
Demo application for utilising Hashicorp Vault for encryption.


Vault Encryption Demo

Demo application for utilising Hashicorp Vault for encryption.

Technologies Used

Required Environment Variables

  • JWT_SECRET: a random secret value used for signing the JWT's issued by the api.
  • JWT_EXPIRY: how long the issued JWT's should last. e.g. "30m" for 30 minutes.
  • JWT_ISSUER: used to populate the iss claim of generated JWT's. e.g. http://localhost:7777
  • JWT_AUDIENCE: used to populate the aud claim of generated JWT's. e.g. http://localhost:7777
  • VAULT_APP_TOKEN: the token output from terraform after deploying the vault resources.
  • VAULT_KEY_NAME: name of the transit key for the application to use for encryption/decryption. this should align with the name of the transit key in the terraform configuration file

Running the application locally

  1. Open the repo in VS Code
  2. Use the "Reopen in container" command from the Dev containers extension
  3. Once the container is built, run yarn from the project root.
  4. Initialise the SQLite DB: sqlite3 db/prisma/dev.db "VACUUM;".
  5. Initialise prisma: yarn generate --cwd db.
  6. Change directory into the vault folder from the terminal.
  7. Run terraform init to initialise terraform.
  8. Run terraform plan -out tfplan to create a terrform plan file.
  9. Run terraform apply tfplan to apply the generated plan file and create the required vault resources.
  10. Run terraform output app_client_token to print out the generated app token for vault.
  11. In the API folder, copy the .env.example file and rename to .env.development, populating the required environment variables with values.
  12. Run the API in watch mode: yarn dev --cwd api.
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