
open source CPP docs

MIT License


Project Objective

The main objective of this project is to provide a platform for the students and developers to learn and understand the concepts of CPP in a better way. This project will provide a detailed documentation of the CPP concepts and will also provide the code snippets for the same. The project will be open source so it allows the user to update or create the documentations.

Project Structure

The project structure is designed in a way that it is easy to understand and navigate. The project is divided into two main parts: src/docs and src/ folder. The src/docs folder contains all the mdx files which are the documentation files.

Contribution Guidelines

  • For documentation create a mdx file in the src/docs folder.
  • Name the file in the index_category_name.mdx formate. For example: 1_DS_arrays.mdx, 2_DS_linkedlist.mdx... etc.
  • Add frontmatter of the mdx similar to the given example below:
title: 'Array' //title of the documentation
description: 'Arrays in Data structures using CPP' //description of the documentation
readTime: 10 //time to read the documentation
category: 'DS' //category of the documentation
tags: [array, data-structures] //tags related to the documentation. Add tags in the form of array [] and separeted by comma.
authors: [pranshu05] //github usernames of authors of the documentation. Add authors in the form of array [] and separeted by comma.
  • Please not that while adding a new category, write the category name in ALLCAPS case. for example: DS, DSA, OOP...etc

How to contribute

  • Fork the repository
  • Clone the repository to your local machine
  • Create a new branch for your changes
  • Make your changes
  • Push your changes to your fork
  • Submit a pull request


Thanks to all contributors who have helped in making this project better.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.