Neo)Vim with conceal feature (has('conceal') should return 1)
  • git


Install the plugin alongside dirvish.vim with your favorite plugin manager.

I'm using vim-plug

Plug 'justinmk/vim-dirvish'
Plug 'kristijanhusak/vim-dirvish-git'

Thats it!


Following mappings are available by default:

]f - jump to next "git" file [f - jump to previous "git" file

To change mappings to use for example <C-n> for next and <C-p> for previous file add this to your vimrc:

autocmd vimrc FileType dirvish nmap <silent><buffer><C-n> <Plug>(dirvish_git_next_file)
autocmd vimrc FileType dirvish nmap <silent><buffer><C-p> <Plug>(dirvish_git_prev_file)


Ignored files are not marked by default. If you want them to be marked, add this to your vimrc:

let g:dirvish_git_show_ignored = 1

These are default indicators used that can be overridden in vimrc:

  let g:dirvish_git_indicators = {
  \ 'Modified'  : '✹',
  \ 'Staged'    : '✚',
  \ 'Untracked' : '✭',
  \ 'Renamed'   : '➜',
  \ 'Unmerged'  : '═',
  \ 'Ignored'   : '☒',
  \ 'Unknown'   : '?'
  \ }

To change font color you can update any of these highlighting groups.

Here's short example how it's set up by default:

  let l:modified = 'guifg=#EBCB8B ctermfg=3'
  let l:added = 'guifg=#A3BE8C ctermfg=2'
  let l:unmerged = 'guifg=#BF616A ctermfg=1'

  silent exe 'hi default DirvishGitModified '.l:modified
  silent exe 'hi default DirvishGitStaged '.l:added
  silent exe 'hi default DirvishGitRenamed '.l:modified
  silent exe 'hi default DirvishGitUnmerged '.l:unmerged
  silent exe 'hi default DirvishGitIgnored guifg=NONE guibg=NONE gui=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE'
  silent exe 'hi default DirvishGitUntracked guifg=NONE guibg=NONE gui=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE'
  " Untracked dir linked to Dirvish default dir color
  silent exe 'hi default link DirvishGitUntrackedDir DirvishPathTail'

To override any of these, just add a highlight group to your vimrc. Just make sure it's after your colorscheme setup

colorscheme gruvbox
" Highlight dirvish modified files with blue color
hi DirvishGitModified guifg=#0000FF

Icons are shown by default, to hide the icons and only show the Git status with colors, add this to your vimrc:

let g:dirvish_git_show_icons = 0

Thanks to: