A modern fullstack application for BUPD



This monorepo contains the following packages:-


  1. Make sure you have at least node 14 install
  2. Run node -v and check the version
  3. If its less than 14 go here to download the required version
  4. You can also use nvm to maintain multiple node versions in your system
  5. Check if npm is installed using npm -v (It should be installed along side node.js)


  1. Run npm install to install shared dependencies
  2. Run npm run bootstrap to install package dependencies and symlink binaries
  3. Run npm run build to build all packages except the client using typescript
  4. Run npm run lint to lint all packages using eslint
  5. Run npm run test to run tests for all packages using jest
  6. Run npm run build:watch to starting building in watch mode
  7. Add environment variable files environment variables
  8. Go to server package using cd packages/server and start the server using npm run start
  9. After starting the server go to seeder package using cd packages/seeder and run the following commands
    1. npm run create-db <db-name> to create a database with all the tables
    2. npm run seeder to generate and populate database with random data
    3. Check out the polices.json file generated in packages/seeder/dist/polices.json to view the info about the generated police.
  10. Go to client package using cd packages/client and start the client using npm run dev

Environment Variables

Before proceeding further please make sure you create the .env files

  1. Create a .env folder in root directory
  2. Create two files seeder.env and .env there
  3. Inside seeder.env store these variables
    1. ADMIN_PASSWORD: Password of admin user
    2. ADMIN_EMAIL: Email of admin user
  4. Inside .env store these variables
    1. DATABASE_PASSWORD: Mysql database password
    2. DATABASE_USER: Mysql Database user
    3. DATABASE_HOST: Mysql database host
    4. DATABASE_NAME: Mysql database name
    5. SERVER_PORT: Express server port
    6. PASSWORD_SALT: Password salt used when hashing
    7. JWT_SECRET: Jwt secret

A sample .env directory


We tried to maintain a specific git workflow in this project.

  1. Only repository owner has push access to prod and staging branches
  2. Every member must create a branch from staging to work on their tasks
  3. Once they've completed their task they push to the same remote branch.
  4. From there they need to create a PR to the staging branch and add other members to review it
  5. Two github workflows will run when a PR is sent to staging branch
    1. First workflow lints, builds and tests the code
    2. Second workflow creates a preview deployment to vercel
  6. If the reviewer leaves any comments to be further resolved, the member must resolve those.
  7. Once everything's been resolved, the reviewer will merge the PR to staging branch.
  8. After an accumulation of commits to staging branch, the owner will create a PR from staging to prod branch
  9. This will trigger one github workflow
    1. Automated server deployment to our digitalocean droplet
    2. Automated client deployment to our vercel project.


  • server: Our server is deployed on a digitalocean droplet
  • client: Our client is deployed on a vercel hobby plan project

NOTE: We are hosting our database on the same droplet as the server

Shared dependencies

We are using a few shared dependencies across the monorepo to avoid installing same npm packages multiple times

  1. tsc: typescript compiler
  2. jest: Javascript test runner
  3. eslint: Javascript/Typescript linter
  4. del-cli: Package to delete directories
  5. nodemon: Package to automatically restart node process
  6. lerna: Javascript framework to maintain multi-package repositories (monorepo)


  1. Safwan Shaheer devorein Backend, Frontend, Devops, Testing, Documentation, ER & Schema Design
  2. Zayed Humayun abystoma Backend, Testing, Documentation, ER & Schema Design
  3. Rafid Hamid xImouto Backend, Testing, Documentation, ER & Schema Design
  4. Rakinul Haque rakinulhaque Backend, ER & Schema Design, Documentation
  5. Abrar Awsaf ShababKabab Backend, ER & Schema Design, Documentation