
🍲 A library for all your recipes

AGPL-3.0 License


Nextcloud Cookbook

📱 Clients

The app works generally in any modern browser. Additionally, there are some more specialized clients available, including mobile apps for Android and iOS. You can find an overview here.

📖 Documentation

Further documentation (also internal ones) are published on the documentation pages of the project and in the FAQ at the bottom.

💼 Is it Production Ready?

[!WARNING] Users of this app are practically testers. We're limited on resources and still working out how to make this app function the best it can. There will be regressions and bugs. And we of course appreciate constructive feedback whenever users run into them.

💰 Sponsoring

We thank the sponsors of this project for their support as open-source software.

🧑‍🏫 F.A.Q.

Recipes are only shown in the UI if they are present in the database. It is likely you have recipes that haven't been indexed/added to the database yet. Try clicking the Settings > Rescan library button to compare the database with what is in your recipes folder and apply any differences to the database.

If this still doesn't work, a full, non-incremental resync might help. This can be done by setting your recipes folder to a different (ideally empty) folder to clear the database. Setting the recipes folder back to what it was before should cause all your recipes to sync again, effectively refreshing the database.

A lot of websites are unfortunately not following the standard, which makes their recipes impossible to read by this app.