
Pagination offset-based and cursor-based for NestJS

MIT License



  • Current support PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB.
  • Others DB does not tested.


  • 0.0.2:
    • Support search OR
    • Support operator fts (Full Text Search)


Install dependencies

# npm
npm i @nestjs/common typeorm

# OR

# yarn
yarn add @nestjs/common typeorm

Install package

# npm
npm i @blogcode/nest-typeorm-pagination

# OR

# yarn
yarn add @blogcode/nest-typeorm-pagination


Filter string for Offset bases

  • page=1: Get page 1, offset 0
  • limit=10: Per page 10 records.
  • filters[name]=abc: Field name or alias name equal to abc.
  • filters[age][value]=18: Field age or alias age will be compare.
  • filters[age][operator]=gte: Field age or alias age compare greater than or equal to 18.
  • order[name]=1: Order by name or alias name is DESC.
  • order[age]=0: Order by age or alias age is ASC.

Filter string for Cursor based

  • cursor=10: This indicates the current position in the dataset. The cursor is typically a unique identifier or an offset that helps the server know where to continue fetching records from.
  • limit=10: This specifies the number of records to return in the response. In this case, the client is requesting 10 records.
  • direction=next: This indicates the direction in which to paginate. The value next suggests that the client wants to fetch the next set of records following the current cursor position.
  • filters[name]=abc: This applies a filter on the name field, where the value must be abc.
  • filters[age][value]=18 and filters[age][operator]=gte: These two parameters work together to filter the age field. The value is set to 18, and the operator is gte, which stands for "greater than or equal to." Thus, this filter will include records where the age is 18 or older.
  • order[name]=1 and order[age]=0: These parameters specify the sorting order of the results. The order[name]=1 indicates that the results should be sorted by the name field in ascending order, while order[age]=0 indicates that the results should be sorted by the age field in descending order.


Operator Group Description
eq, = Equal to
neq, != Not equal to
gt, > Greater than
lt, < Less than
gte, >= Greater than or equal to
lte, <= Less than or equal to
in In (within a specified set)
nin Not in (not within a specified set)
like Like (matches a pattern)
ilike Case-insensitive like (matches a pattern)
nlike Not like (does not match a pattern)
nilike Case-insensitive not like (does not match a pattern)
is Is (matches a specific value, often used for null checks)
isnot Is not (does not match a specific value, often used for null checks)
bw Between (within a specified range)
nbw Not between (not within a specified range)


export const DEFAULT_LIMIT = 10;
  • Description: This constant sets the default limit for pagination to 10 records.


export const MAX_LIMIT = 1000;
  • Description: This constant sets the maximum limit for pagination to 1000 records.



export function isBaseType(value: any): value is string | number | boolean {
  return ['string', 'number', 'boolean'].includes(typeof value);
  • Description: Checks if the given value is a base type (string, number, or boolean).
  • Parameters:
    • value: The value to check.
  • Returns: true if the value is a string, number, or boolean; otherwise false.


export function getFilters(query: Record<string, any> | undefined) {
  const filters: PaginationFilters = {};

  if (typeof query?.filters === 'object') {
    Object.keys(query.filters).forEach((key) => {
      const value = query.filters[key];

      if (typeof value === 'object') {
        filters[key] = {
          value: value.value,
          operator: value.operator,
      } else if (isBaseType(value)) {
        filters[key] = {
          operator: 'eq',

  return filters;
  • Description: Extracts filters from the query object.
  • Parameters:
    • query: An object containing the query parameters.
  • Returns: An object representing the filters for pagination.


export function getOrder(query: Record<string, any> | undefined) {
  const order: PaginationOrder = {};

  if (typeof query?.order === 'object') {
    Object.keys(query.order).forEach((key) => {
      order[key] = parseInt(query.order[key]) === 1 ? 1 : 0;

  return order;
  • Description: Extracts the order for sorting from the query object.
  • Parameters:
    • query: An object containing the query parameters.
  • Returns: An object representing the order for pagination.


export function getCursorDirection(query: Record<string, any> | undefined) {
  const direction = query?.direction as string;
  return direction?.toLowerCase() === 'prev' ? 'prev' : 'next';
  • Description: Determines the cursor direction for pagination from the query object.
  • Parameters:
    • query: An object containing the query parameters.
  • Returns: A string indicating the cursor direction ('prev' or 'next').



  • Description: This decorator is used to extract pagination parameters from the request query for offset-based pagination.
  • Returns: An object of type PaginationOffsetDto containing the following properties:
    • page: The current page number, defaulting to 1 if not provided in the query.
    • limit: The number of records per page, defaulting to DEFAULT_LIMIT if not provided in the query.
    • filters: An object representing the filters for pagination, extracted from the query.
    • order: An object representing the order for sorting, extracted from the query.

Usage Example in a Controller

// src/modules/item.repo.ts
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { PaginationService, PaginationOffsetDto } from '@blogcode/nest-typeorm-pagination';

export class ItemService {
    private readonly itemRepo: Repository<ItemEntity>,
    private readonly paginationService: PaginationService,
  ) {
    this.paginationService.setPrimaryKey('id'); // value `id` is default inside package.
    // Set others value if need

  getItemsOffset(query: PaginationOffsetDto) {
    return this.paginationService.offset(this.itemRepo, query);

  getItemsCursor(query: PaginationCursorDto) {
    return this.paginationService.cursor(this.itemRepo, query);

  getTotalItemCursor(query: PaginationCursorDto) {
    return this.paginationService.getCursorTotal(this.itemRepo, query);
// src/modules/item.controlller.ts
import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Offset, PaginationOffsetDto } from '@blogcode/nest-typeorm-pagination';
import { ItemRepo } from './item.repo';

export class ItemsController {
  constructor(private readonly itemRepo: ItemRepo) {}
  getItems(@Offset() query: PaginationOffsetDto) {
    // Your logic to handle the pagination
    return this.itemsService.getItemsOffset(query);


  • Description: This decorator is used to extract pagination parameters from the request query for cursor-based pagination.
  • Returns: An object of type PaginationOffsetDto containing the following properties:
    • cursor: The current cursor position, extracted from the query.
    • direction: The direction of pagination ('prev' or 'next'), determined from the query.
    • limit: The number of records to return, defaulting to DEFAULT_LIMIT if not provided in the query.
    • filters: An object representing the filters for pagination, extracted from the query.
    • order: An object representing the order for sorting, extracted from the query.

Usage Example in a Controller

// src/modules/item.controlller.ts
import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Offset, PaginationCursorDto } from '@blogcode/nest-typeorm-pagination';
import { ItemRepo } from './item.repo';

export class ItemsController {
  constructor(private readonly itemRepo: ItemRepo) {}
  getItems(@Cursor() query: PaginationCursorDto) {
    // Your logic to handle the pagination
    return this.itemsService.getItemsCursor(query);

Class: PaginationService

PaginationService provides methods for performing data pagination in two ways: offset-based and cursor-based. It supports applying filters, sorting, and setting limits on the number of returned results.


setFilterMapping(mapping: Record<string, string>): this
  • Description: Sets the mapping between DTO fields and database fields.
  • Parameters:
    • mapping: Object mapping between DTO field names and database field names.
  • Returns: this - allows method chaining.


setDefaultLimit(limit: number): this
  • Description: Sets the default limit for the number of returned results.
  • Parameters:
    • limit: Default number of results (must be greater than 0).
  • Returns: this - allows method chaining.


setMaxLimit(limit: number): this
  • Description: Sets the maximum limit for the number of returned results.
  • Parameters:
    • limit: Maximum number of results (must be greater than 0).
  • Returns: this - allows method chaining.


setEntityName(name: string): this
  • Description: Sets the entity name for the queries.
  • Parameters:
    • name: Name of the entity.
  • Returns: this - allows method chaining.


setResultName(name: string): this
  • Description: Sets the field name for the returned results.
  • Parameters:
    • name: Name of the result field.
  • Returns: this - allows method chaining.


setPrimaryKey(key: string): this
  • Description: Sets the primary key of the entity.
  • Parameters:
    • key: Name of the primary key.
  • Returns: this - allows method chaining.


async offset<T extends ObjectLiteral, K extends string = string>(
  repository: Repository<T>,
  dto: PaginationOffsetDto,
): Promise<PaginationOffsetResult<K, T>>
  • Description: Performs offset-based pagination.
  • Parameters:
    • repository: Repository of the entity.
    • dto: DTO object containing pagination, filters, and sorting information.
  • Returns: Promise<PaginationOffsetResult<K, T>> - Result of offset-based pagination.


async cursor<T extends ObjectLiteral, K extends string = string>(
  repository: Repository<T>,
  dto: PaginationCursorDto,
): Promise<PaginationCursorResult<K, T>>
  • Description: Performs cursor-based pagination.
  • Parameters:
    • repository: Repository of the entity.
    • dto: DTO object containing pagination, filters, sorting information, and cursor.
  • Returns: Promise<PaginationCursorResult<K, T>> - Result of cursor-based pagination, including next and previous cursors.


async getCursorTotal<T extends ObjectLiteral>(
  repository: Repository<T>,
  dto: PaginationCursorDto,
): Promise<number>
  • Description: Retrieves the total number of items based on the filters for cursor-based pagination.
  • Parameters:
    • repository: Repository of the entity.
    • dto: DTO object containing filter information.
  • Returns: Promise<number> - Total number of items based on the filters.

Search OR

Set mapping fields

export class UserService {
  constructor(private readonly paginationService: PaginationService) {
      name: 'username, email, firstname, lastname'

Query string:



WHERE (username = "text" OR email = "text" OR firstname = "text" OR lastname = "text")

Query string:



WHERE (username LIKE "%text%" OR email LIKE "%text%" OR firstname LIKE "%text%" OR lastname = "%text%")

Full Text Search


Set mapping fields

export class UserService {
  constructor(private readonly paginationService: PaginationService) {
      name: "to_tsquery('english', ':name')"

Property name and :name must be same word.

Query string



WHERE name @@ to_tsquery('english', 'search 20keyword')


Set mapping fields

export class UserService {
  constructor(private readonly paginationService: PaginationService) {
      name: 'username, email, firstname, lastname'

Query string



WHERE MATCH (username, email, firstname, lastname) AGAINST ('search keyword' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
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