
An Efficient Query Parameter Management Tool for React / Next.js. It helps you to manage query parameters in a more efficient way.

MIT License



react-url-query-parameter-store is an efficient query parameter management tool for React. It provides a robust solution for managing URL query parameters in React applications, with a focus on type-safety and efficiency.

While it's not a traditional state management store, it offers powerful capabilities for handling query string validation and synchronization across your app.

Currently only works with Next.js's router but support for other prominent routers will be added soon.

Additionally, this library can serve as a lightweight state management solution for React/Next.js applications, leveraging URL query parameters as the source of truth. By using useSyncExternalStore, it ensures efficient updates and synchronization across components in a highly performant way.


  • zod to ensure run-time typesafety.
  • useSyncExternalStore for efficient updates.
  • lodash/isEqual and lodash/pick as utility functions.


pnpm i react-url-query-parameter-store


npm i react-url-query-parameter-store


yarn add react-url-query-parameter-store

It requires you to have the following packages pre-installed at minimum in your project:

  "react": "^18.0.0",
  "zod": "^3.23.8",
  "next": "^14.2.4",
  "lodash": "^4.17.21"

Note: It may work with older versions of the packages above too. I have personally tested it with Next 12.0.0 and it worked.


  • Manage application state using URL query parameters
  • Type-safe with Zod schema validation
  • Seamless integration with Next.js Router. Support for other routers will come soon.
  • Support for single and multiple query parameters
  • Customizable router push options
    • Performs shallow routing by default but this is customizable for the entire store or just on a per-use basis.
  • Server-side rendering support
    • Allows you to specify initial query values when the router itself is not ready.
  • Listens for URL updates outside of the hooks and makes sure its own stateis always up to date.
  • The library internally does shallow comparisons to prevent unnecessary re-renders.


react-url-query-parameter-store caters to a variety of use-cases.

  1. State Persistence: Store application state in the URL for easy sharing and bookmarking.
  2. User Preferences: Manage user settings like language, theme, or view options.
  3. Navigation Control: Handle pagination, sorting, and filtering in list views.
  4. Form Management: Preserve form state across page reloads or for multi-step processes.
  5. Feature Toggles: Implement A/B testing or feature flags using URL parameters.
  6. Analytics and Tracking: Capture user behavior or referral sources in the URL.
  7. Dynamic Content Loading: Control content display based on URL parameters.
  8. Search Functionality: Manage complex search queries and filters.
  9. UI State Management: Keep track of active tabs, expanded sections, or modal states.
  10. Configuration Storage: Store and retrieve user-specific configurations.
  11. Table Filters: Manage and persist complex filtering options for data tables.
  12. URL Shortening: Create compact URLs by encoding multiple parameters.
  13. Cross-Component Communication: Use URL parameters as a shared state between unrelated components.
  14. Wizard Steps: Track progress in multi-step processes or wizards.
  15. Conditional Rendering: Toggle visibility of components based on URL parameters.
import { z } from "zod";
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { type SetRouterQueryParamsOptions, createQueryParamStore } from 'react-url-query-parameter-store'

const searchParamsSchema = z.object({
  search: z.string().optional(),
  sortBy: z.array(z.string()).optional(),

 * - if `shallow` is not passed, it's `true`. Shallow routing by default.
 * - `locale`: no default value
 * - `scroll` is defaulted to `true` by the Router if not passed
const routerOptions: SetRouterQueryParamsOptions = { shallow: false, locale: 'en', scroll: true };

const { useQueryParam, useQueryParams } = createQueryParamStore(searchParamsSchema, routerOptions);

const initialQueryParams = {};

const [search, setSearch] = useQueryParam("search", initialQueryParams);
const [sortBy, setSortBy] = useQueryParam("sortBy", initialQueryParams);

const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useQueryParams(initialQueryParams);

console.log(search, sortBy, searchParams);

// To set:

 * - if `shallow` is not passed, it's `true`.
 * - `locale`: no default value
 * - `scroll` is defaulted to `true` by the Router if not passed
setSearch(VALUE, { ...routerOptions, ...ANYTHING THAT YOU MAY WANT TO OVERRIDE... });

        sortBy: ["name", "desc", Math.random().toString()],

 * You can also directly set query parameters outside of this function's surface area and it'll
 * automatically get reflected everywhere correctly.
        pathname: router.pathname,
        query: {
            search: `test-${Math.random()}`
    { shallow: false }

Next.js Page Router Example

import { z } from "zod";
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { NextPage, GetServerSideProps, InferGetServerSidePropsType } from 'next';
import { type ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring';
import { type SetRouterQueryParamsOptions, createQueryParamStore } from 'react-url-query-parameter-store'

const searchParamsSchema = z.object({
  search: z.string().optional(),
  sortBy: z.array(z.string()).optional(),

 * - if `shallow` is not passed, it's `true`. Shallow routing by default.
 * - `locale`: no default value
 * - `scroll` is defaulted to `true` by the Router if not passed
const routerOptions: SetRouterQueryParamsOptions = { shallow: false, locale: 'en', scroll: true };

const { useQueryParam, useQueryParams } = createQueryParamStore(searchParamsSchema, routerOptions);

const Home: NextPage<InferGetServerSidePropsType<typeof getServerSideProps>> = ({ query }) => {
  const [search, setSearch] = useQueryParam("search", initialQueryParams);
  const [sortBy, setSortBy] = useQueryParam("sortBy", initialQueryParams);

  const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useQueryParams(initialQueryParams);

  console.log(search, sortBy, searchParams);


export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps<{
  query: ParsedUrlQuery
}> = async (ctx) => {
  return {
    props: {
      query: ctx.query,

export default Home

API Reference


Options for customizing router.push/replace behavior:

  • shallow: Perform shallow routing (default: true)
  • locale: Specify locale for internationalized routing
  • scroll: Control scrolling behavior (default: true)
  • replace: Replace the current history state instead of adding a new one (default: false).


Everything in SetRouterQueryParamsOptions along with:

  • pathname: string - Specify the pathname for the URL. Query parameters are added automatically.

This type extends SetRouterQueryParamsOptions to provide more granular control over URL updates. It allows you to change the pathname while updating query parameters, which can be useful for navigating between different pages or routes while maintaining specific query parameter states.

createQueryParamStore(schema, routerOptions?: SetRouterQueryParamsOptions)

Creates hooks for managing query parameters.

  • schema: Zod schema for validating query parameters
  • routerOptions: (Optional) Default options for router.push/router.replace

Returns an object with two hooks:

  • useQueryParam: Hook for managing a single query parameter
  • useQueryParams: Hook for managing multiple query parameters

useQueryParam(key, initialQuery?: ParsedUrlQuery)

Hook for managing a single query parameter.

  • key: The key of the query parameter to manage
  • initialQuery: (Optional) Initial query values, useful for server-side rendering


  • Current value of the parameter
  • Setter function for updating the parameter (accepts SetQueryParamOptions)

useQueryParams(initialQuery?: ParsedUrlQuery)

Hook for managing multiple query parameters.

  • initialQuery: (Optional) Initial query values, useful for server-side rendering


  • Object containing all current query parameters
  • Setter function for updating multiple parameters (accepts SetQueryParamOptions)

Important Note on Initialization

When using useQueryParam or useQueryParams hooks, the initialQueryParams are only used for the first initialization of the store. Subsequent calls to these hooks with different initialQueryParams will not affect the store's state. This ensures consistency across your application but may lead to unexpected behavior if not properly understood.


// This will initialize the store with { search: 'initial' }
const [search1, setSearch1] = useQueryParam("search", { search: 'initial' });

// This will use the same store, initialized above. The { search: 'different' } will be ignored.
const [search2, setSearch2] = useQueryParam("search", { search: 'different' });

console.log(search1 === search2); // true

If you need to reset or change the initial state of the store, you'll need to create a new store instance using createQueryParamStore.