
Webhooks app for Nextcloud

AGPL-3.0 License


Webhooks Logo Webhooks for Nextcloud

This app allows a Nextcloud instance to notify external systems via HTTP POST requests whenever an event of a given type occurs.


  • Sending webhook notifications to URLs specified on per-event type basis (11 event types supported as of the current version)
  • Authenticating outgoing POST requests with SHA256 signatures
  • Sending webhook notifications as a Flow action
  • Outgoing requests are sent in a fire-and-forget (exec(curl &)) manner in order not to block the thread execution


  • Nextcloud version 25-26
  • Ability to exec(curl) from a PHP script


This app is published in the Nextcloud App Store. Alternatively, it can be installed manually by grabbing the release .tar.gz archive, unpacking it in the apps folder of your Nextcloud instance and activating the app in the Admin UI.

When active, the App status is reported in Settings > Administration > Security > (scroll down to) Webhooks.

Event-based outgoing Webhooks

In order to enable webhooks for a given event type, you have to provide the target URL with the config key corresponding the a given event in your config file. Example (User Logged In Event):

  'webhooks_user_logged_in_url' => 'https://your-service.tld/hooks/user-logged-in',

Flow-based outgoing Webhooks

Aside from listening for specific events, this app also supports sending HTTP POST notifications triggered by a Flow defined by the admin with a specified endpoint URL.

With the example Flow listed above being active, when a new a new PDF file is uploaded, name of which matches report, a POST request is sent to the specified URL with the following payload:

  eventType: 'OCA\\WorkflowEngine\\Entity\\File',
  eventName: '\\OCP\\Files::postCreate',
  node: {
    id: 354,
    storage: {
      mountPoint: '/admin/',
      cache: null,
      scanner: {},
      watcher: null,
      propagator: null,
      updater: {}
    path: '/admin/files/report-1234.pdf',
    internalPath: 'files/report-1234.pdf',
    modifiedTime: 1631793637,
    size: 1642,
    Etag: '6a8a183a68f22455d7a561d8e3d1f6b9',
    mimeType: 'application/pdf',
    permissions: 27,
    isUpdateable: true,
    isDeletable: true,
    isShareable: true
  workflowFile: {
    displayText: 'admin created report-1234.pdf',
    url: 'http://localhost:8080/index.php/f/354'

Example notification payloads for other Flow event types are listed here.

Authenticating requests

If the Nextcloud instance and the service responsible for receiving incoming webhook notifications are to communicate over public internet, it is important to provide a secret key used for signing the notifications in order to protect the receiving service from spoofing attacks. This app allows you to define webhooks_secret in your Nextcloud config.php like so:

  'webhooks_secret' => 'yoursecret1234',

Once the secret is defined, all outgoing webhook notifications will contain a signature in the X-Nextcloud-Webhooks HTTP header. The signature is calculated by performing a SHA256 function on the POST request raw body concatenated with the secret defined earlier.

Below is a minimal example of a Node.js Express app (with body-parser) validating incoming webhook notification signature:

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const crypto = require('crypto');

  verify: function(req, res, buf, encoding) {
        req.rawBody = buf.toString();
}))'/login-failed', (req, res) => {
  var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256');
  hash.update(req.rawBody + "yoursecret1234");
  var expected = hash.digest('hex');
  var obtained = req.get('X-Nextcloud-Webhooks');

  console.log("expected: ", expected);
  console.log("obtained: ", obtained);

  if (expected === obtained) {
    // request signature is VALID
  } else {
    // request signature is INVALID


app.listen(3000, () => { console.log("Server started.") })

Available events

Calendar Object Created

Fires whenever a calendar event is created.

Config name: webhooks_calendar_object_created_url

Notification payload:

  calendarId: 2,
  calendarData: {
    id: '2',
    uri: 'personal',
    principaluri: 'principals/users/admin',
    // [...]
    '{}calendar-order': '0',
    '{}calendar-color': '#795AAB',
    '{}deleted-at': null,
    '{}owner-displayname': 'admin'
  shares: [],
  objectData: {
    id: '1',
    uri: '399C189E-CCA6-4F67-AC67-35A9B53B51EB.ics',
    lastmodified: '1633198361',
    etag: '"58731caeaf6c998ca2dbcf5d83af756a"',
    calendarid: '2',
    size: 901,
    calendardata: 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n' +
      'VERSION:2.0\r\n' +
      'PRODID:-//IDN app 2.2.2//EN\r\n' +
      'BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\r\n' +
      // [...] more data in iCal format
      'END:VEVENT\r\n' +
    component: 'vevent',
    classification: 0
  eventType: 'OCA\\DAV\\Events\\CalendarObjectCreatedEvent'

Calendar Object Updated

Fires whenever a calendar event is edited (including meeting participant accepting/declining invitations).

Config name: webhooks_calendar_object_updated_url

Notification payload:

  calendarId: 2,
  calendarData: {
    id: '2',
    uri: 'personal',
    principaluri: 'principals/users/admin',
    // [...]
    '{}calendar-order': '0',
    '{}calendar-color': '#795AAB',
    '{}deleted-at': null,
    '{}owner-displayname': 'admin'
  shares: [],
  objectData: {
    id: '1',
    uri: '399C189E-CCA6-4F67-AC67-35A9B53B51EB.ics',
    lastmodified: '1633198361',
    etag: '"58731caeaf6c998ca2dbcf5d83af756a"',
    calendarid: '2',
    size: 901,
    calendardata: 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n' +
      'VERSION:2.0\r\n' +
      'PRODID:-//IDN app 2.2.2//EN\r\n' +
      'BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\r\n' +
      // [...] more data in iCal format
      'END:VEVENT\r\n' +
    component: 'vevent',
    classification: 0
  eventType: 'OCA\\DAV\\Events\\CalendarObjectUpdatedEvent'

Calendar Object Moved to Trash

Fires whenever a calendar event is soft-deleted (moved to trash).

Config name: webhooks_calendar_object_moved_to_trash_url

Notification payload:

  calendarId: 30,
  calendarData: {
    id: '2',
    uri: 'personal',
    principaluri: 'principals/users/admin',
    // [...]
    '{}calendar-order': '0',
    '{}calendar-color': '#795AAB',
    '{}deleted-at': null,
    '{}owner-displayname': 'admin'
  shares: [],
  objectData: {
    id: '118',
    uri: 'E855AF90-4A9B-4223-95E1-1FE700C4BDC0.ics',
    lastmodified: '1660572955',
    etag: '"79c725344d04a73b9bad1addee500bcf"',
    calendarid: '30',
    size: 748,
    calendardata: 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n' +
      'VERSION:2.0\r\n' +
      'PRODID:-//IDN app 3.3.1//EN\r\n' +
      'BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n' +
      // [...] more data in iCal format
      'END:VTIMEZONE\r\n' +
    component: 'vevent',
    classification: 0
  eventType: 'OCA\\DAV\\Events\\CalendarObjectMovedToTrashEvent'

Calendar Object Deleted

Fires whenever a calendar event is permanently deleted (i.e. deleted from the trashbin).

Config name: webhooks_calendar_object_deleted

Notification payload:

  calendarId: 30,
  calendarData: {
    id: '30',
    uri: 'test',
    principaluri: 'principals/users/admin',
    // [...]
    '{}calendar-order': 0,
    '{}calendar-color': '#499AA2',
    '{}deleted-at': null,
    '{}owner-displayname': 'admin'
  shares: [],
  objectData: {
    id: '118',
    uri: 'E855AF90-4A9B-4223-95E1-1FE700C4BDC0-deleted.ics',
    lastmodified: '1660572955',
    etag: '"79c725344d04a73b9bad1addee500bcf"',
    calendarid: '30',
    size: 748,
    calendardata: 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n' +
      'VERSION:2.0\r\n' +
      'PRODID:-//IDN app 3.3.1//EN\r\n' +
      'BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n' +
      // [...] more data in iCal format
      'END:VTIMEZONE\r\n' +
    component: 'vevent',
    classification: 0
  eventType: 'OCA\\DAV\\Events\\CalendarObjectDeletedEvent'

Login Failed

Fires whenever a login attempt with an existing username fails.

Config name: webhooks_login_failed_url

Notification payload:

  userId: 'admin',
  eventType: 'OCP\\Authentication\\Events\\LoginFailedEvent'

Password Updated

Fires whenever user's password is changed.

Config name: webhooks_password_updated_url

Notification payload:

  user: {
    id: 'jdoe',
    displayName: 'John Doe',
    lastLogin: 0,
    home: '/home/nextcloud/data/jdoe',
    emailAddress: '[email protected]',
    cloudId: '[email protected]',
    quota: '5 GB'
  eventType: 'OCP\\User\\Events\\PasswordUpdatedEvent'

Share Created

Fires whenever a new share is created.

Config name: webhooks_share_created_url

Notification payload:

  id: '1',
  fullId: 'ocinternal:1',
  nodeId: 7,
  nodeType: 'file',
  shareType: 3,
  sharedWith: null,
  sharedWithDisplayName: null,
  sharedWithAvatar: null,
  permissions: 17,
  status: 0,
  note: '',
  expirationDate: null,
  label: '',
  sharedBy: 'admin',
  shareOwner: 'admin',
  token: '7qSPknbEjeHAzgJ',
  target: '/welcome.txt',
  shareTime: {
    date: '2021-06-20 14:23:18.000000',
    timeinzone_type: 3,
    timezone: 'UTC'
  mailSend: true,
  hideDownload: false,
  eventType: 'OCP\\Share\\Events\\ShareCreatedEvent'

User Changed

Fires whenever a user account is edited. Includes values before and after edit.

Config name: webhooks_user_changed_url

Notification payload:

  user: {
    id: 'jdoe',
    displayName: 'John Doe',
    lastLogin: 0,
    home: '/home/nextcloud/data/jdoe',
    emailAddress: '[email protected]',
    cloudId: '[email protected]',
    quota: '5 GB'
  feature: 'quota',
  value: '5 GB',
  oldValue: 'default',
  eventType: 'OCP\\User\\Events\\UserChangedEvent'

User Created

Fires whenever a new user is created.

Config name: webhooks_user_created_url

Notification payload:

  user: {
    id: 'admin',
    displayName: 'Jane Doe',
    lastLogin: 1624203500,
    home: '/home/nextcloud/data/admin',
    emailAddress: null,
    cloudId: '[email protected]',
    quota: 'none'
  loginName: 'admin',
  isTokenLogin: false,
  eventType: 'OCP\\User\\Events\\UserLoggedInEvent'

User Deleted

Fires whenever a user account is deleted.

Config name: webhooks_user_deleted_url

Notification payload:

  user: {
    id: 'jdoe',
    displayName: 'John Doe',
    lastLogin: 0,
    home: '/home/nextcloud/data/jdoe',
    emailAddress: null,
    cloudId: '[email protected]',
    quota: 'none'
  eventType: 'OCP\\User\\Events\\UserDeletedEvent'

User Live Status Updated

Fires whenever user's live status is updated to online (happens when user navigates between apps and doesn't necessarily indicate that the status changed).

Config name: webhooks_user_status_url

  user: {
    id: 'admin',
    displayName: 'Jane Doe',
    lastLogin: 1631198561,
    home: '/home/nextcloud/data/admin',
    emailAddress: null,
    cloudId: '[email protected]',
    quota: 'none'
  status: 'online',
  timestamp: 1633198561,
  eventType: 'OCP\\User\\Events\\UserLiveStatusEvent'

User Logged In

Fires whenever a user logs in successfully.

Config name: webhooks_user_logged_in_url

Notification payload:

  user: {
    id: 'admin',
    displayName: 'Jane Doe',
    lastLogin: 1624203500,
    home: '/home/nextcloud/data/admin',
    emailAddress: null,
    cloudId: '[email protected]',
    quota: 'none'
  loginName: 'admin',
  isTokenLogin: false,
  eventType: 'OCP\\User\\Events\\UserLoggedInEvent'

User Logged Out

Fires whenever a user logs out successfully.

Config name: webhooks_user_logged_out_url

Notification payload:

  user: {
    id: 'admin',
    displayName: 'Jane Doe',
    lastLogin: '1624203500',
    home: '/home/nextcloud/data/admin',
    emailAddress: null,
    cloudId: '[email protected]',
    quota: 'none'
  eventType: 'OCP\\User\\Events\\UserLoggedOutEvent'

Flow events

File created

  eventType: 'OCA\\WorkflowEngine\\Entity\\File',
  eventName: '\\OCP\\Files::postCreate',
  node: {
    id: 75,
    storage: {
      mountPoint: '/admin/',
      cache: null,
      scanner: {},
      watcher: null,
      propagator: null,
      updater: {}
    path: '/admin/files/test2.pdf',
    internalPath: 'files/test2.pdf',
    modifiedTime: 1633196032,
    size: 1642,
    Etag: '97e0c8f490acb83e9b94f9c9e8eeb280',
    mimeType: 'application/pdf',
    permissions: 27,
    isUpdateable: true,
    isDeletable: true,
    isShareable: true
  workflowFile: {
    displayText: 'admin created test2.pdf',
    url: 'http://localhost:8000/index.php/f/75'

File updated

  eventType: 'OCA\\WorkflowEngine\\Entity\\File',
  eventName: '\\OCP\\Files::postWrite',
  node: {
    id: 128,
    storage: {
      cache: null,
      scanner: {},
      watcher: null,
      propagator: null,
      updater: {}
    path: '/admin/files/test-file.txt',
    internalPath: 'files/test-file.txt',
    modifiedTime: 1647687121,
    size: 9,
    Etag: '914a2364bc8786dcb2a3b74889f692f5',
    mimeType: 'text/plain',
    permissions: 27,
    isUpdateable: true,
    isDeletable: true,
    isShareable: true
  workflowFile: {
    displayText: 'admin modified test-file.txt',
    url: 'http://localhost:8000/index.php/f/128'

File renamed

  eventType: 'OCA\\WorkflowEngine\\Entity\\File',
  eventName: '\\OCP\\Files::postRename',
  node: {
    id: 75,
    storage: {
      mountPoint: '/admin/',
      cache: null,
      scanner: {},
      watcher: null,
      propagator: null,
      updater: {}
    path: '/admin/files/test2.pdf',
    internalPath: 'files/test2.pdf',
    modifiedTime: 1633196032,
    size: 1642,
    Etag: '97e0c8f490acb83e9b94f9c9e8eeb280',
    mimeType: 'application/pdf',
    permissions: 27,
    isUpdateable: true,
    isDeletable: true,
    isShareable: true
  workflowFile: {
    displayText: 'admin renamed test2.pdf',
    url: 'http://localhost:8000/index.php/f/75'

File copied

  eventType: 'OCA\\WorkflowEngine\\Entity\\File',
  eventName: '\\OCP\\Files::postCopy',
  node: {
    id: 80,
    storage: {
      mountPoint: '/admin/',
      cache: null,
      scanner: {},
      watcher: null,
      propagator: null,
      updater: {}
    path: '/admin/files/test2 (copy).pdf',
    internalPath: 'files/test2 (copy).pdf',
    modifiedTime: 1647686658,
    size: 1642,
    Etag: '3ce44278e289299fa8e6a27f05b7f54e',
    mimeType: 'application/pdf',
    permissions: 27,
    isUpdateable: true,
    isDeletable: true,
    isShareable: true
  workflowFile: {
    displayText: 'admin copied test2 (copy).pdf',
    url: 'http://localhost:8000/index.php/f/80'

File deleted

  eventType: 'OCA\\WorkflowEngine\\Entity\\File',
  eventName: '\\OCP\\Files::postDelete',
  node: {
    id: 75,
    storage: {
      mountPoint: '/admin/',
      cache: null,
      scanner: {},
      watcher: null,
      propagator: null,
      updater: {}
    path: '/admin/files/test2.pdf',
    internalPath: 'files/test2.pdf',
    modifiedTime: 1633196032,
    size: 1642,
    Etag: '97e0c8f490acb83e9b94f9c9e8eeb280',
    mimeType: 'application/pdf',
    permissions: 27,
    isUpdateable: true,
    isDeletable: true,
    isShareable: true
  workflowFile: {
    displayText: 'admin deleted test2.pdf',
    url: 'http://localhost:8000/index.php/f/75'

Tag assigned

  eventType: 'OCA\\WorkflowEngine\\Entity\\File',
  eventName: 'OCP\\SystemTag\\ISystemTagObjectMapper::assignTags',
  mapperEvent: {
    eventName: 'OCP\\SystemTag\\ISystemTagObjectMapper::assignTags',
    objectType: 'files',
    objectId: '75',
    tags: [ '1' ]
  workflowFile: {
    displayText: 'admin assigned test-tag to test2.pdf',
    url: 'http://localhost:8000/index.php/f/75'