
An i18n (internationalization) implementation for NextJS using Lingui.


NextJS i18n with Lingui

An i18n (internationalization) implementation for NextJS using Lingui.

Locale Detection

The logic for detecting which locale to use is in src/app/middleware.ts.

The locale is chosen based on this order:

  1. Locale from pathname
  2. Locale from a request cookie
  3. Locale from HTTP headers

Navigation with Link, useRouter and redirect

NextJS's <Link />, client-side useRouter() hook and server-side redirect() function were extended to include the current locale.

For example, you can write the href as <Link href="/about-us" /> and the final href will be /en/about-us

These components can be imported with the following statements:

import { Link } from "@/i18n/link";
import { useRouter } from "@/i18n/client";
import { redirect } from "@/i18n/redirect";

Translating Messages

Lingui has tutorials on how to use it's APIs for translating React apps:

  1. React (Client Components) Tutorial -
  2. React Server Components Tutorial -

You can use the following npm scripts to extract and compile messages:

npm run lingui:extract
npm run lingui:compile