
Built a healthcare platform that streamlines patient registration, appointment scheduling, and medical records management. It features advanced forms and automated SMS notifications to enhance efficiency and patient communication.



Welcome to our Healthcare Patient Management Application, built with Next.js. This application empowers patients to effortlessly register, book, and manage their appointments with doctors. It also features robust administrative tools for scheduling, confirming, and canceling appointments, along with SMS notifications to keep everyone informed and up-to-date.

Tech Stack

  • Next.js
  • Appwrite
  • Typescript
  • TailwindCSS
  • ShadCN
  • Twilio


  • Patient Registration: Users can easily create a personal profile by signing up as a patient.

  • Appointment Scheduling: Patients have the flexibility to book and manage multiple appointments with doctors at their convenience.

  • Admin Appointment Management: Administrators can efficiently oversee and manage all scheduled appointments.

  • Appointment Confirmation and Scheduling: Admins have the capability to confirm and set appointment times to ensure accurate scheduling.

  • Appointment Cancellation: Administrators can cancel any appointment as necessary.

  • SMS Notifications: Patients receive SMS notifications to confirm their appointment details.

  • Responsive Design: The application is fully responsive, providing a seamless experience on all device types and screen sizes.

  • Secure File Uploads: Users can upload and store files securely using Appwrite storage services.

  • Performance Monitoring: The application integrates with Sentry to track performance and identify any errors.

  • Code Architecture and Reusability: Designed with a focus on robust code architecture and reusability for scalable development.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.