
Nextcloud apps allowing to send once a month a notification per mail to the users with some status information

AGPL-3.0 License


Montly Status email

Send monthly status mails to users. This app doesn't provide a user interface.

Per default it sends a summary of used storage along with some usage hints.

The default messages are in German.

Editing the messages sent

The messages sent to users are defined at lib/Service/MessageProvider.php.

To overwrite the default messages, create a new class inheriting from MessageProvider and overwrite the desired methods.

Then configure your MessageProvider in config.php:

   'status-email-message-provider' => '\OCA\MyCustomApp\MyMessageProvider',

Mail sending limits

In order to avoid mail floods, the app sends mails in hourly batches. Default maximum is 1000 mails per hour. This limit can be changed via status-email-max-mail-sent in the app config:

php occ config:app:set monthly_status_email status-email-max-mail-sent --value=2500

Sending welcome mails

By default, this app sends a welcome mail to new users after they logged in for the first time. This can be disabled with the following switch in config.php:

    'status-email-send-first-login-mail' => false


This project is licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later.