
This NestJS module enables to auto-generate beautiful API docs using Swagger and Redoc. It supports NestJS 10, ExpressJS and Fastify.

MIT License



  • NestJS 10 support
  • ExpressJS and Fastify support
  • Multi-user auth basic support
  • Option "standalone" for self hosted redoc bundles without requesting a CDN.
  • Option to disable Google fonts

Using the "standalone" Option in combination with "disableGoogleFont" respects the user's privacy and allows to serve the API reference offline.


npm install nestjs-redox


By default NestJSRedox automatically loads the redoc bundle from a CDN. If you want to host it yourself, install redoc via npm install redoc and set standalone in RedoxOptions parameter to true. An additional fix replaces the redoc logo URL with a local saved image. See chapter "setup".


In your main.ts file, before calling app.listen() insert the module setup:

import { NestJSRedoxOptions } from 'nestjs-dedox';

/** example swagger config **/
const swaggerConfig = new DocumentBuilder()
  .setTitle('API reference')
  .setDescription('Some description')
  .addSecurity('roles', {
    type: 'http',
    scheme: 'bearer',

 * official supported options by Redoc
const redocOptions: RedocOptions = {
  requiredPropsFirst: true,

 * Redox options
const redoxOptions: NestJSRedoxOptions = {
  useGlobalPrefix: true,
  disableGoogleFont: true,
  standalone: true,
  auth: {
    enabled: true,
    users: {
      user1: 'user1',
      user2: 'user2',

 * create swagger document
const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, swaggerConfig, {
  ignoreGlobalPrefix: false,
  operationIdFactory: (controllerKey, methodKey) => methodKey,

 * Initialize NestjsRedoxModule
NestjsRedoxModule.setup('reference', app as any, document, redoxOptions, redocOptions);

If you like this package give it a star ;)


For supported options see Options.


See Changelog.


Clone this repository and run npm install. You find the library under libs/nestjs-redox and the demo apps under apps/demo-expressor apps/demo-fastify. Please run npm run format before commiting and make sure to use valid commit messages (see chapter Contributing).

E2E Testing

Run npm run test to run e2e tests.


If you want to contribute please fork this repository and send a pull request. The commit messages must be formatted after the conventional changelog angular theme. Following scopes are allowed: "nestjs-redox", "demo-express", "demo-fastify" and "project" for changes that affect the whole project.