
A monorepo starter with all bells and whistles to hit the ground running


Apex Monorepo

  • Automatic: Release, Changelog, Publishing, Dependency Updates
  • Zero Installation PRs with Stackblitz CodeFlow
  • Internal and External Packages
  • ESM and CJS support for published packages
  • Setup ready for:
    • Next.js
    • Remix
    • Astro (coming soon ๐Ÿšง)

Workspaces ๐Ÿš—

Name Type Description
Remix App with module transpilation.
Nextjs App with module transpilation in dev.
UI External Pkg Component library published on NPM
eslint-config-custom Internal Pkg shared ESLint configuration
tsconfig Internal Pkg shared TypeScript configuration

Tooling ๐Ÿคน

  • TypeScript for static type checking
  • ESLint for code linting
  • Prettier for code formatting
  • changesets for managing releases according to SemVer
  • pnpm for managing Node.js packages
  • tsup for easily bundling TypeScript packages

Bots ๐Ÿค–

Name Links Reason
Renovate Marketplace / Docs Pin and auto-update dependencies
Kodiak Marketplace / Docs Automerge selected Pull Requests (including minor and patch dependency updates)
Changesets Marketplace / Docs Handle SemVer, changelog generation, and publishing for External Packages

Usage ๐Ÿคน

Remember to set up access for the Bots mentioned above by visiting their Github Marketplace pages and enabling them.

โš ๏ธ for Kodiak it is also important to enforce Branch Protection rules for main in your repository settings

Once that is done, install dependencies from root.

pnpm install

And to build every package and app in the monorepo:

pnpm build

To develop all apps and packages:

pnpm dev

Whenever neccessary to run only a certain set of workspaces, use the --filter flag:

pnpm dev --filter workspace-name

Expanding ๐Ÿ“ฆ

When creating a new internal package, it's important to set overrides for pnpm on the stackblitz/codeflow.json.

  "pnpm": {
    "overrides": {
      "ui": "./packages/ui",
      "tsconfig": "./packages/tsconfig",
      "eslint-config-custom": "./packages/eslint-config-custom",

      "<new-pacakge-name>": "./new/package/path/from/root"

Remote Caching โ˜๏ธ

Besides local caching, Turbo can also cache build artifacts in the cloud and share across members of a team and environments. The quickest setup for Turbo's Remote Caching is with Vercel.

Deploying Apps ๐Ÿš€

Remote Caching will skip processes when there are no changes. In order to make the best use of that, it is recommended to use Turbo as the task runner for every task in all environments.

So, when deploying your apps it is important to override the inferred build tasks from the platform and run them from root. For example, usually your build script declared in package.json will run either remix build or next build. For the apps within an Apex Monorepo it's best to change directory back to root of the monorepo and run the task from there with the filter.

For example, if your app is localted at /apps/app-workspace-name the build command in the server platform will be:

cd ../../ && pnpm build --filter app-workspace-name

Useful Links ๐Ÿ“š

Extracted from project README
Open in Codeflow