
πŸ€– Telegram bot for interacting with Nextcloud via Telegram.

MIT License


πŸ€– About Nextcloud Telegram Bot

This Telegram bot simplifies the process of interacting with Nextcloud, allowing users to easily share files without navigating the Nextcloud interface directly. It also provides the following functionalities:

  • File management: users can navigate through the file hierarchy and manage files and folders.
  • Trash bin management: users can restore or delete files from the trash bin.
  • Search by name: users can search for files by their name.

Much more can be easily implemented using the nc_py_api and aigoram libraries.


I created a Telegram bot to simplify sharing memes on Nextcloud for myself and friends. It provides a user-friendly interface for efficient communication and collaboration. The project streamlines the sharing process and enhances efficiency. This experience will be valuable in my future projects involving external service integration with Telegram.

πŸš€ How to Use

There is an example in this repository, you can use it as a guide.

πŸ’‘Installation presupposes that Nextcloud is already installed and configured.

  • First of all, you need to clone the repository and go to it:
git clone
cd nc_tg_bot

🐳 Running in Docker (recommended method)

  • Create and edit .env file:
cp .env.exmaple .env
vi .env
  • Start services:
docker compose up -d

πŸ’» Running on Local Machine

  • Install dependencies using Poetry:
poetry install
  • Start the necessary services (at least the database and redis)

  • Create and edit .env file:

cp .env.exmaple .env
vi .env
  • Make migrations:
make migrate
  • Start telegram bot:
poetry run python -m bot

🌍 Environment variables

To launch the bot you only need a token bot, database, Redis and Nextcloud settings, everything else can be left out. For more information, see .env.example.

Name Example Description
APPNAME "Nextcloud Telegram Bot" Name of the application that will be displayed on the Nextcloud authorization page. Defaults to "Nextcloud Telegram Bot".
LOGGING "INFO" Logging level. Possible values: "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL". Defaults to "INFO".
TG__TOKEN Telegram token that can be obtained from Bot Father in Telegram.
TG__PAGE_SIZE 8 Page size for pagination for fsnodes on inline keyboard. Defaults to 8.
TG__MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE 20971520 Maximum size of a file that can be uploaded in Telegram. Can be increased when using the self-hosted Telegram api. Defaults to 20971520.
TG__MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE 20971520 Maximum size of a file that can be downloaded from Telegram. Can be increased when using the self-hosted Telegram api. Defaults to 20971520.
TG__DROP_PENDING_UPDATES True Whether to drop pending updates on bot restart. Defaults to True.
TG__API_SERVER "http://api" The URL of the self-hosted Telegram API server. Optional.
TG__LOCAL_MODE True Use local requests to self-hosted Telegram API if True, defaults to False.. Optional.
NC__PROTOCOL "https" Protocol used to communicate with the Nextcloud server. Defaults to "https".
NC__HOST "nextcloud" Hostname of the Nextcloud server.
NC__PORT 443 Port number on which the Nextcloud server listens. Defaults to 443.
NC__OVERWRITE__PROTOCOL "https" Overwrites the NC__PROTOCOL used to communicate with the Nextcloud server in links to Nextcloud sent by the bot. Optional.
NC__OVERWRITE__HOST "" Overwrites the NC__HOST used to communicate with the Nextcloud server in links to Nextcloud sent by the bot. Optional.
NC__OVERWRITE__PORT 443 Overwrites the NC__PORT used to communicate with the Nextcloud server in links to Nextcloud sent by the bot. Optional.
NC__CHUNK_SIZE 5242880 Size of file chunks for uploads and downloads. Defaults to 5242880.
WEBHOOK__PORT 8000 The port number on which the webhook server listens. Optional.
WEBHOOK__BASE_URL "" The base URL for the webhook endpoint. Optional.
WEBHOOK__PATH "/webhook" The path under which the webhook endpoint is accessible. Optional.
WEBHOOK__SECRET A secret token used for webhook verification. Optional.
REDIS__HOST "redis" Hostname of the Redis server. Optional
REDIS__DB 1 Database number within Redis to connect to. Optional. Defaults to 1.
REDIS__PORT 6379 Port number on which the Redis server listens. Optional. Defaults to 6379.
REDIS__USER "redis" Uername for Redis authentication. Optional.
REDIS__PASSWORD "redis" Password for Redis authentication. Optional.
REDIS__STATE_TTL 3600 Time-to-live for state data in Redis. Optional.
REDIS__DATA_TTL 3600 Time-to-live for operational data in Redis. Optional.
DB__HOST "db" The hostname of the database server.
DB__USER "postgres" The username for database authentication.
DB__PASSWORD "postgres" The password for database authentication.
DB__DB "postgres" The name of the database.
DB__PORT 5432 The port number on which the database server listens. Defaults to 5432.
DB__DRIVER "asyncpg" The database driver to use. Defaults to "asyncpg".
DB__DATABASE_SYSTEM "postgresql" The type of database system. Defaults to "postgresql".

☁️ Docker and Nextcloud

To use the Nextcloud Telegram bot with Nextcloud, you can create a Docker Compose file that runs on the same Docker network as Nextcloud. This allows the bot to communicate with Nextcloud internally.

To do this, you need to set the NC__PROTOCOL, NC__HOST and NC__PORT environment variables in your Docker Compose file or .env. These variables are used for internal communication between bot and Nextcloud.

If the internal and external host are different, you can set the NC__OVERWRITE__PROTOCOL, NC__OVERWRITE__HOST and NC__OVERWRITE__PORT variables. These variables are used for the external access link that the bot will send.

If your NC__PROTOCOL, NC__HOST and NC__PORT are already accessible from outside, you don't need to specify NC__OVERWRITE__PROTOCOL, NC__OVERWRITE__HOST and NC__OVERWRITE__PORT. In this case, the bot will use NC__PROTOCOL, NC__HOST and NC__PORT as the external access points.

πŸ’‘For example, you set the parameters of the docker internal network for NC__HOST and other default variables, then links of the following type will be created: http://nextcloud:80/... The user will not be able to open such links in browser, but if you specify OVERWRITE, the host will be replaced with OVERWRITE and the links will look like, for example: and the user will already be able to open such links in his browser.

Here's an example of how you can configure this in your Docker Compose file:



# For example, here is an NGINX container that receives an ssl certificate
# and indicates that the domain "" points to the Nextcloud container.


    image: nextcloud
      - 8080:80
      - nextcloud-data:/var/www/html
      - nextcloud-network



    name: nextcloud-network
    driver: bridge

Docker compose file with bot:



    image: bagoont/nc_tg_bot
    restart: always
    env_file: .env
      NC__HOST: "nextcloud"
      NC__OVERWRITE__PROTOCOL: "https"
      - data:/var/www/html
      - nextcloud-host-network



    name: nextcloud-network
    external: true

βš™οΈ Tech Stack

  • poetry β€” development workflow.
  • docker β€” to automate deployment.
  • postgres β€” powerful, open source object-relational database system.
  • asyncpg β€” a fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio.
  • alembic β€” a database migrations tool for SQLAlchemy.
  • redis β€” in-memory data structure store used as a cache and FSM.
  • aiogram β€” asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API.
  • aiogram_i18n β€” middleware for Telegram bot internationalization.
  • fluent-runtime β€” a localization system.
  • pydantic-settings β€” settings management using pydantic.
  • sqlalchemy β€” object-relational mapping (ORM) library that provides a set of high-level API for interacting with relational databases
  • uvloop β€” ultra fast asyncio event loop.
  • nc-py-api β€” Nextcloud Python framework.
  • mypy β€” optional static typing for Python.
  • ruff β€” an extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
  • pre-commit β€” a framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.

⭐ Support

If you find this project useful, you can support it in the following ways:

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