
My Neovim config—supports rich color schemes, autocomplete, intellisense, inline linting, fuzzy file and grep searching, file tree browsing, window splitting, easy file buffer management and more!

CC0-1.0 License


My Vim/Neovim Config


cmd description
space Search for pattern in file
<c-w>space Clear search highlight
\g WORD Grep files
\b View git blame
\B View git file history
\cc Comment out selected lines
\ci Uncomment selected lines
\{-,=} Resize vertically split windows
<c-p> Search files / Cycling autocomplete reverse (Insert)
<c-n> Search buffers / Cycle autocomplete (Insert)
<c-c> Close a buffer
<c-w>c Delete a buffer
<c-w>w Save all buffers
<c-w>v Split buffer window vertically
<c-w>s Split buffer window horizontally
<c-w>c Delete a buffer
<c-w>{p,P} Toggle spell check
<c-{h,j,k,l}> Move around windows
<c-V> Paste from clipboard
<c-e><c-f> Open file tree browser
<c-e><c-p> Open lsp symbol browser
<c-e><c-l> Show lint/compile errors
gr Show all files/instances that reference type
gd Go to definition of type
gi Go to type definition of type
gr Go to implementation of type
gh Show function signature
zc Fold at syntax
zo Fold open at syntax
zR Fold open all


git clone ~/.vim-settings

cd ~/.vim-settings

git submodule update --init

cd ~/

ln -s ~/.vim-settings/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.vim-settings/.vim
ln -s ~/.vim-settings/.vim ~/.config/nvim

vim +PluginInstall +UpdateRemotePlugins

Main Plugins

Plugins are managed with Vundle.

For installed plugins see .vimrc.


pacman -S the_silver_searcher # or apt install the_silver_searcher
pip install pynvim
gem install solargraph

Updating Plugins

vim +PluginClean +PluginUpdate +CocUpdateSync

Submodule Issues

If you get issues about non-release branches you may need to:

cd .vim/bundle/coc.nvim
git fetch origin
git checkout -b release origin/release
cd ~