
An ecommerce site for arts and craft products. Products can be added dynamically through CMS (Contentful). Auth0 is used as third party authentication app. Stripe is used to handle payments.


Enticy Stuff - Full-Stack Project

Enticy Stuff is a comprehensive full-stack project that includes both client and server components. This README provides an overview of the project, its software dependencies, the technologies used, and instructions on how to run the project.


Explore a live demo of Enticy Stuff: Demo Link

System workflow

User workflow

Software Dependencies / Prerequisites

Before setting up the Enticy Stuff project, make sure you have the following software dependencies installed on your development environment:

  1. Node (Version 18.x): You need Node.js to run both the client and server components of the project.

Technology Stack

Enticy Stuff utilizes a diverse technology stack to provide a rich and robust development environment. The key technologies used in this project include:

  1. Next.js with TypeScript (Client Side): A powerful React framework for building the client-side of the application.

  2. Node.js with TypeScript (Server): A server-side runtime environment that enables the creation of efficient and scalable server components.

  3. Terraform for AWS Deployment: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is managed using Terraform to deploy AWS resources like Lambda, SNS, and SQS.

  4. AWS CloudWatch: Monitoring and logging are facilitated using AWS CloudWatch, providing insights into the system's behavior.

  5. PostgreSQL Database: A robust open-source relational database used for data storage and retrieval.

  6. Contentful: A content management system (CMS) for managing and delivering content across various platforms.

  7. Stripe Webhook: Payment processing is integrated with Stripe Webhook, ensuring secure and efficient payment handling.

  8. Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for enhancing the project's user interface and design.

  9. Cloudwatch Event Target: Manages CloudWatch Events to trigger specific actions.

  10. Amazon SES: Integration with Amazon Simple Email Service for email functionality.

  11. Vercel: Deployment platform for hosting and scaling applications.

Third-Party Packages

To streamline development, Enticy Stuff makes use of several third-party packages and libraries. These include:

  1. Axios: Used for making API calls from the client to various endpoints.

  2. Stripe: Integration with Stripe for payment processing and transaction management.

  3. @mui (Material-UI): Provides a set of pre-built Material Design components to enhance the frontend interface.

  4. @auth0/nextjs-auth0: Auth0 integration in the frontend to manage authentication and authorization.

  5. AWS Lambda: Utilized for serverless computing in AWS to handle specific functions and tasks.

  6. Jest: A JavaScript testing framework for ensuring the quality and reliability of the codebase.

  7. TypeORM: Used for database operations, making it easier to work with databases in a type-safe manner.

Running the Project

To run the Enticy Stuff project, follow the instructions provided in the respective README files for the client and server components:

  • Client README: Contains information on setting up and running the client-side of the project.

  • Server README: Provides guidance on setting up and running the server-side components.

By following the instructions in these README files, you'll be able to set up and run the complete Enticy Stuff project, allowing you to explore its features and functionality.

Thank you for choosing Enticy Stuff for your development needs. If you encounter any issues or have questions, please refer to the individual README files or seek support from the project maintainers.